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TWD Season 5

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How do you like it when Daryl shoots multiple walkers through the head with the same arrow and then, when he needs both hands free, he carries the arrow clenched between his teeth?


He wipes it off on his pants leg so it's clean. 


I'm pretty sure they have covered in some way that splatter and blood and guts on you or in you doesn't turn you.

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He wipes it off on his pants leg so it's clean. 


I'm pretty sure they have covered in some way that splatter and blood and guts on you or in you doesn't turn you.


Not least when they have covered themselves in splatter and blood and guts deliberately for camouflage.

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Watchiing last week's episode prior to the new episode, something dawned on me.  When Abraham and Co. topped the hills and saw the hordes of walkers, I figured it was a FEMA camp, but after seeing it again, it was a massive hog farm and the large amount of hogs lured the walkers to the site.


Darryl and Carol go into the city to find Beth, more flashbacks in the episode; Carol has to deal with being a beaten wife syndrome once again visting the domestic abuse shelter, which was amazingly mostly free of walkers.  


Walkway between the buildings, good place for temporay refuge during the early days of the outbreak.  Controlled access from 2 points and off the ground.  However, with walkers in the sleeping bags, it's apprarent, the group was murdered, I didn't see any weapons lying around.  (That segment is the main reason I will re-watch the episode this week).  Later, Darryl, like he did at the funeral home, someone (or somethings) gets the best of him and he is not following situational awareness.  Noah who is following them without a weapon, doesn't realize who he is dealing with.


Was caught by suprise that both survivors would upend themselves in a van to get away from walkers, but being without any weapons, there were not many options.


They both end up at same location of Noah once again.  I've concluded that Noah has not plan at all and the surviviors will not be able to depend on Noah.


After being saved by Carol, Noah gets scared knowing the police officers from the hospital will be on them soon.  It's not like Darryl to run from a fight.

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This is what happens when you split people up. We have spent 3 episodes on one day. I am predicting that the next two episodes are going to be about carols recovery and busting them out. The busting them out will be the mid-season finale.

Basically 5 episodes on 2-3 days.
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This is what happens when you split people up. We have spent 3 episodes on one day. I am predicting that the next two episodes are going to be about carols recovery and busting them out. The busting them out will be the mid-season finale.

Basically 5 episodes on 2-3 days.
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 Sounds likely...maybe that is even a best case scenario for this season end.


Have multiple cliff-hangers.

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I can suspend belief about zombies, gunsights and other stuff.


But how did the van rock off the overpass and land on its tires?

Yeah, I expected to to come to rest upside down after possibly hitting nose first. I may have missed it but I didn't see the air bag out before it went down but it sure 

was after it landed. Would it have deployed without engine running and no power?

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No. Though it may have been out from the original crash as you suggest (I thought the same thing though so it may have been a continuity thing).


Somewhat of a lame episode but that often happens before a high action one. Here's hoping for next week.

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I thought it plenty "good enough". They can't all be as stellar as the generally deemed "best" ones.


Name any  movie you like, I'm sure you wouldn't equate all scenes in it as "good" as your fav scenes.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Loved the zeds in tents. Hilarious.

Folks really know how to leverage the walker predictabile behavior to their advantange now


True. Surprised we haven't run across someone hooking them up to a treadmill to generate electricity or maybe pull a cart.

Edited by tnguy
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Three whiffs in a row. The season started out so well and then one stinker after another.

Some one posted a download of the comic earlier on the thread, but you can also read all the comics on YouTube. You just type in walking dead issue... and go to town reading. All 133 comics are there.
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I quit reading the DL comics when Rick lost his mind after the prison. We should have been ready for a slow episode with the mid season coming up. Who is going to die next episode. We haven't lost a big player in a while, so it is coming.

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