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Just Obtained One Of My Unicorns!!!


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I do tend to like them on the trashy side! LOL! 


Seriously, is there anything I need to know about these things?  I bought it as a truck /fishing/loaner pistol. I'm the third owner.  The guy I bought it from said it had it several years and only put a box of shells through it.  I'll look for a couple of new mags for it.  I will admit this is my second HP.  I had a carbine several years ago and always regret I sold it, but I needed to pay some bills.  Wish I had that old Planet of the Apes gun back!

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If that holster was included then it doubled the value, so yeah, good score :up:


You beat me to it-- I was gonna say that since the official custom Hi-Point holster was included, it looks like a great deal! :rofl:

Keep in mind that the standard holster for these pistols is a pair of UnderArmor elastic-waist basketball shorts-- preferably with either a Cleveland Cavs, Miami Heat, or Chicago Bulls logo emblazoned on them.

Edited by tartanphantom
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There ain't no way a pair of basketball shorts would ever contain a Hi-Point!  It's the Chuck Norris of pistols and can never be contained!  They are so heavy, the shorts would be down around the wearer's cankles!!! LOL!!!

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Now I'll have nightmares tonight after seeing that hideous looking Pistol LOL...aside from a little TLC it should provide you with good service. You could do far worse for a truck or fishing gun as you've defined yours. As to the cost with everything you received in the deal I think you did ok. Enjoy it and shoot the bejesus out of it because I don't think you'll break it.
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Seriously, is there anything I need to know about these things? ...


Should it not feed reliably almost certainly the mag, quite thin steel. Tweak the lips closer together usually fixes it. Rounds must angle upward in the mag.


- OS

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They are so heavy, the shorts would be down around the wearer's cankles!!! LOL!!!


I think you just solved the mystery of saggy pants. It's not a fashion statement, it's the C9's fault.

Edited by monkeylizard
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You got ripped off, pretty sure that gun was part of the Hi Point open carry kit which contained the pistol, a nylon holster, and a concealed carry permit holder badge. It was a limited production thing, if only you had the badge the value would be about triple.
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I want one to leave in my truck. How well do hollowpoints feed in these guns?


never had a problem.  I have had a .40cal that for the most part stays in a 4 wheeler at the farm and it has never once failed to feed.  It being in the dust and changing temp and bouncing around at times, it simply just works. 

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Picked up two more mags today.  Hi-Point 8 rounders.  No after market mags for me.


Check out Mr. Fancy McSpends-a-Lot splurging on magazines, LOL.


Seriously though, does anyone actually make aftermarket mags for these?

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When I had my Hi-Point 9mm Carbine I wasted money on Pro-Mag 15 round magazines.  $35 later, I found out that I shoulda stuck to Hi-Point mags.  I usually don't forget a lesson. :koolaid:

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