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Found the other gun owner in my complex...and he is dangerous

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Long thread title, I know - this is something that happened to me last month or so ago, and it pissed me off more than it scared me.

I live on the outskirts of Columbus in one of the "suburbs" and while Ohio is a pretty pro-gun, especially with our laws, most people in Cincin, Cleveland and Columbus from my first hand experience do not like guns. 

I tried OCing once, and got the cops called on me - they were cool after they stopped pointing their guns at me, and said "while it is legal we strongly discourage it"...I was working on my damn truck. So I just shove it in my waistband now (that's hyperbole)

So I figured everyone was a silly liberal or gun-sensitive until one night Im checking my mailbox and I see a green laser dot on the boxes next to me...and lo and behold some [vulgarity intensifies] hanging out his car window and flagging me with his pistol/rifle...damnit.

I pull my gun, he (or she/they) speed off and while I should be filled with adrenaline and panicking I was just pissed. Found out the dude lives here, is a ROTC cadet (shocker) but is one of those Oathkeeper/III% dudes.

I guess the moral is just because someone is a gun owner/2A supporter doesnt mean theyre cool/good people - all these stupid talking heads like Vickers and Yeager (I have my own reason for disliking Vicky) and sketchy crime dramas and movies showing dudes shooting stuff up and going bananas does not help at all.

I guess safety and not being a retard is lost on people. I found the kid and managed to explain to him without raising my blood pressure that "pointing guns at your neighbor is bad, mkay" his excuse was "he was drunk"...so another PSA: dont drink and drive/ride and brandish your POS weapon with a laser at dudes.

Guess this was more of a rant than a PSA. I feel like I reacted underwhelmingly but having a wife/kid and getting into bad stuff with bad people who are more dangerous has tempered me.

What would anyone have done? Im not going to shoot at a car that might have kids in it or call the cops on someone who drives away; talking is the best/most legal course of action I coild have taken and he seemed more like a sniveling fatboy than a felon.

Edited by NotYetGecko45
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Sounds like a swell guy and the result of some fantastic parenting. Kinda like the idiots that point weapon-mounted lasers all around the gun store. 

If he's an ROTC cadet, find out where and have a talk with his commanding officer. 

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11 hours ago, NotYetGecko45 said:

What would anyone have done?

Honestly, I don't know, but if it was clearly a firearm and not a laser pen? I'd have probably fired and would almost certainly be legally justified in doing so. If that doesn't rise to the level of a reasonable fear of life, I don't know what does. I hope I never have to find out.

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You should have called the cops because that likely would have stopped these types of acts. What exactly would you have done if he would have said FU and drove off before you had a chance to say a word? He has ZERO obligation to acknowledge what you are saying or that you even exist. He doesn't have to do a single thing for you. There are a lot of people sitting in prison right now because they started out wanting to give someone their piece of mind. Had you tracked this guy down and an altercation occurred where someone died YOU would be arrested and probably be convicted of a crime. You had the opportunity to "escape" but YOU, not him, chose to escalate the situation by pursuing him. And regardless of what happened previously when you made a conscience decision to chase this guy down you, and ONLY you, can be to blame for anything that happened after the initial incident. You became the aggressor when you escalated the situation rather than try to escape.

I'm just saying that if you are going to be that upset then call the cops and let them deal with it rather than risk your own life or freedom. 

To be honest, tracking down a guy who just pointed a gun at you isn't exactly the smartest response. You have a guy who you, at a bare minimum, believe has a firearm and your response is to track him down and detain him so you can give him a piece of your mind.

I would like to hear how you got him to stop so you could give him a piece of your mind? I know if I had someone, who looked agitated, trying to make me stop my car I wouldn't. I would keep driving like normal and maybe wave at the person. And if I was on my property and the same agitated person came on my property they would have a gun shoved in their face in nanoseconds. And if they still continued to come towards me that only proves their intent to do me harm and I would stop the threat.


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I didnt stop him after he drove off, that is a dumb idea. The car is pretty easily distinguishable and saw a dude getting into it a few days later - it didnt occur to me that it was actually someone who lived there, figured it was some retard with the guy. He even admitted to being drunk and it being a real gun (my complex is pretty well lit - I was 96% sure it was a gun initially)

Like I mentioned he is some sniveling wannabe soldier, I wasnt even being violent or crazy when I spoke to him - just wanted to know who pointed a damn gun at me and he admitted it was him and panicked about his career and it was wrong and the typical excuses.

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1 hour ago, DaveTN said:

I would have called the cops. I would NOT have drawn my weapon while being painted with a laser.


Our mailboxes are just rows out in the open, no cover or concealment except a rain sheter and very well lit at night - Id be dead if he wanted me to be. 

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1 hour ago, CZ9MM said:

At this point you should be DUCT TAPING hard plates to your chest under your shirt. I'm sure that would have stopped most anything .308 or smaller.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ill just make sure to ram him with my golf cart and swat his Subie with a baton as well

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I would have called the cops. I would NOT have drawn my weapon while being painted with a laser.

If I understood the OP correctly, that laser was attached to a weapon that he saw. So the ex-cop within you wouldn't have perceived that as a potentially deadly threat?
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46 minutes ago, NotYetGecko45 said:

Ill just make sure to ram him with my golf cart and swat his Subie with a baton as well

Don't be a pussy. Chase him down and kill him Tarzan style with your Spyderco :)

Edited by mikegideon
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I'm with 911 crowd.

I'm not going to confront and potentially escalate  (unless I have my baton and he's driving a subie - classic) because that not my thing and not everybody needs to be shot.


Can't eliminate The Big What If; i subscribe to pests eat fast...if it becomes a threat - act accordingly 

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1 hour ago, Trekbike said:


If I understood the OP correctly, that laser was attached to a weapon that he saw. So the ex-cop within you wouldn't have perceived that as a potentially deadly threat?


Absolutely, and the ex-cop in me would have been seeking cover; not standing there getting shot. biggrin.gif

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Hopefully you have him a life lesson! I can't say how I would've handled it but I would have felt threatened, without a doubt!

Now if he's fixed, the other problem you have is all of the liberals your surrounded by. 

I would move!

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On 8/31/2016 at 2:31 PM, CZ9MM said:

At this point you should be DUCT TAPING hard plates to your chest under your shirt. I'm sure that would have stopped most anything .308 or smaller.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I make too much money to leave here (that sounded too douchey) my job is amazing I couldnt force myself to leave. Only lesson I learned is that my mailbox needs hesco barriers 

Edited by NotYetGecko45
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5 hours ago, TGO David said:

What I am trying to figure out is why a guy from Ohio is posting this kind of stuff on a gun forum in Tennessee.

Seems kind of far from home for you.


If I remember correctly, he was stationed in TN during some of his military career.

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On Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 2:44 PM, NotYetGecko45 said:

Ill just make sure to ram him with my golf cart and swat his Subie with a baton as well

Wow y'all are top notch with golf carts there we are all on foot except the supervisors they ride Segway's for rapid deployment at my job

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22 hours ago, KahrMan said:

If I remember correctly, he was stationed in TN during some of his military career.

I wondered if that might be the case.

To be clear about my question, I have no issues with out of state members.  We have a lot of them!  But I do start to wonder when most of the posts seem to be borderline trolling for reactions.


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