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What is an easy 9mm slide to rack?


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So.......I took my wife to the range yesterday. Was her second time shooting ever (the first was when she qualified for her HCP a few months ago).

She shot her little Walther P22 that we bought for her first pistol. She was shooting the bulls eye out of the targets at 25 yards. After awhile she asked if she could shoot one of my 9mm's that I brought (Sig 226 or S&W9c). She handled them both and picked the S&W. She then proceeded to blow the center out of the target again. It was freakin' crazy!! She is a better shot than I am after 2 visits!!

Anyway, she really liked the 9mm, handled the recoil with no problem but she had alot of problem mustering the strength to rack the slide. (she is very petite). Now she wants a 9mm, which makes me happy. ;)

Ultimately it is going to be what she likes best and what fits her hand, but to get us started, can anyone recommend a 9mm that has a relatively easy slide to rack that my wife might enjoy?

Thanks in advance.

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my wife is small and has no problems racking the slide on her g26 or my g19 she has also spent time with an m&p 9 that she had no problems with she also prefered the m&ps grip feel over the glock but shot better with the glock so thats what she bought

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Guest rabidrhino

Have her forget "pulling" at all. Only hold and push.

- OS


Also for DA/SA guns like the Sig 226, one can cock the hammer back first to make racking the slide easier.

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Guest mikedwood

Yeah it's more in the how like ^^^^^ they said on most guns. Some are difficult but for the most part she should be OK with the above advise. My wife can rack a Glock or a 1911 so she's pretty much good to go.

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Like others have said, a good technique can let her rack a slide much easier.

Pulling with one hand while pushing forward with the other is a good one.

Also, try holding the pistol close to her chest, rather than at arm's length away. That will give her more leverage, and arrange her arms to work against each other better. Keep in mind that she may need to turn sideways slightly so that the muzzle is still pointed downrange while she does this.

Here's a video clip:

GunTalkTV - The #1 Online Resource for Gun Training

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Have her grasp the slide with weak hand and then push the pistol forward with strong hand. Maybe that will help.


We just went through this with my mother. She didn't have the strength to work a double action trigger on a revolver, however she was able to work the slide on a S&W Sigma in 9mm using the above method.

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Have her grasp the slide with weak hand and then push the pistol forward with strong hand. Maybe that will help.

This. Hands in close to the body and hit it hard, it's an explosive motion. The weak hand stays stationary and the strong hand drives the gun forward out from under the weak hand. Women seem to be afraid they'll hurt the gun and want to rack the slide slowly. Have her conjure up an image of you forgetting to take the trash out, that'll provide her the motivation. My 5'2" wife can rack my .45 subcompact.

Cornered Cat - Rack the Slide

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Have her grasp the slide with weak hand and then push the pistol forward with strong hand. Maybe that will help.
This. Hands in close to the body and hit it hard, it's an explosive motion. The weak hand stays stationary and the strong hand drives the gun forward out from under the weak hand. Women seem to be afraid they'll hurt the gun and want to rack the slide slowly. Have her conjure up an image of you forgetting to take the trash out, that'll provide her the motivation. My 5'2" wife can rack my .45 subcompact.

Cornered Cat - Rack the Slide

This is the key. My wife was having trouble with my Kimber Ultra Carry II. I told her to barely grasp the slide with her weak hand and push really fast with the frame. Just the friction of your fingers on the slide is enough to rack it.

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Excellent - thank you all for the quick eplies. I think it is mainly a technique thing and will have her try as Garufa and the rest of you recommended. Technique, combined with her aprehension and uncertainty and made it a little awkward for her. We will do a little practice tonight. Thanks again!

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Have her grasp the slide with weak hand and then push the pistol forward with strong hand. Maybe that will help.

As already stated this the "ticket" I have issues with my left hand and this works great with all my subcompact 45's. So with that being said get her one she likes instead of settling for one she can just rack

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Have her grasp the slide with weak hand and then push the pistol forward with strong hand. Maybe that will help.

Have her forget "pulling" at all. Only hold and push.

- OS

What they said.....My sister has a Springfield XD9 and had trouble racking slide due to carpel tunnel surgery several years ago. I taught her the "grasp with the weak hand and push the pistol forward with strong hand" technique. She uses the Springer religiously to this day.....

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Guest Fargazer

My wife uses a SR9C; it's not by any means the easiest slide to rack, but she has no problems with it using the "hold and push" technique pointed out by many other posters. It's relatively inexpensive, accurate, and has a very good trigger (better than the SR9).

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