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The End of College Football?


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A full scholarship is worth several thousand bucks in tuition, etc. Not like they're not getting paid in some form.

Flip side, colleges/universities, are making a mint off athletics.

I can hear the lid coming off a can of worms.

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I say let em get paid, it will vet itself out in the end.  I mean what are we trying to preserve, the student athlete? That's been gone for decades now.  The schools and NCAA are making billions off the backs of kids risking their potential future on the field.  No reason that cant fight for a piece of the pie.  And no I don't believe they are owed anything per se but they have the right to try to get what they can. 



I'm generally not a fan of unions, but here there seems to be a serious disparity between who's bringing in the money(players) and who's cashing the checks(NCAA and Univ).  I believe the players should get a scaled stipend according to minutes played or something like that.  Then put a cap on the amount any one athlete can get in a year.  Also restrict it to amount of revenue the players sport generates.  Its not that complicated. 



All that said I believe we are a long way away from truly paying college athletes anything significant

Edited by Lumber_Jack
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They should not get scholarships.  Kids risk their futures playing division three ball for nothing but fun.



Div III schools are barely making enough money off ticket sales to keep the lights on full time in the weight room.  I think its apples and oranges

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Div III schools are barely making enough money off ticket sales to keep the lights on full time in the weight room.  I think its apples and oranges


You made my point.  The colleges are supposed to be a breading ground for education not sports players.  College sports should not be profit centers, but instead an outlet and a chance for the kids to have fun.

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[quote name="sigmtnman" post="1130309" timestamp="1395869770"]You made my point. The colleges are supposed to be a breading ground for education not sports players. College sports should not be profit centers, but instead an outlet and a chance for the kids to have fun.[/quote] That ship has sailed long ago. Can't put pandora back in the box
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[quote name="sigmtnman" post="1130326" timestamp="1395872097"]Sure you can. No one cares enough to though. Perhaps this well be the impetus.[/quote] I don think it's about "no one" caring, it's about the people in power are making too much money to care. Kind of like government.
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I don think it's about "no one" caring, it's about the people in power are making too much money to care. Kind of like government.


There you go.  I was just going to say; every time I say the .gov is too far gone, everyone insists we can fix it by voting...

Edited by sigmtnman
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NLRB rulings don't apply to public universities, those schools are outside their jurisdiction.  This ruling only applies to private institutions, and will be appealed.  If it holds up, it may ultimately force the NCAA to create a separate division for privates, as these actions would violate many current NCAA regulations.

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I don't like unions, but I like the state sanctioned monopoly that is the NCAA and its license to exploit college athletes even less. I applaud this decision and hope that it is the beginning of the end of college athletics as we know it. College athletes should be able to bargain for a larger share of the billions of dollars they earn for the colleges on an annual basis. We all know that many athletes are fairly compensated by boosters in violation of the NCAA rules, lets just go ahead and bring that all above the board and out into the open as well while we are at it. Anyone who thinks that college athletics are somehow purer because the athletes aren't getting paid like the pros is just fooling him/herself. Pay the athletes and end the stranglehold of the NCAA.

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As was said earlier, they are getting paid in the form of a scholarship. Take the time to calculate the value of that at some of these schools.

Okay, since they are risking their health for a chance to play pro ball, let's back it up and pay the high school players since they are risking their health to play college ball. Oh wait...no we have to back that up all the way to pee wee ball....

Edited by Trekbike
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This is about "sports" right? Are we talking about the one where the round ball goes in the hoop? Or the one where the egg-shaped ball goes across the lines? Or is this the one where they wack the little white ball with a wooden stick? Fight over a plastic-puck while skating on ice-rink? Kicking the spotted ball into a net? Etc, etc.

If you haven't figured it out by now, I was eluding to the fact that if the college football teams unionize inorder to get paid for playing, just how long will it be before all of the other various college sports teams will also want to unionize in order to get paid for playing?

Unions (much like wimminz) are da debil.
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This is silly. Why unionize when you in reality don’t have the right to strike? Players in a College union strike and they are dead to the NFL. I don’t see this going anywhere.

No need for doom and gloom. I predict College sports will be okay. biggrin.gif

Edited by DaveTN
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I think the point comes down to their scholarships they are "paid" do t have anything to do with academics and everything to do with performance on the field. Sure coaches and ADs say the canned things about molding men and all that but in the end if they fail to perform on the field the scholarship is gone. Plus we aren't even talking endorsements yet. Adidas pays UT millions to wear their brand and the players get two pairs of sweats and a pair of tennis shoes out of the deal. Sure they get game jerseys too but that's a wash really on who benefits from those more, player or university. I just don't like the argument that they get scholarships, mainly because like any college kids they all want some cash to do things. And the NCAA makes it extremely difficult for and athlete to get some spare cash without being in violation of their rules. I liked to go out to eat with my friends or go to the bar for a couple beers, but they don't take scholarship money their. They can't have legitimate jobs so unless mom or dad is paying they have to rely on "palm greasing" from booster which only happens to the higher tier players.
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Guest semiautots

Football should be like baseball.  Draft 'em out of high school.

The NCAA is a monopoly and should be busted.  Unions in college will further the leftist agenda.  This can be handled without the threat of extortion.

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I think lots of folks have made some pretty neat and insightful comments -- ive thoroughly enjoyed readin them all -- thanks a bunch for takin time to opine on this great subject....


To think that the division 1 universities are not a farm camp for the NFC and AFC is to think a fantasy... There aint no such thing as an "amateur student athlete"; and there hasn't been for a long time; probably since the 50's....


That bein said and understood; there is no use for the apparatchiks and functionaries of the NCAA; they are just another bunch of "on the dole" dregs of the college and athletic scene...  I say do away with the NCAA and pay em all and admit what you are doin... Some of them need cars and grocery money to keep the family up while they are playin football (...or whatever they play...), and im ok with that...


As delightful as college and professional football is; its only important to a precious few individuals... The truth is that it's just a delightful diversion for us who watch occasionally; and a cash cow for a small group of talented folks.... It's the ultimate dream of little boys to make a fabulous livin from playin a little boy's game... It's another proof of how great this country is... A place where big men can play a little boy's game and become fabulously wealthy and famous; and where a bunch of "pimples on the posterior of progress" can make six figure salaries "ensuring" that "amateur student athletes" don't go on the payroll while in college... 


No wonder everyone in the world wants to come to Amerika; what a place.....!!!


leroy the anti NCAA zealot

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I really lost interest in college sports when seeing the $300 million Lawson sports facility built to replace Stokley.


Couple that with sending professional atheletes to the Olympics; I am at the point where I could care less about sports on any level past high school.

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