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I'm getting hosed by the IRS this year!!!


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We all get screwed, some more than others.

The government hates us making more money than we need, so the system is set to take from us

to give to the teet suckers that do not work.

The super rich have ways to hide, I do not fault them for it.

I do hate teet suckers and imports that do not make their own way.

Yea I know I should not "hate", but it gets harder and harder to not hate.

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The super rich have ways to hide, I do not fault them for it.



Amen Red.


Even if the rich didn't hide theirs, it would make no difference for you and me because the government would do absolutely nothing different.  They would just spend more on social programs.  They would still print at the same rate because they consider that a legitimate form of income as a "taxing alternative".  In reality printing is a tax increase too.  If you had the only dollar in the world and the Fed decided to print another one for themselves, they have just taken half of your dollar's value that they can now spend.


If the government had more money it would grow as large as it could until even the "newly found" proceeds weren't enough to sustain it.  All a government does is eat.  It eats what the makers make, so it can leave shit behind for the takers to take.  The sooner our government is starved the better, and the less painful it will be.

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It’s going to get worse. By the time he leaves office Obama will try to have the illegals on welfare, free medical, and give them the vote.
Congress seems to be fine with standing by watching him destroy our country.

Everyone has a right to enjoy the same lifestyle we have whether they work or not. You are just going to have to work harder to pay your fair share. biggrin.gif

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We all get screwed, some more than others.

The government hates us making more money than we need, so the system is set to take from us

to give to the teet suckers that do not work.

The super rich have ways to hide, I do not fault them for it.

I do hate teet suckers and imports that do not make their own way.

Yea I know I should not "hate", but it gets harder and harder to not hate.

I don't hate but I'm jealous.  I think I'll renounce my citizenship, leave, then come back as an illegal and get the handouts. :usa:  God Bless America!

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I don't hate but I'm jealous.  I think I'll renounce my citizenship, leave, then come back as an illegal and get the handouts. :usa:  God Bless America!

If you renounce, can't "legally" buy a gun.  This is a gun forum you know. 

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It would be if there were no exemptions for anyone on retail products. You buy a finished product; you pay the tax.

Exactly, a set rate for every dollar you spend. Period.
That means all these folks that make money tax free will pay the same tax as well as anyone in this country that spends their money.
No irs, no tax lawyers or accountants to worry about.
It is so simple! it'll probably never happen.
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I have been getting hosed by the IRS for years, I don't see this year as any different. The insurance is what pisses me off, it has tripled in price the last three years.

Me too, but this year we made about 10% more than last year, but our tax bill is nearly 50% higher than last year. That don't seem right. :shrug:

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Personally, I don't think there should be any payroll withholdings. I think everyone ought to have to write the check for the full amount every year on April 15.

And then have election voting the next week.

I'd like to see everyone paid in cash, and an IRS agent standing next to the paymaster ready to take his share in cash. How would that go over?

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Some sort of flat tax is the most logical and fair tax system we could have. Everyone would pay, drug dealers, prostitutes, people that get welfare and the working man. Rich and poor. Plus we'd save billions on getting rid of the IRS and wouldn't need to hire accountants and lawyers.

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Personally, I don't think there should be any payroll withholdings. I think everyone ought to have to write the check for the full amount every year on April 15.

And then have election voting the next week.

The next week. The next day so the news cycle can't throw people off track. From the time I left the Army till 2012 i got the shaft i worked for a security contactor that looked at me as self employed so they did not hold out taxes just gave me a 1099 at the end of the year the IRS would send me a letter every year and want me to start paying quarterly never did just sent them a check post marked April 15 every year it hurt to write it but felt like i got over on them
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2014 will be the first year in the last five that I didn't have any 1099 income to file on.  It sucked to write a check so big I could have driven a car off the lot that had no payments due after, but render unto Ceasar and all that jazz. 


I do think if W2 workers (the majority of workers) didn't have their taxes taken by payroll deductions, their eyes would be open a bit more.  I also think there is no way the government could survive like that, because too many people just wouldn't save the money.  What taxes we would collect would be spent on jailing those who didn't pay up.  Our .gov knows they need to take that money before people can miss it.


The most head shaking I do is people who get all giddy over their refund.  Unless it's funded primarily by the child tax credit, you paid too much in, which was basically an interest free loan you gave the government.  I always make sure I claimed myself as an exemption, and never bitched about getting back a small amount.


I'd have to look around, but for the U.S., a flat tax would have to be pretty high for it to work.  Then when you factor in the hit on the economy by reducing the spending income of the working poor, it looks like a bad idea quick.  If anybody thinks it's a great idea, feel free to show me a country where it's thriving and how good that countries economy is.  I know you guys hate the progressive tax system, but the money it saves for those who make less isn't sitting in a savings account or an investment portfolio, it's being circulated in the economy. 

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