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Gun enthusiast shoots, kills armed intruder in Antioch

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Oh great! Another "Martin" gets shot.

Please tell me Moffit wasn't a white guy.

The last thing we nees is Jesse and Al up here starting protests and screaming for Moffit's arrest.

Edited by BigK
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  • Administrator

Why the hell would anyone go and open the door like that. *sigh* But at least it turned out reasonably well for the good guy. Probably would have been a lot less stressful if he'd just holed up and waited for the perp to try and force entry and THEN popped him.

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Why the hell would anyone go and open the door like that. *sigh* But at least it turned out reasonably well for the good guy. Probably would have been a lot less stressful if he'd just holed up and waited for the perp to try and force entry and THEN popped him.

I agree 100%. If it is someone at the door that you need to open it for, they wouldn't cover the peep hole, and they would announce themselves.

Given the reported circumstances, it sure looks like a "hole-up and prepare a defense" scenario, vs a "lets just unlock the door and see who comes in" scenario.

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Guest lostpass

I think I see the problem here. If you are breaking into a house to steal guns and meet resistance it might be a good idea to run (in a zig zag pattern) as fast as you can away from the residence. Cause they are armed and all.

A darwin award should go to this guy.

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Guest lostpass

If you just shoved a guy with an AR-15, it's unlikely that you can do a big enough zig zag pattern to help your cause. Probably best to just not start any gun fights to begin with

Yes, the shoving part is a tactical mistake. The zig pattern should have enacted as soon as resistance was met. As in:

"I'm gonna steal some guns"

Someone is home

"Ahhhhhhh, I've made a terrible mistake"

While running serpentine.

There are very few situations that can't be diffused by the aggressor running away.

The common notion seems to be that gun owners are out there just looking for people to shoot. That doesn't seem to be the case to me. I can't think of one gun owner I know that would actually give chase. Cause the gun folks I know are took lazy and mostly want to be left alone.

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"Moffitt, who is a firearms enthusiast and had legal weapons in the apartment...:

Always makes it sound as if having "legal ones" is some sort of rare and complicated process.

- OS

I was impressed, they could have said: "Moffit, who is a gun nut and had assault weapons in the apartment..."

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Sounds like the old adage: "Loose lips sink ships."


"Investigators said Michael Moffitt and his girlfriend, Caycee Albright, heard a knock at their door around 11 p.m."

"Albright said she knew Martin through friends and police think he might have come to rob Moffitt of his guns. Moffitt is a firearms enthusiast and had legal weapons in his apartment.

Albright was found to have an outstanding warrant charging her with leaving the scene of a property damage accident last year. She was arrested and released after posting a $5,000 bond."

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Sounds like the old adage: "Loose lips sink ships."


"Investigators said Michael Moffitt and his girlfriend, Caycee Albright, heard a knock at their door around 11 p.m."

"Albright said she knew Martin through friends and police think he might have come to rob Moffitt of his guns. Moffitt is a firearms enthusiast and had legal weapons in his apartment.

Albright was found to have an outstanding warrant charging her with leaving the scene of a property damage accident last year. She was arrested and released after posting a $5,000 bond."

She would be finding a new boyfriend.

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No sympathy for the shooter? Come on guys, can you imagine what a headache he had? An AR in an apartment? WOW! I bet that was loud!!!

Good job on removing another scumbag puke piece of :poop: from the gene pool. 1 down, 1,000,000 more to go.

I agree though, he should have kept the door locked and called the popo's

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