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I'm so SICK of hot weather.....


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Well Randall, I hope you like cold weather as bad as you hate hot weather because we are going to have a good old fashion winter this year and it is not far off. All my life I have watched the seasons by reading the Farmers Almanac and watching the wild life. Just for foot notes, the Hummingbirds were late arriving this year and left about 3 weeks earlier than normal. The Robins have raise 3 batches of young this year which is always a sign of a colder than normal winter and most of all the Oak trees have not began cutting their acorns really a lot and normally by now they are on the ground but the best indicator is look at your squirrels tails if you have any in your yard. Their tails are about 2 inches longer than normal and very very fluffy and full. They will need tails like that to stay wrapped up in and warm this winter. My dog has already shed her entire summer coat and has the thickest winter coat I have see on her in many years. Maybe the thickest ever. I don't know what folks all heat with on here but what ever it is you may want to have a back up source of heat that does not require electricity or Natural gas unless they are free standing gas heaters with out forced fan heat and also have back up  cooking resources such as gas grill or camper style cook stove. Not trying to be an alarmist but more a preparest.....Better to be safe than sorry........................jmho

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Jan and Feb, I don't want to hear you complaining about the cold.   :D

Ah does it get cold here. Rember one year in South Dakota 39 degrees. Below 0 and that did not even take into account the wind chill factor. Last year in Indiana 153 inches of snow it came in October and stayed through April. You wont hear me complain about the temps here.
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Well Randall, I hope you like cold weather as bad as you hate hot weather because we are going to have a good old fashion winter this year and it is not far off. All my life I have watched the seasons by reading the Farmers Almanac and watching the wild life. Just for foot notes, the Hummingbirds were late arriving this year and left about 3 weeks earlier than normal. The Robins have raise 3 batches of young this year which is always a sign of a colder than normal winter and most of all the Oak trees have not began cutting their acorns really a lot and normally by now they are on the ground but the best indicator is look at your squirrels tails if you have any in your yard. Their tails are about 2 inches longer than normal and very very fluffy and full. They will need tails like that to stay wrapped up in and warm this winter. My dog has already shed her entire summer coat and has the thickest winter coat I have see on her in many years. Maybe the thickest ever. I don't know what folks all heat with on here but what ever it is you may want to have a back up source of heat that does not require electricity or Natural gas unless they are free standing gas heaters with out forced fan heat and also have back up  cooking resources such as gas grill or camper style cook stove. Not trying to be an alarmist but more a preparest.....Better to be safe than sorry........................jmho

I do love cold weather and always have. I worked a lot of my life on construction in the outdoors and always suffered more in summer than in winter. The coldest I've ever worked in was in Butte MT many years ago. I was on a crew that worked outside almost the entire winter. We did have the double insulated Carhartts though. I remember one day my foreman and I looked at a thermometer that was in the shade. It was 2pm and 14 below zero. It was 23 below zero walking in that morning.  We did have heated shacks however to go warm up in every hour or so. I wish I knew all those signs the old timers used to predict what the winter was gonna be like. Is sounds like you have a good handle on it Doug!! I'll also keep take your advice on the heat source for the house and for cooking.  Thanks!!

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Another one that an old timer at work brought up was the persimmon seeds, and according to them it will be a bad winter.


I've had two old neighbors tell me about that one recently too? Never heard of it...


They told me the seeds were in the shape of a spoon or something, so I went over there and cut one open for myself.


Mine said to hurry up and buy three lottery scratch off tickets from Murphy Express. I took a short cut and bought them from Kroger instead.


Should have listened to the persimmon!

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I grew up listening to my Grandpaw talk about the Winter of 51 and how much snow and cold weather they got in Tennessee. I was 3 years old in 1951 and lived in Chicago so a winter like they had in 1951 down here would have been a normal winter up there. I use to never pay much attention to the seasons much till I got much older and the weather began effecting my old bones and joints and now I pay much more attention to them. Can't help it. Mother Nature hates me sometimes.......... :rofl:

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It hasn't even been hot this summer. We only had a handful of days get past 90. The hunidity on the other hand was the worst of any summer that I remember.

Yeah there were some really miserable days string together this summer.

I'd prefer it not be 85 in late Oct, but it'll be cooled off later this week. Just what we get for living on the border between cold and hot. We get some of both.
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