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Synagogue Shooting Pittsburgh


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Poor people and their families. 

The Ushers or Deacons or whoevever needs to be guarding the congregation somewhat. It runs through my mind every Sunday as I sit with my back to the door. Don't know all details yet but cameras, emergency plans and of course a few trained armed people could stop these things from being so bad. 

Anyway,looks like an AR-15 went off by itself and killed a bunch of people again.  

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Looks like the guy disliked Trump and was a major anti-semite. I guess Trump's son in law has something to do with that.

What the heck is going on with the timing of these incidents? I try not to think we're all being manipulated but first the Midterm Bomber then another mass shooting right before a big election.

Maybe statistically these things happen every so often and occasionally intersect with Elections. I keep telling myself that anyway.



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 I don't believe as they do completely but no one deserves to be shot because of their beliefs or their faith period. I know they are of Christian faith so I will still send a prayer to GOD for those effected by this tragety. Also for the police officers wounded in this act of insanity.

Edited by bersaguy
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1 hour ago, gregintenn said:

Damned if the timing of this stuff isn't convenient!


This sucks.

Prayers for everyone involved.

If the last two incidents have anything to do with political timing or political anger about who might win or lose, we all better step up the prayers. Election day ain't here yet!

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13 hours ago, gregintenn said:

I'm a bit slow, but I never understood the hatred a lot of the world has for Jewish people.

It is complicated yet also simple Greg. I am sure there are folks here that can explain it a lot better than I can. Just remember JESUS is a Jew and was born one. I think you know that story if you follow the bible. During his time on earth he preached the gospel of Christianity and had built of a great many followers. So many that the leaders in the countries he traveled to and spread the word of GOD began to fear him. The leaders were also able to turn many of his followers against him. You know the rest of that story and how it ended.

Now IMO I think some people have put the blame of what happened to JESUS on the Jews that turned against him. One of his own discipals Judas sold his location where he could be found for 20 pieces of Silver and after realizing what he had done hung himself.

All of that was blamed on the Jewish people for Centuries by most Christians in all countries. It was only a minute number of Jews back then that had turned on JESUS but it was like being guilty by association to the Christians I guess.

I think I am correct in this but the real connecton came with Hitler. It was his goal to kill every Jewish person on earth and he tried and the Holocost was one of the most terrible atrocities to ever happen.

Israel is the only Jewish State/Country left on Earth and I am very glad and proud that the United States is their strongest supporter and ally.

If I have quoted anything not true by mistake please someone correct me!!  

Edited by bersaguy
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2 hours ago, BrasilNuts said:

They give out the news they want you to hear and suppress the news they don’t want you to hear.

Just depends on what side you are on and what news you watch, sad we are in the state the country is in now.

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3 hours ago, bersaguy said:


Israel is the only Jewish State/Country left on Earth and I am very glad and proud that the United States is their strongest supporter and ally.

It's the only one that has existed at all since about 60 BC.

- OS

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2 minutes ago, Oh Shoot said:

It's the only one that has existed at all since about 60 BC.

- OS

Thanks for that update. I didn't know that but interesting to learn it. I hope we keep standing with them all through out future history as we have in the past. I did have concerns in the years between 2008 and 2016 but we made it through ok.

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One of these days one of these lunatics is going to walk into the wrong church and know right quick what it is like to get shot multiple times. My friend William attends a church here in Gallatin and he said there is at least 6 to 8 armed members with 4 of them being Vets that all spent 2 or more tours in the sandpit and they all have family members there. They have practiced an active shooter drill at the church and run 1 once every month.  There is about 250 members in the church every Sunday.  William says he feels much safer knowing there are armed trained people in the church. He is a Vet from the Navy during Nam.

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4 minutes ago, bersaguy said:

One of these days one of these lunatics is going to walk into the wrong church and know right quick what it is like to get shot multiple times. My friend William attends a church here in Gallatin and he said there is at least 6 to 8 armed members with 4 of them being Vets that all spent 2 or more tours in the sandpit and they all have family members there. They have practiced an active shooter drill at the church and run 1 once every month.  There is about 250 members in the church every Sunday.  William says he feels much safer knowing there are armed trained people in the church. He is a Vet from the Navy during Nam.

I overheard a guy ask a deacon at church how they felt about concealed carry. The deacon told him that if something happened, he would expect to see 5 or 6 handguns drawn. I'm not sure if he counted me in that number or not.

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3 minutes ago, gregintenn said:

I overheard a guy ask a deacon at church how they felt about concealed carry. The deacon told him that if something happened, he would expect to see 5 or 6 handguns drawn. I'm not sure if he counted me in that number or not.

I think your going to hear about more and more Churches having security of some type in them.

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A guy I used to work with is now retired. His "job" now is Church Security. At his church they have an organized team of armed volunteers. At least 6 at services and one or more volunteers in the building during week days. 

I've always admired Israel.  They don't take crap off nobody.  :stick:

Edited by Grayfox54
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Couldn't have said it better myself.

From Mad Dog:

Secretary of Defense James Mattis on Sunday condemned the person accused of killing 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue, calling him a “coward” and not a real man.

The suspect, identified as Robert Bowers, reportedly yelled “All Jews must die!” during the shooting.

“This individual — I won’t even call him a man — he’s the poorest excuse for a man you could ever come up with,” Mattis said, according to the Military Times.

“Who would use a weapon in a house of worship, on unarmed innocent people and even shoot four policemen, then surrender himself? This is a coward,” Mattis added. “He is not a man by any definition that we use in the Department of Defense.”

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On 10/27/2018 at 9:15 PM, gregintenn said:

I'm a bit slow, but I never understood the hatred a lot of the world has for Jewish people.

Same here, it makes no sense to me at all, I also don’t understand about the whole thing with Palestine, but from the research I have done the Jews lived in Israel and sometime in the 1940’s or 50’s left and Whilenthey we’re gone Palestine moved in, its all very strange

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18 minutes ago, Erik88 said:

Except that it's wrong about designations. It is surprisingly fair. Most common rifle should cover the "why". It's real capable too, but so is an AK. 

Just a matter of time until somebody uses a shoulder fired AR pistol. At that point, it may come to the ATF that it's an SBR with an uncomfortable stock.

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