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Well. I retired yesterday.


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It takes awhile but you'll adjust and love it.


I retired in 2010 and at first, kept thinking I had to use vacation time to do any trips...lol. But 4 years+ into it, I realize that life without a schedule is paradise! I'm so busy now doing anything and everything, I sometimes wonder how the heck I ever had time to work. The best part is fishing during the weekdays ... nobody there except an occassional fellow retiree :pleased:

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It takes awhile but you'll adjust and love it.


I retired in 2010 and at first, kept thinking I had to use vacation time to do any trips...lol. But 4 years+ into it, I realize that life without a schedule is paradise! I'm so busy now doing anything and everything, I sometimes wonder how the heck I ever had time to work. The best part is fishing during the weekdays ... nobody there except an occassional fellow retiree :pleased:


I particularly like the part about no schedule and fishing during the week..!!  :up:

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Congrats, I did it 42 days ago and it is nice. I tell folks I have 6 Saturdays and 1 Sunday every week. No more M-F. I was going to hold out until January, but it wasn't any fun anymore and a fellow told me years ago that was when it was time to hang it up. I don't even think about the crap that used to be on my mind in the middle of the night or when I was hunting or fishing. I had some people tell me prior to retiring that it wasn't what is was cut out to be. Well I say BS!! I know that I have to stay busy, but heck I got 2-3 years worth of honey do's to do, espescially when I keep putting them off. LOL  Sorry to jack your thread Randall

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Hey...don't apologize Dirtshooter, I've enjoyed all the input and stories!  LOL....I used to think I had too many hobbies, but now may have room for a few more. I enjoy skeet and sporting clay shooting, got a CZ 22 for some rifle competition, a really nice boat for fishing, motorcycle, I've been getting into bicycle riding and I play billiards a LOT and thinking of expanding that too a couple more nights a week. Oh...and enough yard work to fill in the rest of the days I suppose. I now have time to do all the maintenance on our cars so that will save me money and keep me busy also. I also have a camper at a nice campground to enjoy.  I've heard others say they just don't do retirement very well....I can't imagine. LOL


Thanks for all the well wishes and the advice and stories. I'm really enjoying hearing from others that have retired.  Now...where is that fishing calendar...?  haha.

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I retired 2 years ago for health reasons. But I have good days and bad. Good days I do yard work, bush hogging, etc. Bad days I stay in reload, clean guns, TV, computer, and my fav. naps. :snore:  Lol. But good and bad I enjoy it. Could be in worst shape, alot of people are. But all in all I enjoy it. Hope you do too.

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It feels good, yet strange knowing I won't have to get up by the alarm clock anymore, unless I'm going hunting or fishing....LOL  :up:


Make sure you remind your neighbors how nice it is when you see them leaving for work.  Our neighbor retired in the spring and he sure likes to remind us how nice it is lol

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