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My new puppy!

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My daughter has her own dog, my wife has her own, and I haven't really had my own "my dog" since I lost my pit bull Princess when I was a kid. She died from heartworms and it destroyed me! This little American Bulldog mix reminds me a lot of Princess minus the color scheme. I named him Roman and lemme tell ya, I LOVE him and he LOVES me! :) :) :) 
As you'll see, he loves to sleep right now at a tad over 5 weeks old. And he doesn't care if it's comfortable for me or not, I just have to deal with it LOL.


Edit: The older he's gotten, I believe he's just a standard pit bull. Not really sure except for appearance on how to know for sure, but I am not going to get him tested, as it doesn't matter to me, I love him because he's my dog.








Edited by rugerla1
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Nice looking pup. Lots of love and exercise will make that the best friend you ever had!!!!!

He will have no shortage of love for sure, and I'm hoping in a several months he'll wanna be my jogging partner. Most of the dogs we've had were having none of that! :) My wife was reminding me of all the extra work that puppies are versus getting an older one, but the bonding with the family is worth the work to me. I've been driving home on lunch to check on the lil feller and he gets so excited when I walk in the door.....after he gives his vicious puppy growl to let me know he's on guard :lol:

Edited by rugerla1
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What a cute pup. There's nothing better than have dogs around!
Rugerla, do you still have that walker you found a few months back? That was a good looking pooch.

No, we found a family with several hundred acres south of Murfreesboro to give him plenty of room to run. They told us a while back that Bandit rides in their 16 year old daughters truck EVERYWHERE and runs free there which is the one thing we weren't able to provide for him. He is happy and healthy and we are happy to have people that love him like we do and room to run. I still miss him though :(
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Remember to feed it lots of childr......cookies! I know more sweet buldogs and pits than my damn dashund. But I wouldnt trade him for the world. He always greets me with a hug and a happy face.

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The dog was created by God to give mankind an object lesson in unconditional love.... Your dog loves you no matter what....

It's no accident that "dog" is "God" spelled backwards....

He is a very handsome pup.... Enjoy him!!!!



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He will have no shortage of love for sure, and I'm hoping in a several months he'll wanna be my jogging partner. Most of the dogs we've had were having none of that! :) My wife was reminding me of all the extra work that puppies are versus getting an older one, but the bonding with the family is worth the work to me. I've been driving home on lunch to check on the lil feller and he gets so excited when I walk in the door.....after he gives his vicious puppy growl to let me know he's on guard :lol:


I've got a 10 yr old American Bulldog, who is the love of my life. I can only count on one hand the number of humans I love as much as I love her. As Sour Kraut says, they make awesome pets. They are so gentle, especially with kids and loving to a fault. Mine got up to 100 lbs at her fittest/most muscular point when she was young and she still thought she was a lap dog. Absolutely precious animals.


Not sure how much you know about AB's but they are very athletic dogs. I think you'll be very happy with him as a jogging partner. I never tried jogging with my AB, because I am predisposed with a genetic condition that renders me incapable of jogging. My father referred to it as Fatguyitis, but I've also heard the condition called Lazyassitis.

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He's a cute one all right. My dog did the same thing when he was a pup. Now he's all lap dog. 


I read an article a few months back that said researchers had discovered that when you come home and a dog is excited to see you, its brain releases the same chemical that a person's brain releases when they are in love. That puts in perspective how a dog feels about you. If that isn't the cure for depression, I don't know what is. 

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My wife said he keeps biting her fingers. I said she needed to keep her fingers out of his mouth lol. All of that conversation was in fun, we know he is a puppy and that's what they do. There are constant smiles around the house and loving every minute of it!
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Well, Roman is doing great and still loves sleeping on my neck or beside it so my head is tilted in a crick-giving position for hours! Here are a couple of pictures, he's getting bigger by the day it seems.



A little hiding spot by the paper towels



Letting my Mom know he loves how her shirt tastes lol



Out like a light!





And today he's sprawled out on the couch beside me  :rofl:


Edited by rugerla1
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