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Miserable night

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So our boxer has had issues with his pancreas in the past. It almost killed him earlier this year. Since then he has been on special food and it seemed like it was stable. Well tonight he started acting like his pancreas was failing again. So at 9pm we are off to the vet.

About 15 minutes into the trip our boxer, Ernie, threw up in the car. So we pulled into a gas station to inspect and clean it up.

So while my wife was inside buying paper towels some guy parked next to us decides to side swip the truck as he backed out. Before he hit us I was on the horn and he continued to back up. He didn't do a lot of damage but it was still an accident.

I approached him and seen he was upset that we were honking at him. He made excuses as to why it was his fault. Our car was stationary so it was his fault. And because he was pretty animated I decided to call the cops. As I was calling he began yelling that I didn't need to call the cops. Well after the call he went inside. And when the cops arrived it turned out the driver fleed on foot. He acted like he was on something although I didn't smell alcohol.

So the driver's car is being towed. A hold is being put on it until he talks to the responding officer. The officer is going to charge him with fleeing the scene of an accident.

So now we are back on the road to head to the vet to try to save our Ernie's life.

Wish him well.
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Honestly, I couldn't care less about the truck and if we hadn't been talking about trading it in I wouldn't have called the cops. But with that said I am glad I did because it got the guy off the road. He WAS impaired. That is why he fled on foot because he had no warrants and the truck had current registration.


Ernie is up and moving around. The litmus test, so to speak, is when he goes poo next. That will determine how bad he is and whether we are going to have to go back to the vet today. I feel so bad for him because he had a liter of water put under the skin on top of his neck. That and he was so doped up yesterday he couldn't stand up to go pee.


As much of a pain in the but he was as a puppy I am glad we got him because he is a great dog. He is the sweetest, most protective and loveable dog I have ever seen.

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