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What's the Chances of Tennessee Going Gunless?

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  • 2 months later...

Why is it that there are a whole host of States that would fulfill a anti-gunners wet dream-

Yet they are continuously trying to screw up a good State-

I am down with the idea that they should just move somewhere that is a lot more restrictive in their rights-

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32 minutes ago, krunchnik said:

Why is it that there are a whole host of States that would fulfill a anti-gunners wet dream-

Yet they are continuously trying to screw up a good State-

I am down with the idea that they should just move somewhere that is a lot more restrictive in their rights-

Mexico, Cuba, maybe. We don't need the commiestates gaining more in numbers. Personally I think they should all be tried for treason.

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I think they all need to be dropped into whatever socialist/communist/liberal utopia that holds their beliefs and live there unassisted for at least one year. Then maybe, I say again - Maybe! - they'll understand how truly blessed they are to live in the USA and will be forever grateful. 

I know - fat chance of any of that happening, especially the epiphany of the Blessing for living in the USA! But it is a pleasing thought - IMO.



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On 2/24/2024 at 9:18 PM, gun sane said:

It appears at least two state legislators keep charging Hill 2A, but find it too steep.....for now.


Steep hills can equal hard falls too. Ever play "king of the hill"? It could get bad for whoever tries to climb.

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While TN as a whole is solidly pro-2A, there are places in the state that are as liberal as DC and Chicago.  These two represent two of those areas and are doing the normal election-year game of getting headlines to get them re-elected.  Their constituents don't care that this won't go anywhere.  It's more important to play it up for an obliging media in order to get votes.

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  • 1 month later...

The important thing to remember is to not get complacent. Just because your state representative or state senator is pronunciation doesn't mean they won't oppose small items that give a foothold for anti gun legislation 

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