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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2015 in Posts

  1. I always like watching these cctv videos of hold ups because they provide a great deal of insight on what happens, what people do that fails, and what people do that succeed.  Can never know enough about them.  This one Is sort of different, you can tell the guy is experienced, when the gun comes out, he doesn't instantly go into attack mode, he calmly hands his wallet over to thug #2, draws and puts thug #1 down since he is the one with the gun.  Checks the situation, again, then goes directly to the guy with the gun.   Well played.   https://www.facebook.com/DailyPolicePhoto/videos/605740622906518/
    6 points
  2. Just audited by ATF. No copies of 4473's were had.
    4 points
  3. On the wife's suggestion, we acquired a .22 rifle today - The Ruger American Bolt-action rifle. We looked at the Ruger 10/22, but chose the bolt over the semi-auto... part of the reason for the purchase was so our kids have something to take w/ us to the plinking range when we bring our pistols to practice, and my oldest is a bit impulsive. Many times I've watched him blow through 10-rounds on the .22 pistol's, caring nary a whit for where they were landing. I'm hoping to teach a little trigger-control w/ the bolt. I also want to see how the Ruger American platform behaves. I've been contemplating a .308 version of that rifle.   And it has a threaded barrel - means I can get a suppressor for it, too.. tax-stamp here I come!  :rock:   Have I mentioned lately how glad I am I married her?   Next item is a decent, affordable piece of glass!   - K
    3 points
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3npF3e2oZQ
    3 points
  5. Thoughts? With 100,000,000 new purchases in the past decade, my thoughts would be that they have their work cut out for them if they're going to go through all that paperwork.
    3 points
  6. These toys are side by side. Sandpeople always stand single file to hide their numbers.  
    3 points
  7. My father gave this to me yesterday. Being the ever active tinkerer he is, he decided to put new handles on this one he found with broken handles. It isn't original by any means, but I thought it turned out quite well.
    2 points
  8. My wife and I stopped by Bob's Package Store today and met Mike357. Super guy...glad we finally got to meet. He sold us some Vodka and Bourbon. The Bourbon that we purchased was Rip Van Winkle...can't wait to try it out over the holidays. Thanks Mike!!! B
    2 points
  9. Skip the glass for now, wait till the kids get good with iron sights.
    2 points
  10. Ours was installed on our roof, and we had the roof redone. The roof installers just put the dish back up, and not in the same place it was, so the signal was all jacked up. I was able to find a site from Google to tell me what the angles were supposed to be. There are three different adjustments: 1. directional angle from North, 2. Angle from the horizon, 3. Twist of the dish.  I figured the twist was correct since it was mounted to the frame, so I just needed to get the other two correct. I got out my GPS to find the angle from North, and a protractor and level to find the angle from the horizon. Worked perfectly.
    2 points
  11. [url=http://s779.photobucket.com/user/richarddacat/media/MISC/9mm%20BROWNING%20HYDRASHOCK%209MM%20001_zpswu3f6hkn.jpg.html][/URL] Purchased new for $453.11 in Dec.1981. Never been fired.
    2 points
  12. I don't want the glock guys to have all the fun, lol! Here are my EAA Witness 10MMs. Top is an Elite Match, bottom in a standard Witness. The Elite Match is a total sleeper... around $750 for a super sweet 3.5-4lb trigger and awesome fit and finish right out of the box. Just upgrade to a 20+lb recoil spring, they're stupid undersprung. The best groups I've ever shot have been with that gun. The standard Witness is just average.
    2 points
  13.   Go back and add them to your cart.  There really is no substitute if you're looking for classy, robust, long-term storage.
    2 points
  14. I've seen ammo in proper ammo cans stand up to floods, tornadoes, falling out of trucks, and decade after decade of storage. I can't imagine why I would use anything else for storing ammo.
    2 points
  15.   Some of us like the feel of Glocks.  I am one of them.  There seem to be 2 kind of people those with big hands who like Glocks and those with small hands who like Sig Sauer.   Thanks Robert
    1 point
  16. That's it PRECISELY! I couldn't really explain why I didn't like it, but you hit the nail on the head.
    1 point
  17.   The SR45 is the only 45 I currently own.  I love it feel.  Its got a nice smooth trigger pull and I found it easier on my wrist then a glock 41.  The SR45 has a very Glock like feel so if you don't like the feel of Glocks you might not be happy with the SR45.  I would see if you can find one to feel the grips.   Thanks Robert
    1 point
  18. Key word there HAD. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes...
    1 point
  19. I never had any problems with the Glocks I have, so if it's not broke, why fix it?
    1 point
  20. Get a double stack 1911 and screw the poly frames!!!  Or, try a XD45.  They're pretty reasonably priced and hold 13 rounds.  My XD has the best striker trigger, other than the VP9, I've ever felt.
    1 point
  21. Have you checked out the M&P line? Interchangeable backstraps in 3 sizes so you can choose your fit. Everyone's hand are different, and I know there are some who say the Ruger SRs fit them perfectly. I'm not one of them. I don't like the feel of the ridge on the tips of my fingers on the shooting hand, and in general the guns feels awkward and clunky to me. One of my buddies has an SR45 and I put 5 mags through it awhile back. He loves it and doesn't like my M&Ps. Different strokes for different folks. I felt the like the M&P sits lower and more comfortably in my hand and recoils more straight back. The Ruger felt very top heavy and with a strong rotational twist in the recoil impulse. The Ruger is cheaper in whatever caliber you choose, so there's that. If contemplating 9mm, I'd definitely recommend taking a look at the Sig P2022. They're usually right netween the M&P and SR series for cost. Another friend of mine just got one in .40 and I think it's probably one of the nicest guns under $500 (besides my beloved M&Ps, haha!) I'll probably have one sooner than later. That's not at all the info you asked for. Sorry. :-( I can't help myself.
    1 point
  22. Personally I am not a fan. The first one I ever held I was going to buy until we broke it trying to reassemble it in the store. That was enough to discourage me. If I recall it was with an ejector that had to be pushed in a certain direction for assembly and disassembly. I read of other issues such as the mag release issue, but I don't know if these issues occur more frequently than with other handguns.
    1 point
  23. Sure wish we were closer. lol I have one with ss slide that I'm going to sell. I just don't shoot it. I've had no problems with it. I bought it from a local member, shot it a few times, and got pulled into some other shiney things. It's a comfortable gun. I mean the grip fits me well, and it has a pretty nice trigger on it. Not a match trigger, but I like it. It is one of the softest shooting 45 cal I have ever shot. Surprisingly so with the poly frame. As for size, I have medium small hands and have no trouble holding it. Personally, as far as I'm concerned it is the absolute best of Ruger's SR series guns. Dang if I'm not talking myself into keeping it. lol I had it in a place in the house for a while, but have gone to revolvers for some of those locations. My bedside varies with whatever I'm enamored with and shooting at the time.
    1 point
  24. I'd like to thank my Secret Santa for the range bag. I will definitely put it to good use. It's greatly appreciated. I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    1 point
  25. It reloads ok. The brass is a little hard.
    1 point
  26. Been awhile since I had one of those "pizza dish" systems but don't they have a tone that goes with the signal meter? (higher signal strength, higher tone)  Crank the volume on the tv, open a door/window so you can hear it and align the dish.
    1 point
  27. Well, its only a $360 million pricetag...considering there are 100 million new guns just since obama, I don't think their accounting department thought that out either.
    1 point
  28. A KCSO Deputy I know has two early 42s and says that they run fine on every ammo he has found. I know two other people who say the same thing. I just want to get ours to be the same.
    1 point
  29. Same stuff WalMart used to sell under the ZQI brand.  It is manufactured in Turkey by MKE to NATO specs.  Good ammo.
    1 point
  30.   This. I now have renewed interest in finishing up my mini Draco and finding the right case.
    1 point
  31. Anyone here ever experience a slamfire with an AR?   I don't mean a guy who used to work with your cousin heard about one, or you read about one in an internet chatroom, but actually had one happen to you.
    1 point
  32. Update: A Glock tech just called me to ask a few questions and let me know that there are going to "update" some internal parts and get it on the way back to us next week. They paid the FedEx both ways
    1 point
  33.   Dr Susan Gratia-Hupp - Survivor of the 1991 Kileen TX Lubys Shooting Massacre   Published on Dec 22, 2012 Hupp and her parents were having lunch at the Luby's Cafeteria in Killeen in 1991 when the Luby's massacre commenced. The gunman shot 50 people and killed 23, including Hupp's parents. Hupp later expressed regret about deciding to remove her gun from her purse and lock it in her car lest she risk possibly running afoul of the state's concealed weapons laws; during the shootings, she reached for her weapon but then remembered that it was "a hundred feet away in my car." Her father, Al Gratia, tried to rush the gunman and was shot in the chest. As the gunman reloaded, Hupp escaped through a broken window and believed that her mother, Ursula Gratia, was behind her. Actually however, her mother went to her mortally-wounded husband's aid and was then shot in the head. As a survivor of the Luby's massacre, Hupp testified across the country in support of concealed-handgun laws. She said that if there had been a second chance to prevent the slaughter, she would have violated the Texas law and carried the handgun inside her purse into the restaurant. She testified across the country in support of concealed handgun laws, and was elected to the Texas House of Representatives in 1996. The law was signed by then-Governor George W. Bush.    
    1 point
  34. And when it was revealed that Obama was Yoda's father the Empire banned all blasters and light sabers and the dark side and the force sang Kumbya and rode off on their unicorns somewhere over the rainbow. [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/JMH42/media/Obayoda_zpski3wwycp.jpg.html][/URL]
    1 point
  35. In the spirit of TDR's offer and Christmas; I will pay for an additional year subscription for another lucky winner to be determined by TDR.
    1 point
  36. The bottom line is.......Operator Error. Thank you Commie News Network for this non-news and now back to your regularly scheduled liberal agenda.
    1 point
  37. I have owned and still own many Hi Powers. For me it is a must have gun. At one time it was the most used military pistol in the world.
    1 point
  38. This is the way I look at the minor repairs. If the repair is less than a car payment and I expect to extend the life of the car at least one month, I do the repair. Most of the time it extends the life many months so it's a win.
    1 point
  39. it will always be incremental. No one accomplishes these things in one fell swoop.   Goes back to the old "give them an inch" thing.
    1 point
  40.   Well, unless he wrote in an actual criminal charge for you and me in the EO, there's nothing to be "upheld" in that regard.   Well, as far as that goes, TN has law that no state resources will be used to enforce federal gun laws or EOs that conflict with ours, so that might not be an issue at all. - OS
    1 point
  41. Well, I'm pretty sure I would be hard to buy for since I have not ever really asked for anything much at all in my posts. Not really a lot I could use that falls within the price perimeters set by the rules. A  prepaid visa gift card would work for me if my Santa is still looking for something for me. They can be used about anyplace I would be going to purchase anything. I think gift cards are a blessing this day in time. It is something everyone can use at some time to purchase merchandise that a person can use rather than getting someone something they might never use.......jmho
    1 point
  42. Not everyone drives a truck. ;-) Also, the importance and usefulness of a large towel in the vehicle at all times cannot be overstated. That's one item my Dad has taught me to always have in hand, and that has been invaluable throughout the years. In fact, whenever I get another car, I purchase a set of quality towels and handcloths specifically for that vehicle. Great for cleaning, emergencies, a clean place on the side of the road for fixing flats, and also concealment of valuables. You guys DO know that houses get broken into as well, right? I doubt that with any reasonable cost one can COMPLETELY prevent theft. We choose our perception of a given reality and make our decisions based on that.
    1 point
  43. Not to be curt, but how exactly would a rifle in the trunk help in that scenario? You would have been swarmed when you parked and tried to make it to your trunk. I understand the desire to have a long gun on hand but so far the scenarios I'm hearing just don't seem to be practical. Again, more power to you guys if you feel a rifle is good peace of mind. I just don't want to risk an AR getting stolen from my vehicle.
    1 point
  44.   M44 Mosin: When you need to shoot an attacker and light them on fire at the same time. :D
    1 point
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