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Turn in your assault rifle get a $2000 tax credit

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By Richard Simon

January 15, 2013, 12:10 p.m.

WASHINGTON-- Turn in an assault weapon, receive a tax break.

That's what's behind a new twist on gun buyback programs, one of the raft of bills introduced in Congress in the wake of last month's Newtown, Conn., school shooting, which would offer gun owners a $2,000 federal tax credit for turning in an assault weapon to police.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) sent the bill to Vice President Joe Biden, who is expected to present recommendations to President Obama this week on ways to reduce gun violence in the wake of the Newtown shooting.

She said she got the idea for the legislation--titled the Support Assault Firearm Elimination and Reduction for our Street Act--from a Connecticut resident who owns an AR-15.

"Gun buyback programs operate around the country with the intention of reducing the number of assault weapons, but ... a larger incentive could make more of an impact," she said in a letter to colleagues seeking their support.

Because gun buyback programs are run by local governments, it could be more difficult for cash-strapped cities and law enforcement departments to fund them, she said.

"The tax credit is substantial and refundable, which should lead to effectively getting more of these guns off the street, while sparing local government the cost,’’ she added.

Democratic Reps. Ted Deutch of Florida, Gerry Connolly of Virginia and Mike Quigley of Illinois on Tuesday also introduced the Buyback our Safety Act to provide $15 million over five years to match local and state funds used in gun buyback programs.  The measure would direct the National Academy of Sciences to identify guns most often used in violent crimes and allow the Justice Department to offer larger grants for buying guns most often used in violent crimes.

Cities over the years have dangled such incentives as concert tickets and grocery coupons to persuade gun owners who turn in weapons, though there has been much debate about the effectiveness of the buyback programs.

Los Angeles took in 2,037 firearms, including 75 assault weapons, at a gun buyback program held last month after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, according to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s office. Gun owners were offered grocery gift cards worth up to $100 for handguns, shotguns and rifles and up to $200 for assault weapons.

DeLauro’s idea could run into the same trouble that President Clinton encountered when Republicans objected to his administration offering federal money to local governments to buy firearms. The George W. Bush administration ended  the program, saying there was no proof that it was taking guns from criminals.

There was no immediate response from the National Rifle Assn. to the latest proposal. But  Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's executive vice president, said in 1999 that the group considered buyback programs mostly "sound bites and photo ops" that have no "impact on a criminal ... or a violent juvenile that wants a gun,’’ saying at the time that increasing funding for prosecuting violations of existing gun laws would do more to reduce gun violence.


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If this passes I'm going out to the yard to get a stick, then I'm going to paint it black and insist that I get a $2000 tax credit for turning it in. When some government official tells me that said stick is not an assault weapon I will commence beating them until I have a $4000 tax credit.

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in a heartbeat I would buy or assemble a cheap $500 AR for a 2k credit if I could find one or had enough parts to fake it.    These programs are AWESOME --- we get to turn a profit, liberals get to feel great about all the guns that are turned in, and as usual the taxpayer eats it but hey, its a better use of tax money than 99% of what gets spent.   


I love me a fixed price buyback, but lately, the last few have been "up to" --- maybe they slowly learn.  

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They may say $2,000.00, but what does the  fine print say?


They can stick their idea where the sun doesn't shine!

$2,000 tax credit does NOT equal $2,000 in your pocket, correct? It's $2,000 off your taxable income thus lowering how much you pay in taxes, right?

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OMG! Turn in their assault weapons? Is Obama now a Nazi? Gee, no one told me. What pacifier will these insecure, paranoid, 2nd ammendment conspiracy "citizens" have left to caress, fondle, and stoke as they await the governemt storming their homes to take away all of their other rights? HUH? Are you kidding me? Forget that tax break - now, if you get caught with an assualt rifle you should go directly to jail fo 18 months. And we'll throw in a pack of pampers so you can change your diapers which BTW, stink. 


Beautiful comment on there. I'm sure it is to be followed by many many more.

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Going to be a lot of people making counterfeit guns. Heck if it does pass a lot of businesses will be selling back AW's to offset their tax bill.


There are a lot of very, very realistic airsoft guns out there. There are some that even fooled the ATF. KWA makes one that has auto sears like a real AR, the bolt cycles and locks back. Very hard for most people to tell the difference.



And they can be bought for under $400.



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Guest Lester Weevils

$2,000 tax credit does NOT equal $2,000 in your pocket, correct? It's $2,000 off your taxable income thus lowering how much you pay in taxes, right?


Maybe I have it wrong, but a DEDUCTION comes off your income (before tax calculation) and a CREDIT comes off your calculated tax. So if there were such an AW CREDIT, I think it would directly reduce the tax bill.


Some credits are refundable so if you have more credits than your tax bill, uncle sugar cuts you a check for the overage. Other credits are not refundable, so if your credits exceed your tax bill, the best you can do (if allowed to do so) is roll over the overage to a future tax period.


I wonder how much the credit will be for assault weapons that were lost in a tragic boat accident?

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If this passes, we will never get inventories back to normal!  Sales will be through the roof!!!  Like most government programs, it will have an actual result exactly opposite of the intent.  Instead of reducing the numbers of semi-auto rifles in civilian hands, I predict that huge numbers of firearms will be turned in so that folks can buy new ones.


More feel-good cr@p paid for with our taxes.

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in a heartbeat I would buy or assemble a cheap $500 AR for a 2k credit if I could find one or had enough parts to fake it.    These programs are AWESOME --- we get to turn a profit, liberals get to feel great about all the guns that are turned in, and as usual the taxpayer eats it but hey, its a better use of tax money than 99% of what gets spent.   


I love me a fixed price buyback, but lately, the last few have been "up to" --- maybe they slowly learn.  


It's a refund, the tax payer doesn't eat anything...  you the tax payer pay fewer taxes ;)  That is a good thing :)

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Maybe I have it wrong, but a DEDUCTION comes off your income (before tax calculation) and a CREDIT comes off your calculated tax. So if there were such an AW CREDIT, I think it would directly reduce the tax bill.


Technically, I think that's accurate. But who knows what they really mean when they first use "words" to describe something.


For example, so far, none of BHO's 23 "executive orders" have actually been Executive Orders. Only 4 have shown up on White House site, 3 are Memoranda, and one is a Proclamation.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Guest ThePunisher
[quote name="Batman" post="888374" timestamp="1358476822"]Good point. That just reiterates that this is an attack on citizens who obey the law.[/quote] This group of commies running the government has already made us outlaws and on their enemy list. Well we can make out our enemy list too. The MSM besides these commies in office are are our biggest group of enemies. Stop supporting these losers with your wallet.
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You could turn almost any firearm into a "AW" if you go by '94 standards. All you'd have to do is find a old junk gun, paint it black, cut off a old broom handle screw it to the stock for a pistol grip, cut the bottom of the reciever to accept some sort of box that can be called a magizine, and glue or weld on a flash hider to the end of the barrel.


Turn it in, collect $2,000

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