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July 9th......another for your inspection....

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This blade in modeled after a "Bird and Trout Knife" but could be an ADC knife as well with the proper sheath. It's made of 1/8" 1095 carbon steel And the blade is about 3 3/8" and the over all length is right at  8" which gives it a nice comfortable grip.


The scales are made from black canvas micarta and white linen micarta with lime green liners for contrast. The pins are nickle silver corby rivets for strength and has a SS lanyard hole.


The lines you see on the blade were covered with pin striping tape prior to acid etching and the blade edge was covered with nail polish. It was etched for 20 minutes to make the "lines" stand a bit proud of the steel. It has generous jimping on the spine just forward of the handle.


As always it was a lot of fun learning and experimenting and I really like this little thing. Oh yeah...it's really sharp.







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