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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm flummoxed at the outrage from either side of this debate. The folks who are now up in arms over the response from the gay community, A&E, Cracker barrel , etc., are the very same folks who were all gung-ho about piling on the Dixie Chicks for voicing their opinions about George Bush being a less than stellar Vice President. I think people aren't happy unless they're pissed at someone. 
    5 points
  2. I've been boycotting Cracker Barrel for years.  Simply, their food sucks.  The candy in their "old-timey store" sucks as well.   It's just one big corporate scam to separate yankee tourists from their money.  There's a reason you only find their locations at interstate exits. 
    4 points
  3. Thou shalt mind their own damn business.
    4 points
  4. Phil has a Master Degree in Education and was a teacher. Charlie was expelled from High School for poor grades and attendance. This would be a lopsided debate; but sure would be fun to watch.
    4 points
  5. I'm impressed with all of you guys. I never would have guessed this would have went 17 pages without being locked and someone getting banned. Hang in there guys! :up:
    4 points
  6. You're a "southern white radical" who's an active member of a fringe hate group that whose members regularly traffic weapons. I mean have you seen how those people talk about gays? You may truly have nothing to hide, but you have plenty to fear when decisions about your freedom and in some cases your very existence can be targeted by an algorithm or bureaucrat with a particular worldview.
    4 points
  7. Phil? About MONEY? Wow. My house is as nice as his. He can afford a house nicer than ANY of ours. ANY OF US! Phil cares very little for money. Phil doesn't even have nice guns for crying out loud. A millionaire using a H&R single shot? An old browning a5? The man could easily contract Holland & Holland for a shotgun that cost more than any of our homes and not miss the money. I may be proved wrong, but I believe Phil is one of the few in the world who is a walker, not a talker. The man definitely walks the walk.
    4 points
  8. Well, after a couple weeks absence from deer hunting due to leg and back issues, I finally made it back out yesterday. I was in my ladder stand and at about 7:30 a Mature Doe came running down the hill in front of me being chased by a very nice Buck. I raised the rifle up to get a shot at the Buck and big mamma slammed on the brakes and started blowing at me. The buck spun around and disapered and a third deer headed for the next county. The doe stood looking at me and blowing. I swung the crosshairs on her neck and fired. She dropped straight to the ground. NICE! So I sat in my stand for about 10 minutes and was tying my rifle to my pull cord, when this other Doe came bee bopping down the side of the hill. It stopped and was staring at the first doe laying on the ground. NITE NITE! Neck shot and DRT!! Both deer required an uphill drag and I was really not up to it. I went up to a neighbors house and got Jason (teen ager who lives there) to help me get them out of the woods. I threw the kid 10 bucks for his troubles (all I had on me). He was grateful and so was I. I wish I would have gotten a picture as he was wearing a pair of Firefighter boots, tee shirt and Sponge Bob jammy pants....kids..... Those were the first deer to come off my property this year. I wished I had a good hunting partner, but I don't. Life is what it is! This mature Doe dressed at 103. Lots of meat there boys! Here is a pic of me with both deer. Smaller deer dressed at 62 pounds. Neck shot DRT Both were taken with 7mm/08 120 grain Fusion soft nose. PS...Santa beard comes off day after Christmas thank goodness!!! Merry Christmas to all! Dave
    3 points
  9. [URL=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/966FD513-7B05-44D5-A9A1-318F4A64B2C2_zpspafu6dgd.jpg.html][/URL] Anybody else have any hunting themed ornaments?
    3 points
  10. [quote name="Southern Christian Armed" post="1082141" timestamp="1387615246"] Seems like Christianity is the only religion that's not OK anymore. Im done..................[/quote] No, it's just the religion with the largest and loudest mouth, attempting to force everyone else to live their lives as it sees fit. If Christians want to dictate in a world with a fair amount of non-believers, you have to accept the fact that there is likely going to be some backlash. The more Christians push, the more backlash they will experience.
    3 points
  11. Here is 10 minutes of slow motion impacts with various bullets and various targets. I have literally watched this video at least 20 times over the years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfDoQwIAaXg
    3 points
  12. The only Christmas presents I'll get this year will be the two I received from TGO. Both would be considered to be firearms related.
    2 points
  13. Wow.  From USA Today, no less -   http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2013/12/19/duck-dynasty-bible-religion-palin-robertson-column/4124181/
    2 points
  14. Interesting question...I look forward to reading others' responses. I couldn't possibly narrow it down to 10, though. Maybe: -good, common 9mm semi/pistol for edc. -ar15 type rifle for home/civil defense -.22 lr of some type for feasting on rodents -12 gauge of some variety for feasting on birds With that, my needs are covered. It's the "everything else" that gets me...
    2 points
  15. Exactly. The 11th commandment should read: "Thou shalt be excellent to each other".
    2 points
  16. And::: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2 of course it ate my spelling.
    2 points
  17. I believe you mentioned something about getting a different front bead as well.   Not sure if this would be of interest to you.   http://www.truglo.com/pc_product_detail.asp?key=8FFC31C322DF4247B83E9CC3EF5BC48A&catid=CC464CC39D4E4360BF05DD8A38F256EC
    2 points
  18. I think, like most companies, they'd wish nothing more than to be as far away from this as possible. However, you have fascist organizations on both sides who like to threaten businesses if they don't respond the way they want, so they have to either cave in or be drug into it. This is all so silly. So many sensitive Sallys who want to kick and scream if they don't get their way.
    2 points
  19.   Or maybe Jesus didn't intend for faith to be as complicated as we humans have made it. Maybe it really is just that simple.    I don't see where Jesus addressed marriage, either. Knowing contextually that many Biblical figured had multiple wives and even concubines, I don't see and clear definitions. This isn't about marriage though. It's about one man who gave his opinion, and one network that didn't care for that. 
    2 points
  20.   Cracker Barrel has some nerve to pass judgement considering their name.
    2 points
  21. You have this exactly correct.  What far too many Christians misunderstand is what Christ seems to be referring to in regards to "sin".  You are correct.  Jesus never spoke about homosexuality.  He spoke about sin, forgiveness, and love.  As I read the New Testament, Jesus was referring to sin as any self-indulgent behavior that gets between you, your relationship with God, and your ability to love one another.   What is amazing to me is the fact that the Jewish law contained in the Old Testament that Christians keep referencing as absolute truth is essentially the same legal code utilized by Sharia law that is criticized by Christians as being backward and barbaric.     - Christians believe that Jewish/Mosaic law is divinely inspired and was passed to mankind through Moses: - Muslims believe Sharia law is divinely inspired and passed to mankind through Muhammed. - Mosaic and Sharia law govern virtually all aspects of social life, family life, and individual morality.   - Both call for similar punishments of banishment, stoning, and hanging for violations of that law.   - Both texts prohibit eating "unclean" foods, like pork.  Yes, all you God-fearing people insisting that Old Testament law is absolute are sinning by eating pork.  Need proof?  Here ya go:     Think about that next time you eat a Baconator and joke about how you'll roll your bullets in bacon grease before shooting Muslims. The book of Leviticus also sanctions slavery, requires you to perform animal sacrifices, prohibits eating shellfish, outlaws wearing wool and linen garments, and mandates capital punishment by stoning for adultery of any kind (for women only, of course) and for using the Lord's name in vain.  In response to this, people will say that Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection changed things.  Yet a majority of Christians - at least in my perception - have held onto this one single verse about homosexuality and proclaim it to be absolute and unchanging truth.   Here was my response to someone on Facebook regarding a question that is very similar to this point.  I cite New Testament scripture that specifically talks of two men in one bed and how one would be taken in the rapture while the other would not.  Christ commanded Christians to put away their swords.  Christ commanded us to love one another.  Is comparing someone's private love-life to having sex with animals what Christ would have done?  
    2 points
  22.   I especially like the bit in the bible where it tells you to decorate trees and put them in your homes and prey to a fat guy in a red suit.
    2 points
  23. So to the people saying that for Phil this is about money; you're kidding right? This is a man that lived in the woods half his life, still lives in what most would consider a shack, and walks around barefoot on a regular basis. I'm sorry, the man could care less. Just because he has money and lots of it, doesn't mean that money means anything to him, much less that he has a greed for more. It amazes me the absolute bullcrap people will say about someone they know little to nothing about. Did you know Michael Jordan hates parrots? He's a parrot hatin' SOB. Has to be, why else doesn't he have one as a pet? Yes, that's the same line of thinking you're using to say that this is all about money for Phil Robertson. I have a lot of bellybutton lint, hell I may have more than anyone in this thread. It damn sure doesn't mean I love it, or that everything I say is to gather more Come on guys
    2 points
  24. This thread has me pretty lit up, and unfortunately it's not Phil Robertson or A&E that caused it. I'll point this finger at myself before I point it at anyone else, but I think as affluent American Christians, we need to take a good hard look at ourselves in the mirror before we go judging anyone else for anything. The prophetic voice is hard to hear, and I'm not terribly certain that any of us would particularly like to hear it today. It doesn't make me really comfortable, but as I type this and think about it, the gay person in America today is a heck of a lot more marginalized than I am. And, as I read it, Jesus spent most of his time with the marginalized - much to the consternation of folks like myself.
    2 points
  25. First off, thanks to all who gave me advice in my Mossberg Maverick thread. If you read it, you know my wife and daughter surprised me with the news that they were getting me a shotgun for Christmas. I added some money to it and came out with my new Remington Express Tactical 870 12 gauge! It has 18.5 inch barrel and 6+1 capacity. Here it is and I LOVE it!
    1 point
  26. Windy as heck here in Smyrna, but just drive back from Whites Creek. It was givin'r hell the whole way back! Y'all stay safe and aware!!
    1 point
  27. The first guy caught is going to be pissed off..
    1 point
  28. My Christmas present, is permission to take my bonus and build a 300BLK pistol for myself.  Does that count?
    1 point
  29.  Hence the loud mouth busybodies and pussies comment.
    1 point
  30. More for me. I love Cracker Barrel's gravy. And their hashbrown casserole. And their pecan pancakes. Their chicken & dumplin's ain't too shabby. 
    1 point
  31. Wow, I never would have thought Cracker Barrel would get involved in a religion/gay dispute.
    1 point
  32. A lazy argument??? I've provided multiple explanations and verses to frame my argument.  What do you have?  A single verse from the Old Testament mixed in with the verses that say you can't eat bacon and oysters while wearing a linen shirt while you are selling your daughter at the slave market.  You'd rather just read a single verse of the Bible and use it as a stand-alone statement rather than read it within the context of the whole book?  You can't actually address the argument without an insult?  You  Who's the lazy one here?    
    1 point
  33. Wow! Matches the tile very well. Congrats!
    1 point
  34. I watch A&E sometimes. Totally planned. I mean, look. 19 pages on a gun site. Duck merchandise everywhere. Lots of people talking about it. Sometimes bad publicity is the best publicity.
    1 point
  35. Everyone of the non believers I work with, took Christmas off. Didn't see one protest to work.
    1 point
  36. They big doe I hit at the base of the neck just above the shoulders, center as she was facing me. Dropped her and she kicked her legs a time or two and expired very quickly (I'm glad). Neither were breathing for more than a few seconds after hitting the ground.   The smaller of the two, took the round about midway up the neck. Again..."Stop, Drop and Flop". She never really kicked that I recall.   I've never had a deer (or pig for that matter) run after being shot in the neck. Aim and shoot "center mass" of the neck is my experience. The big doe, I had to aim a little lower, because if I aimed center of her neck, there was a slight risk of hitting her in the face. Something I would never want to do.   Dave
    1 point
  37. I shot a clay with an SKS once.   Had witnesses too.
    1 point
  38. The ATF hired several new examiners and made some other moves in the West Virginia office. We were not seeing these issues before the new hires started working trust applications. My opinion is that a number of these problems stem from new examiners who just are not familiar with trusts. Different states have different terminology for legal documents and trusts are no exception. The term "declaration of trust" is just another name for the trust document. We just don't typically use that title in Tennessee. But if an examiner has been looking at "declarations of trust" and then sees one without that title, there's a good chance of a problem popping up simply because of inexperience. Add to that the current negative environment within the ATF.
    1 point
  39. Great Does Dave! They're gonna be great eating. You gonna cure one of the hams?
    1 point
  40. Absolutely -   an excerpt from one of our Celebrate Recovery seminars -   Matthew 9:10-13 10 Later, Matthew invited Jesus and his disciples to his home as dinner guests, along with many tax collectors and other disreputable sinners. 11 But when the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with such scum? 12 When Jesus heard this, he said, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.” 13 Then he added, “Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices. For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners.”   So, our role is to show Mercy, and Compassion. Note that when Matthew went out, he brought them home. Jesus met them in Church, (which just happened to be at Matthew’s house). Who did Christ seek to socialize with?  “disreputable sinners”! Mathew 9:10   I am so grateful to be invited into Matthew's house.
    1 point
  41.   It depends on how much a person wants to understand for themselves, and how willing they are to just believe whatever the preacher says because he's behind the pulpit.    Too many Christians follow the preacher, too few follow Jesus.    Just my opinion, your mileage may vary. 
    1 point
  42. Congratulations, Santa.
    1 point
  43. Purty. One of those frames would probably make a neat avatar.
    1 point
  44. Phi knew what he was saying would fuel a big firestorm. He was drawing a line in the sand with A&E because everyone could see this divorce happening given A&E's intolerance to the family's view on God guns and prayer. This is just a prequel to Duck Dynasty jumping networks. No laws broken either.   God bless he Robertson family for sticking to their values.  
    1 point
  45. As a person who does a lot of the banning around here, I can say authoritatively that no one has ever been kicked off of TGO for being a "homophobe."  You can think that gays are icky and you're going to catch it if you get to close.  We don't care.     Where I draw the line is when a person is hateful towards another member or expresses open animosity towards a group.  We just don't need that here.     We've got a big audience these days.  Check the front page and you'll see that we're just shy of 20,000 members.  We put a lot of effort into protecting this community, and the "family-friendliness" of it.  Frankly, you guys are responsible for a lot more of that than the staff is.  I really enjoy it when someone tells me that they don't mind their kids reading TGO as they learn about guns.  We're going to protect that.  Plain and simple.
    1 point
  46. It astounds me how interested TGO as a whole is in talking about gay guys. Gay people don't even talk about being gay as much as it seems to come up around here. :rofl:  At least this is semi gun related, sort of. Don't care one way or the other what dude does with his private life.
    1 point
  47. I don't drink diet soda, light beer or anything less filling because it doesn't "taste great"! I man-up and go for the gusto! Let me get the ball rolling and say, "I wish they made a .46" Let the caliber wars begin all over again! Anyone want a cold non diet beer with their popcorn or extra butter / salt?
    1 point
  48. Sounds like a personal problem.
    1 point
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