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What's your ammo situation?


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Yea me too, decisions, decisions?


Currently I have what I feel is enough range ammo for my monthly IDPA shoots for eight months. But, if I shoot the match every month and things don't return to normal, then what? I suppose I'll shoot every other month for awhile and see how things go?


Got a new Aimpoint red dot and iron sights just installed on my .223 AR and want to get it sighted in. Guess I need to dig into my limited emergency stash to get it sighted in, should only take less than a magazine to accomplish. A gun not sighted in is useless.


If things don't ease up in the next few months I'll really start to conserve.


But, short of government interference, the law of supply and demand will prevail no matter what if there's a market for it. You may have to pay a lot more than previously but, a black market will evolve just like anything else.


I have an ammo addiction and maybe a thirty day stay in an ammunition rehabilitation center will appease the court on my first offense?


I love sniffing the smell up my nose of gun powder in the morning, no spoon, syringe or rolled up dollar bill needed :rofl:

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WOE IS ME!!!!! it' s really bad here at the glock 55 household. dont have as much as i want, can find as much as i need and couldn't afford what i would like to have. :down:  yet in these dark and trying times i am still able to find enough available to keep the stock pile growing toward acceptable levels. :up: have been focusing on getting my reloading supplies up to par incase loaded ammo becomes any harder to find. with some of the stories i've read about online sells i'm about afraid to try that route,don't want money tied up on orders that don't get shipped. one thing is for sure if this crisis ever passes i'll NEVER gets caught with my ammo pants down again. to sum up i suppose the real question is: IS THERE SUCH A THING AS ENOUGH AMMO

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Not nearly enough. I have a brand new 9mm that hasn't been fired because I don't want to use up the rounds I have been able to get. I'm lower on .38's than I like to be and I have six, yes only six, .357's. I would have sworn I had 2 or 3 boxes of .357's but I must have used them up and just bought .38's to run through the .357

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Guest Halfling

Not enough and I haven't found much of anything to add for the past month. If this weekend is as nice as the weather man says I may be totally out of range ammo by Monday!!! I have enough self-defense ammo to keep all my mags full three times but not happy with my current levels, especially considering all of the "stuff" going on lately!

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im still shooting, i have a pretty good cushion on my ammo supply. ive been getting lucky these last few days on finding ammo online. Im actually gonna go burn through a few mags of 5.56, and 7.62x39 here soon. the only thing im not really finding is 9mm

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I'm good, but I have curtailed range time for the duration of the situation.  I am considering picking up an air rifle and possibly an air pistol to keep my practice up. Pellets are cheap and you still go through the basics of marksmanship.

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One can never have too much ammo. I'm doing ok. I have a decent amount of .223 9mm and .40 but I won't be going to the range very often until prices drop and ammo is readily available.


I got this random idea 2 months before Sandy Hook that I wanted to stock up on .22LR. I was only able to buy 3-4 bricks before that happened but it's better than nothing I suppose.

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I have more than enough to make the average sheeple uncomfortable.


That's good, but remember...it doesn't take much to make a lib sheeple nervous.


I am good to go :up: and I get t tell the wife "I told you so" every chance I get 


My wife asked me back in early November if I had enough ammo. I foolishly said " Why yes, I believe I do."

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I have plenty at the moment, but I'm probably overly cautious about using it right now. Don't know how long the current situation will last or if there are things coming down the pike that will make it even worse.

It'll last until the SSA,  NOAA and other agencies who have no business purchasing ammo stop buying it just to keep it out of our hands which is exactly what is happening. There's absolutely no reason for the Feds to be buying 2 billion rounds or whatever the total is now. In light of that, I think you're behaving wisely.

Edited by GoneBallistic
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From what info is out there, ammo manufacturors are not making 22LR. May be quite awhile before it comes back. Most Walmarts have not had any in weeks. While other stuff trickles in.

Got a source for that?

I find it hard to believe that a manufacturer that answers to stockholders would just shut down a production line for no good reason.

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Got a source for that?

I find it hard to believe that a manufacturer that answers to stockholders would just shut down a production line for no good reason.


Obvious online BS. The occasional .22LR ammo that shows up both online and at Wally and other brick and mortars is old ammo that has just been kept under wraps somewhere? Right.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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