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Armed while fishing/boating?

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I haven't carried much lately, and not at all the past week. However, I always carry while fishing depending if it's allowed or not and almost always openly while out in my boat. Four legged creatures are never a problem, but, some areas I fish from boat or bank has some pretty shady characters hanging around. Thank goodness you didn't say carry for "snakes"! Every time I hear that, I envision Matt Dillon fast drawing his colt .45 peace maker, blowing the tiny snakes head off, spinning his pistol about 3 times before putting it back in the holster, then bitch slapping Festus for being born!


"I don't carry often, but when I do, I prefer a 1911 my friends". (Said with my Dos Equis commercial voice).


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Crack'a American

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Pards:  Just curious.  How many fish or boat while carrying? For me it is all the time, not worried to much about 4 legged or slimy creatures as much as the 2 legged kind,

I don't fish or boat often while carrying, but when I do I prefer a 1911.

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In Texas on Falcon Lake on the border with Mexico, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Game Wardens and the Texas Rangers/Department of Public Safety mount .50 cal Barretts, and 5 - static mounted [2 dual & 1 single] FN M240B 7.62×51 mm NATO Light machineguns due to the drug smugglers.



Edited by QuietDan
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Yes I also carry while fishing, I am guessing police response would take forever, especially in areas of the river where there is little or no cellphone coverage.

I usually also carry a GMRS/FRS handset, but it's limited range could also be problematic in an emergency.
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  • 2 months later...

Does it matter if it is TVA water or if one is locking?

I was told I couldn't carry (when/if start) while running through TVA land, but oK if in camper.  Just curious, mostly, I do not do a great deal of boating. 

Edited by Ladyhay
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Apparently firearms aren't allowed on the boat ramps according to the TVA signs, but I always carry.

Few places in east tn scarier than an unlit boat ramp at 3am. Never seen Twra or TVA at the ramps late at night. Seen plenty of those dudes w no boat and no fishing gear just lurking.
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If I am on the water I am armed and holstered. The TWRA game wardens have been at the ramp sometimes when I launch and have never been stopped or asked if I was packing but it is concealed. I have also held Heartland Bass Tournaments back when I was a director and when I held those in Corps parking lots I carried open so folks new I was armed. Did that because I was handling large sums of money that belonged to the anglers till weigh in. Several times I had TWRA wardens stop by and talk and maybe have coffee and even had a few Sheriff's deputy's stop in for coffee and chat and never once was asked about my carry permit. I do a lot of night fishing but always use lighted boat ramps when at all possible and have son -n- law with me  If we fish an unlighted ramp and come in after dark, before I let him out on the dock I scan the entire parking lot with my boat headlights. I know most folks here have never seen my headlamps on my boat but they are 747 Airliner landing lights and when I turn them on I can light up a football field. I keep them on till he is in the tow vehicle and boat is on trailer. Have never had an issue at dark ramp YET!!!!!!!!!!

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