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Will Hayden (Sons of Guns) arrested for child molestaion "allegedly"

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Guest t.bird
Must we really go there.
I don't care what you've heard about who or where.
I dare you to say that my wife is a liar,
and I wouldn't believe it, but the water is higher;
And here comes the fire 
that will burn your soul 
'Cause I know what you did when she was 12 years old.
I know about the drinking and you thinking you'd get away 
worried about the "shame" that she'd live with one day.
You fooled with my wife when she was young.
Sucking and groping, do you remember what was done?
Well she does, and she told me how you made her feel.
like she was wrong, when this was your deal.
you've been doing dope, meth and coke
prescription pills when all you needed was hope.
trying to tell me that my wife's property was yours,
did you think for a moment I would change my course? I'm sure of what my wife has said and told me;
and now the light shines on the lies you sold me.
you are in deeper than you've ever been,
you were in deep before I met you,
before I thought we were friends.
you threaten these women 'cause you were afraid of men.
You threaten their lives while you smile and grin.
well your face twist, and I've wondered why.
there was always something behind your eyes.
Best friends of yours still don't want to believe,
but the word you've been standing on
will bring you to your knees.
try to get some help.
Or go ahead, become dead, kill yourself,
whatever MF, do as you will,
but I promise you
you won't get to kill,
me or my family or any of my friends.
I told you before I was here to the end.
I promised my wife more than I promised you,
and that's why we've done what we had to do.
who are you,
that you should escape
from the punishment you deserve?
Man this is rape!
This is abuse in a sexual manner.
This is hard facts, not TV banter.
Plan your plans and scheme your plots 
but my Glock 17 still has 17 shots. 
believe me you've got nothing left here,
cause I've got eyes to see and ears to hear.
Fear is why my wife asked me to save her.
She knew you did it, and she knew you'd enslave her. and we saw how you tried to exploit her property
and you always said "No one will stop me."
Well you've got these new enemies,
and I've got mine, 
and you are one of them, and that's just fine.
If that's what you play, I hope you play well,
but man let me tell you my enemies face hell.
for my God is with me, and I am with Him.
and all of His angels make your chances slim.
I believe in them because they come from God.
Jehovah is the one that gives the nod.
Jesus holds the rod that guides my flock;
He is my foundation, solid as a rock.
I tried to save you but you believed in yourself.
well, see how it is
without our help.

Kris Ford
9:32pm 8/26/14



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Wow! After reading the above it changes my opinion on the situation. I hope that this is not true for the daughter's sake. If it is true then there is a special place in hell for any POS that can do this to another human being especially children!


I find it odd that after Kris removed the post he said that he removed it because people had misread or misunderstood it...It seems like the intent and information of the post was evident.

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Vince Buckles (previous SOG member) posted this on Facebook.

Vince Knuckles I hate to get involved in this back and form shit talk circus of those who only know the media story but I was told my name was on here. Here is the God's honest truth right here: there's so much solid evidence that i don't need 12 people to convince me he's guilty. Testimony from 2 victims and one unrelated and unbiased witness who has passed 2 polygraphs is more than enough. You guys will never see a trial. This carries a death sentence in Louisiana and he's gonna have to plead. If it goes to trial it will not be a grand affair. It will be two weeks of solid evidence followed by not a single defense witness unless he takes the stand and believe me.... The man can't give a solid TV one liner without 5 takes. I wanted so bad for the initial arrest to be bullshit. I knew it would ruin so much if it was true. But I won't defend a guilty man just because I wish it wasn't true.

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Vince Buckles (previous SOG member) posted this on Facebook.

Vince Knuckles I hate to get involved in this back and form #### talk circus of those who only know the media story but I was told my name was on here. Here is the God's honest truth right here: there's so much solid evidence that i don't need 12 people to convince me he's guilty. Testimony from 2 victims and one unrelated and unbiased witness who has passed 2 polygraphs is more than enough. You guys will never see a trial. This carries a death sentence in Louisiana and he's gonna have to plead. If it goes to trial it will not be a grand affair. It will be two weeks of solid evidence followed by not a single defense witness unless he takes the stand and believe me.... The man can't give a solid TV one liner without 5 takes. I wanted so bad for the initial arrest to be bull####. I knew it would ruin so much if it was true. But I won't defend a guilty man just because I wish it wasn't true.


I know Vince is disgruntled, and has a really deep dislike for Will. With that said, I'm giving this a lot of weight. I know he has good relationships in the LE community around there. Looks like Will may be getting his lovin' from some heavily tattooed gator hunters when this is all done. I have some good buds from those parts. I may do a little poking around on my own. One thing's for sure, he's real short on support right now.

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I know Vince is disgruntled, and has a really deep dislike for Will. With that said, I'm giving this a lot of weight. I know he has good relationships in the LE community around there. Looks like Will may be getting his lovin' from some heavily tattooed gator hunters when this is all done. I have some good buds from those parts. I may do a little poking around on my own. One thing's for sure, he's real short on support right now.

Yeah, his dislike for Will is what got his name brought into the conversation. Someone was blaming Vince for somehow orchestrating this whole fiasco.    

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I know Vince is disgruntled, and has a really deep dislike for Will. With that said, I'm giving this a lot of weight. I know he has good relationships in the LE community around there. Looks like Will may be getting his lovin' from some heavily tattooed gator hunters when this is all done. I have some good buds from those parts. I may do a little poking around on my own. One thing's for sure, he's real short on support right now.


I'm confused.  If all these people around him are so certain that this was going on, why is this just now being brought to the attention of law enforcement?  Especially the ramblings of that other guy (I assume he's married to the older daughter)?  Is he saying that his wife was molested by this guy when she was younger?  Did he just find out? 


I suppose this would come out during the court case, but I just can't imagine if my wife told me that her dad molested her.  He certainly wouldn't be part of our family, and would be reported to law enforcement if my wife would be willing to file a police report.  But he was working there with his daughter the whole time this show was airing?  Just doesn't make sense.

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She was not living with him (Stephanie), was married to Chris, so was more or less protected from him. Sometimes women actually forgive fathers for this to keep from tearing the family apart. If this is true then he should burn in hell.

Sometimes the truth doesn't come out until it's to late. I'm glad that if this is true the little girl was courageous enough to come
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I hate to hear this.


Not because I like or dislike Will Hayden, but because as a father, it infuriates me and fills me with such rage that this happens (in this instance yet to be proven, but proven in a million other cases) on a daily basis.


What happened to men protecting their daughters?

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I'm confused.  If all these people around him are so certain that this was going on, why is this just now being brought to the attention of law enforcement?  Especially the ramblings of that other guy (I assume he's married to the older daughter)?  Is he saying that his wife was molested by this guy when she was younger?  Did he just find out? 


I suppose this would come out during the court case, but I just can't imagine if my wife told me that her dad molested her.  He certainly wouldn't be part of our family, and would be reported to law enforcement if my wife would be willing to file a police report.  But he was working there with his daughter the whole time this show was airing?  Just doesn't make sense.

There is a lot of psychology involved in these cases that make females do some things even years later that would not make sense to us men. I know this because my mother counseled victims of child abuse for a living.

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There is a lot of psychology involved in these cases that make females do some things even years later that would not make sense to us men. I know this because my mother counseled victims of child abuse for a living.


I totally understand that perspective; I dated a girl who had been molested by her father and he served time for it.  As an adult she continued to have a relationship with him for the sake of the family.  It just seems to me, as a husband, if my wife told me about such things I would take the initiative.  A man like that would not be around my wife, and certainly would never be around my children.  An aggravating factor he would be knowing all this while also knowing that there is a young girl in his house, ya know?


I just wouldn't be able to keep that to myself for the sake of family, peace or avoidance of drama.  It would just be the right thing to do. I'm not trying to attack the older daughter.  It just seems based on recent statements that people other than her knew of the type of person this man was and said nothing.  I'd have a hard time throwing stones at this guy if I was keeping his secret while knowing he was likely abusing another child.

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I have to admit it looks like I was completely wrong.  I would have bet $1000 it was a vengeful ex, but if any of what we have seen more recently is true, he needs to be place in the public square and let those that be take care of it.


Until he has his day in court I will reserve complete judgement, but it isn't looking good for ole' Will.

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There is a lot of psychology involved in these cases that make females do some things even years later that would not make sense to us men. I know this because my mother counseled victims of child abuse for a living.

My mother was (and I use the past tense intentionally) one of those victims of sexual abuse by her father who was well into adulthood before she was able to take control of her own life and sever the ties. It was only after a lot of therapy that she was able to take that control and no longer identify as a "victim" in the present tense.

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I totally understand that perspective; I dated a girl who had been molested by her father and he served time for it.  As an adult she continued to have a relationship with him for the sake of the family.  It just seems to me, as a husband, if my wife told me about such things I would take the initiative.  A man like that would not be around my wife, and certainly would never be around my children.  An aggravating factor he would be knowing all this while also knowing that there is a young girl in his house, ya know?


I just wouldn't be able to keep that to myself for the sake of family, peace or avoidance of drama.  It would just be the right thing to do. I'm not trying to attack the older daughter.  It just seems based on recent statements that people other than her knew of the type of person this man was and said nothing.  I'd have a hard time throwing stones at this guy if I was keeping his secret while knowing he was likely abusing another child.

Many women will repress the memories of the abuse and therefore are not "aware" of it having happened to them. Unfortunately, the memories will re-surface later in life around their mid-thirties. My wife was abused by her paternal grandfather which she did not repress, but she will never tell her father out of fear of hurting him. Her grandfather died before I met her, so there's really no good that can come out of telling her father. I did convince her to tell her mother.


There are many reasons females keep quiet is the main point. My oldest daughter, for instance, was raped at a sleep-over when she was eleven years old. This happened while I was a police officer on-duty and in the town that I policed. She didn't tell me until many years later because she was afraid that I would have killed the 15-year old boy had I known, and that I would have gone to prison causing her to lose a father in the process. This is silly, because I surely wouldn't have been caught.

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Idk, murgatroy,

It seems that men (and I hesitate to use that word) let lust and control get the better of them, I guess others are just sick sob's. I can't imagine a real man doing this.


Idk, murgatroy,

It seems that men (and I hesitate to use that word) let lust and control get the better of them, I guess others are just sick sob's. I can't imagine a real man doing this.


Idk, murgatroy,

It seems that men (and I hesitate to use that word) let lust and control get the better of them, I guess others are just sick sob's. I can't imagine a real man doing this.

A real man wouldn't do it dralarms. Right now My guess is Will Hayden is far less than a man in the eyes of his family and people that know him and you can bet all his LEO friends will be distancing themselves from him as I write this...........jmho

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I knew a great man and a Professor of Psychiatry and Child Psychology for 40 years at Vanderbilt University and many times I had the pleasure of talking with him. I was the auto mechanic for his entire family consisting of his car, his wife's car, two daughters cars, son in laws cars and his only sons car. Yep, Big family which my son has the responsibility of the family cars now but during many talks with Dr Copple I learned many things about children and about how they think. Children are actually strange little people and most adults thoroughly underestimate the intelligence of children in great numbers. He stated that for the most part all children from about age 6 through age 16 are actually overly smart and 95% of adults don't know it. He said many children at age 8 have higher IQ's than most 4 year college graduates. He had proven it many times over his years of teaching and practicing medicine that children are born very smart and get less smart as they age. I know, it was hard for me to comprehend it to until I seen it happen first hand. He and several of his colleagues fought very hard against the Federal Government back in the late 70's and early 80s about a plan the Feds were preparing to release on the American people and all the doctors said was the Feds will reap what they sow with this plan. It went forth as planned and Dr Copple did live long enough to see the Feds admit he and his colleagues were correct. I will put what I learned from him plus what we learned by experience about the Federal Laws in another thread.  Dr Copple called the  law the Devils Advocate so that is what I will title it. When I have it complete I will post it. If the Mods feel it is to long or inappropriate please remove it after I post it.................JMHO 

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let me sum this up so far.


Hayden accused of messing with young daughter.


Board sort of outraged and rushing to his defense.


He surely is innocent.


A couple of people post on facebook.


He is surely guilty.


Gotta love this place.  :)

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They took the poem down from FB, but here is a link. 






Kristafor Ford, Will Hayden’s son-in-law, posted the following to his Facebook wall suggesting that his wife, Stephanie Hayden Ford, had also been molested repeatedly as a child by Will Hayden.

Must we really go there.
I don't care what you've heard about who or where.
I dare you to say that my wife is a liar,
and I wouldn't believe it, but the water is higher;
And here comes the fire
that will burn your soul
'Cause I know what you did when she was 12 years old.
I know about the drinking and you thinking you'd get away
worried about the "shame" that she'd live with one day.
You fooled with my wife when she was young.
Sucking and groping, do you remember what was done?
Well she does, and she told me how you made her feel.
like she was wrong, when this was your deal.
you've been doing dope, meth and coke
prescription pills when all you needed was hope.
trying to tell me that my wife's property was yours,
did you think for a moment I would change my course? I'm sure of what my wife has said and told me;
and now the light shines on the lies you sold me.
you are in deeper than you've ever been,
you were in deep before I met you,
before I thought we were friends.
you threaten these women 'cause you were afraid of men.
You threaten their lives while you smile and grin.
well your face twist, and I've wondered why.
there was always something behind your eyes.
Best friends of yours still don't want to believe,
but the word you've been standing on
will bring you to your knees.
try to get some help.
Or go ahead, become dead, kill yourself,
whatever MF, do as you will,
but I promise you
you won't get to kill,
me or my family or any of my friends.
I told you before I was here to the end.
I promised my wife more than I promised you,
and that's why we've done what we had to do.
who are you,
that you should escape
from the punishment you deserve?
Man this is rape!
This is abuse in a sexual manner.
This is hard facts, not TV banter.
Plan your plans and scheme your plots
but my Glock 17 still has 17 shots.
believe me you've got nothing left here,
cause I've got eyes to see and ears to hear.
Fear is why my wife asked me to save her.
She knew you did it, and she knew you'd enslave her. and we saw how you tried to exploit her property
and you always said "No one will stop me."
Well you've got these new enemies,
and I've got mine,
and you are one of them, and that's just fine.
If that's what you play, I hope you play well,
but man let me tell you my enemies face hell.
for my God is with me, and I am with Him.
and all of His angels make your chances slim.
I believe in them because they come from God.
Jehovah is the one that gives the nod.
Jesus holds the rod that guides my flock;
He is my foundation, solid as a rock.
I tried to save you but you believed in yourself.
well, see how it is
without our help.

Kris Ford
9:32pm 8/26/14

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let me sum this up so far.

Hayden accused of messing with young daughter.

Board sort of outraged and rushing to his defense.

He surely is innocent.

A couple of people post on facebook.

He is surely guilty.

Gotta love this place. :)

I don't presume to know either way. Sometimes women lie to get men tossed in jail. Sometimes girls get raped. We don't know which one.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Guilty or not is not for me to decide, I said if he did this he should burn in hell. I'm not judging him, or jumping on the guilty or not guilty band wagon. Makes sense to wait and find out what actually happened. As for me, if I knew someone had touched my daughter or my granddaughters, I'd destroy them in ways that I won't elaborate on but when iwas through the dirtbag would be begging for death.
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A rare smattering of levity in this whole mess:


"...followed by not a single defense witness unless he takes the stand and believe me.... The man can't give a solid TV one liner without 5 takes."  :)


- OS


My money says he was dead serious :)

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