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Showing content with the highest reputation since 12/13/2016 in Posts

  1. United We Stand. Divided We Fall. From this point forward, non Second Amendment political and legislative discussions are no longer welcome on TGO. Longtime members of TGO may now roll their eyes and mutter, "Not this crap again. We've been here before." Rightly so. We have attempted several times to allow our members to discuss general politics in a mature manner. We have begged, pleaded, threatened and banned in the effort of making it work. It never does. It always falls apart. There is barely such a thing as polite and respectful political discourse in mixed company even when you limit it to talking about firearms and the right to bear them. Thankfully that is what TGO is about. The right to bear arms. We are staunch supporters of the Second Amendment. We are also not ignorant to the fact that we must educate and inform each other when it comes to politics and those political creatures we mentioned previously. We cannot put our heads in the sand. We discuss these things as a matter of necessity - not because we find it enjoyable. But that is where we now draw the line. From now on, if it isn't about politics or legislation that directly affects the Second Amendment, take it somewhere else. We don't need the division here. It is almost cyclical, but the next four years look bleak for gun owners. We are going to have to be more united than ever. We have to find our common ground and stand together atop it. We cannot waver and we must remind ourselves that no matter our differences we are still Americans and, hopefully, we are proponents and defenders of the Second Amendment. We hope you understand. If you don't and you disagree, we hope you'll at least respect the decision. And if you can't do that, we hope you'll find a new place to talk about politics and guns and whatever else. Because it won't be here. I'm done with it and I care about you all and about our freedoms too much to suffer another moment of division and bickering about anything more consequential than your favorite sportsball team. United We Stand. Divided We Fall. God Save The Republic.
    34 points
  2. Conspiracy Theories, Coronavirus, TGO and YOU For as long as I can remember, TGO has never really provided "safe waters" for people who want to preach conspiracy theories and rile-up the masses. There are plenty of places for that sort of thing on the Internet and yes sometimes the conspiracy enthusiasts (or nuts, if you so prefer) are proven right in the end. But since there are so many other places for it and since we feel that the ravings of fringe believers tends to bring down the property value, we prefer that our members engage in discussions based in reality. Lately the moderators have begun removing posts fanning the flames of conspiracy around the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic. Generally speaking, I am supportive of their actions. Here's why: Priorities First and foremost, we have a present problem to deal with so let's start by putting our focus there. We have members who are and have been personally affected by COVID-19 and chances are this is just the beginning. If we are going to invest our mental and emotional energies into something, let's invest them in encouraging, supporting and helping our own community. Respect Again, we know that we already have members of TGO affected by this pandemic. So far they (and we) have been fortunate and it's turned out well. That could change. We don't want that to happen, but the statistical projections indicate that by the time the dust settles none of us will have many degrees of separation from someone that died as a result of the virus. I just think maybe it's a little disrespectful to the people currently fighting this virus and eventually to those who lose the battle for us to sit around and imagineer boogeymen behind a virus that science currently says evolved naturally. Stay In Your Lane, Bro Following right in behind the matter of respect is the simple fact that unless you're an educated, degreed, certified ass-kicking virologist, geneticist, research scientist, or have data from a respected source that is... you should probably stay in your lane. Remember the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020? That happened because social media said there was a shortage of toilet paper. So the people believed it, reacted like scared sheep, and ran right over the edge of the cliff with arms full of Charmin. There's no reason for us to allow the next big social media fear-fest to start with or take root on TGO. We can control what happens here, so our intent is to manage it so that there's at least one place you can visit online that doesn't feel like the lunatics are running the asylum. You're welcome for that. Even if you don't appreciate it right now. And So What If That Conspiracy Theory Is Accurate? The President, love him or hate him, has already said that there are going to be consequences on the other side of this current situation for the way that China mishandled this. Even if they didn't bio-engineer it, their government hid the outbreak from the world until it was busting out of their borders. So far the Prez has done everything he's said he would do... right or wrong... so we can be pretty confident that the US isn't going to just let this slide. So, even if the latest conspiracy theory is accurate... you and I can't do a thing about it. Establishing and maintaining a military to preserve our sovereignty, the strength of our borders, and the security of our interests is the one thing that the government should be doing. It's maybe the only reason the government should exist if you ask some. But they are equipped to do something about it. Not us. Not even Chuck Norris. Let's let the government handle the boogeyman. And if they need our input on that, there will be an appropriate time to tell our elected representatives what we'd like to see done. And I'm sure that our actual scientists will be following up on all credible leads that help them expedite a treatment or vaccine for COVID-19. So if that takes them back to a secret lair somewhere in Communist China where they're having unprotected sex with bats while eating live frogs... so be it. In the meantime, let's stay grounded in reality here. It's scary enough and it requires our full attention.
    33 points
  3. TGO has unfortunately, from time to time, been visited by those who lack morals and ethics and would like to take advantage of the good graces and trusting nature of our fine members. This activity almost always seems to increase when social conditions are turbulent, especially if the turbulence is centered around the ability to find and buy guns or ammo. Lately we have had to boot a few people who were exhibiting suspicious behavior. We want you to be aware of this fact and to be sure to check a person's status on TGO before you commit to doing business with them as either the seller or the buyer. This is especially true if the other person encourages you to take communication with them "off the forum" and to email or some sort of instant messaging service. Before you buy or sell: Look to see whether they have have an active account or if they've been banned since you started talking to them. If you are going to meet to conduct business, do it during daylight hours and in a heavily trafficked, very public, neutral meeting place. Don't invite people to your home. Don't agree to meet people at theirs. MOST police and sheriff's stations have space at their parking lot where you can meet for selling and buying with strangers. Other good places are parking lots of busy business and in sight of their security cameras. Trust your gut instincts whether just when communicating online or meeting in person. If something feels "off" or "weird" - trust your gut. Feel free to involve me, @MacGyver, @Chucktshoes or one of the other moderators in a private conversation with the other party, or just contact us off to the side if you have concerns. Some of the suspicious activity that we've seen includes: People answering a Want To Buy ad claiming to have what you want, or that they know a friend or family member who does, and offering to broker an exchange between you and them. When it is fraudulent, this sort of thing often quickly becomes ridiculously complex and harder than it should be to do a simple transaction. Your warning senses should start tingling. We insist that people never list an item for sale for a friend on TGO for a reason. First Person is simpler, easier and often safer. People asking if you will ship a gun to them out of state or if you require proof of residency. Shipping a gun out of state always requires that you send it to an FFL in that state. An in-person buyer has to be a resident of your state. Again, heed your warning senses. People asking you to send money to them via PayPal "Friends and Family". Remember, first of all PayPal doesn't allow you to pay for guns and certain other things with their service. If you do and you get hosed on a deal, you may have no protection with PayPal. Second, sending money via Friends and Family saves the recipient a measly 3% charge but it also means you get zero protection via PayPal if the other person hoses you. Strangers insisting that they meet you after dark, or at a remote location, or at your house or theirs. This is a big NO. Don't do this. People asking if they can send a friend to pick up a gun from you instead of meeting you themselves. This is also a big NO. It can quickly become an illegal "straw purchase". Again, trust your gut instincts. You have them for a reason. It's safer to heed them and risk offending a person than it is to ignore them and end up the victim of a scam or worse. And always, always contact me, @MacGyver, @Chucktshoes or another moderator if you are concerned and just want a second opinion. We're glad to help. Stay safe out there!
    31 points
  4. I looked and there are a few threads about a member's dog(s) here and there, but I was surprised that we don't have ONE big thread of all the doggos on TGO. So, let's fix that. ^^^ This is Tiberias, or Tigh for short. Yeah Tigh is spelled weird but I'm also a Battlestar Galactica nerd and fans of the show will recall that the XO of the Galactica was named Tigh. Anyway, he's a pure bred German Shepherd Dog and currently 4-months old. He was a rescue and we were fortunate to be called this past Monday and asked if we wanted to come get him. And yes, we most certainly did. Tigh is proving himself to be the goodest boy possible. Super loving, super loyal, and also already very protective of his new house and his new pack. We're thrilled to have him. So, so me your dogs!
    30 points
  5. Free Larue Rat Stock In Green Ar-15- Gone to a better place Free Mission First Tactical Minimalist IWB P365 -Going to a better Place Free SAFARILAND 6004 77421-122- Fits P226- Must have p226- Gone to a better place Free MOSSBERG 590 QUICK DETACH SLING AND FLASHLIGHT MOUNT-Gone to a better place Free MOSSBERG 590 QUICK DETACH Rear Sling mount-Gone to a better place Free Magpul MAG406-BLK MOE Polymer Rail Section, 5-Solt polymer Free Striker Industries Take down Pins Black Ar15 Free P226 magazine little beat up but works-Gone to a better place Free Striker Industries Take down Pins Black Ar15 Free Lance L5AWM Magazine smoked 30 Round Ar15 Free Lance L5AWM Magazine smoked 30 Round Ar15 Free Lance L5AWM Magazine smoked 30 Round AR15 Rules for the give away. 1. Cant afford them or really want them for a project or a gun you have now! 2. Must be close or in Mt Juliet I'm not shipping them or driving outside the city. 3. Don't be greedy this is for people that really need it. 4. Leave me a review.. 5. All parts are new or in new condition unless listed. Once again completely free I know things are tuff this year. This is my way of giving back don't make this a bad experience.
    30 points
  6. My son graduated with his Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida yesterday. Pictured with us is his advisor Mark who has been mentoring my son since he was a young pup in the STEM program at the University of Alabama. Next stop PhD. Roll Tide, Go Gators!
    30 points
  7. All of the recent scammer activity on TGO and other big gun forums uses the same tactic: A new "member" registers for an account and immediately sends a private message to legitimate members of the community with an alleged off-site, out of state contact, who either has the item they want to buy or is wanting to buy the item they have to sale. To date 100% of this activity has been fraudulent. In order to make it harder for these scum to operate in the shadows, I am considering the following changes to TGO: Placing all new members into a category that forbids them from being able to send a private message until X-Number of days have passed since registering, or X-Number of posts have been made in other areas, or some combination of the two. If a person wants to bypass that restriction, they can buy a Benefactor subscription, at which point we have a way to track them down if they do something illegal. Otherwise they participate by providing meaningful content for a brief period of time, after which they can send private messages. What do you all say about this plan?
    28 points
  8. First off let me say thanks to all of you that offered up a prayer for my daughter. She completed all her chemo a couple weeks ago and had her double mastectomy yesterday. She's home resting and her mother is there to watch over things for about a month. She is deemed "cancer free" in that all her lymph node biopsies came back negative and of course her lump is gone as well. She still has some localized radiation treatments after she heals from surgery but for now everything is lookin' good.
    26 points
  9. Hey gang. Welcome back to TGO. There is a lot to cover in this post, so I am going to try to hit things in the order of most important or impacting, to least. Where is my TGO user account? If you created an account on TGO after August 17th you will most likely need to create your account again. We lost almost 30-days worth of data in this crash. What Happened To My Benefactor Account? A lot of my work today has been around connecting Benefactor memberships with those who purchased them. I was successful with most of them, but there are a few of you (less than 10) that I will be reaching out to in email so that we can work together to get you squared away. I am prioritizing this near the top of importance because you guys keep TGO afloat and I will take care of you. I posted something and now it's gone! Anything posted after August 17th is lost. I am very sorry. I suppose the good news is that if you posted something and regretted it, you now have a second chance. This part really sucks and I am absolutely not trying to down-play it. Trust me, however upset you are, I am infinitely more upset. I hope that you'll dive back in and recreate whatever we lost. What happened?!? This is the million dollar question. Our server suffered a catastrophic hardware failure that could not be recovered from. Thankfully we had backups, but I had to go back 30-days in time to find a backup that was viable. This problem had unfortunately been brewing for a while and I did not notice it in time. Prior to today (9/18/23) we were using a different web hosting company. We aren't using them now because I am greatly disappointed in their ability to assist and am livid over the outcome. The best and only way for me to respond was to move TGO to another hosting company who I believe will be much more responsive and responsible. That said, I cannot place full blame on them. Sadly, I missed some signs which were obvious in hindsight so some of this is absolutely my fault. Especially related to backups. I am now making backups of my backups and storing them in several places (online, offline, and in the cloud) so that we have more recovery options if something like this ever happens again. How can we help?? Post, post, post. Dive back in and start using TGO. This will be a scar for a while, but like all scars it will eventually fade. Other than that, there really isn't anything to do. I just noticed [insert problem here]. If you notice anything weird with your account, especially with payments for Benefactor memberships, let me know. I'll sort it out and get you taken care of. That's about it for now. Thanks for your patience while we were offline. I suppose if there is a silver lining to all of this, it has provided a chance to do some things different and better behind the scenes. Hopefully those differences and improvements will equate to odds heavily in our favor for the future. --David
    26 points
  10. My squad leader in 'Nam, Kenneth E. Stumpf, a Medal of Honor recipient, has final stage pancreatic cancer. His son called me, said the dr. gave him 2 weeks. After I was severely wounded, he came in and got me out under fire, along with 2 other guys. I probably would have bled out if not for that. Hell of a guy & soldier. Heavy heart. He will be missed by all that knew him.
    26 points
  11. I bought this at a gun show a few years back. It came with a set of stag grips. I finally located original style grips for it. This was no easy feat. In case anyone isn't familiar, this is a Smith and Wesson Heavy Frame Target Model, also referred to as a Bekeart Model. I'm not sure the year of manufacture, but it is roughly 100 years old, and chambered for 22 Long Rifle. I've always wanted one of these, but never thought i'd actually have one.
    26 points
  12. I'll post this link but there are hundreds of other sites you can find it from. Go search it for yourself and pick your poison. https://www.wtxl.com/news/national-news/fbi-armed-protests-planned-at-all-50-state-capitals-u-s-capitol If I were you, I would think twice or more before participating in any of these things. At best it is a fundamentally bad idea with horrible timing and terrible Public Relations optics being promoted by overzealous but genuine lovers of freedom. At worst it is a giant PsyOp being spurred on by people who want to decimate the Second Amendment. Either way, it is going to be used to paint gun owners as a threat to civilized society the moment ANY of it goes wrong in ANY state. All it is going to take is for one armed group to clash with the police or National Guard or for a report that an innocent was harmed by an armed protestor, and it will be used to ramrod unconstitutional gun restrictions through the Legislature at lightning speed and with the backing of a frightened public. Let's be honest about an inconvenient truth: Guns scare people who don't own them and don't use them. Hard stop. Accept it. I have spoken numerous times here and on the Shooters Nation Podcast about the need to be good evangelists of the Second Amendment by making gun ownership normal and less scary to people on the fence about it. I have told anyone who would listen that a gun is not a public relations tool, and that open carry -- especially at protests and rallies -- does nothing but further polarize an already scared and skeptical voter base against the cause. Regardless of how many times I scream it from the rooftops, there are always the loud voices inside the gun community who want to holler about "MUH RIGHTS!" or "YoU AReNt A TrUE PaTRIoT ArE YoU, YoU PuSSY?!" and who want to shout me off the stage and tell me to go to hell for insinuating that God, Jesus and Moses don't really want them carrying their AR15 to picket a government building or elementary school. Well, allow me to scream it from the rooftop one more time: If you were thinking about going to one of those events, for the sake of everyone else if not for your own safety, stay the F home. Don't scare the sheep. Don't give the salivating media the photo-op that they are this very moment sitting at their desks with enormous boners hoping you'll give them. Don't freak out your neighbors. Don't give the rest of us a bad name. Don't put yourself on some [other] government watch list. Don't be a useful idiot playing into the hands of people who want to destroy the 2A! If you want to do an ill-advised armed protest, do it a few months from now. Don't do it this month. Don't do it on Inauguration Day. Don't be a dick. This has been my TED Talk.
    26 points
  13. Robert, you've been a member here a long time. I know you aren't looking for charity but I hate to see you sell your gun just to put food on the table. I will personally send some money your way to help hold you over until unemployment comes. I can't speak for everyone but I bet we have some other members that will help. Do you have Venmo? It's a free app you download to your phone. All you have to do is link your bank account(it's safe).
    26 points
  14. STOP IT!!! The word you're looking for is 'Sale' An item you want to sell, is 'For Sale' Do better.
    25 points
  15. I honestly can't come up with the words. I am heartbroken. I am angry. I am not ashamed to tell you that I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. Y'all.... Mikey literally spent some of his last hours reaching out on TGO for a connection to the outside world. You all were his community. You were his lifeline beyond the four walls of his hospital room. Please don't ever forget that. Don't misinterpret TGO to be just another gun forum. This place is literally home to many of us. Damn it. I just can't.
    25 points
  16. Over the last six months my wonderful wife has had a series of serious sinus infections. The myriad of drugs she has been on affected her as badly as the infections. Over time she also noticed that when the infection started her two back teeth on the top left also would ache. Our PCP sent her to Vanderbilt and an excellent ENT found in a CT scan that something was going on with the teeth. He referred her to an excellent oral surgeon who found there was a serious infection in the gum. The infection in the gums was being broadcast to the sinuses. A massive double infection; one affected the other. Surgery was called for. She had to go through two hours of surgery with the ENT to "clean out" the sinuses. When he finished the oral surgeon then went in for two hours to remove the teeth and repair the gums. Surgery was successful and both surgeons found massive pools of infection in the upper sinus and in the gums. If the infection made it to the brain I would have lost my wife. A week past surgery my wife is doing great and post surgical visits with both surgeons show the infection is gone and she is healing well. (Just getting used to chewing without two less teeth.) This has been a scary period for me and for her. I wanted to give thanks to God, extremely caring and COMPETENT doctors, and to my wife for fighting through a difficult time (except through suffering from my cooking!). Just felt the need to share what she has been through, the fear I felt after realizing how bad the infections were, and my gratefulness that she is sitting across from me reading a funny book and laughing because she is feeling better. I invite you to share my thankfulness and my joy. Thank you for reading.
    24 points
  17. A lot of folks aren't going to like this post and I think I am honestly past the point of caring. Why? Because the people who won't like it don't have any solutions either and their feelings on what I am about to say is why we are where we're at in the first place. This country has forfeited its moral compass. We have a sin problem that has been intentionally hidden behind the symptomatic mental health problem, which itself is one that not many want to talk about. We have allowed leftists to take God out of our society. People, young and old alike, have practically been forbidden to talk in publicly funded places about the God who heals hearts and minds, who tells us what is right and wrong, and with whom heavy human burdens can be traded for peace that transcends worldly hurts. Kids brains are now saturated from Pre-Kindergarten, forward, with all manner of unnatural doctrines which warp their minds and injure their souls. They are told that boys with XY chromosomes and penises can call themselves girls, and that girls with XX chromosomes and vaginas can call themselves boys, and that anyone who dares conflict those misconceptions is guilty of assaulting their self-identities. Men are Women, Adults are Kids, Kids are Sexual Beings, Left is Right, Right is Left, Wrong is Right, Right is Wrong and God is a Myth. These days, a messed-up kid with a list of grievances in his heart often doesn't have a father AND mother at home to confide in, because we've allowed leftist ideals to destroy the nuclear family. And if the kid does have one or both at home, there is a chance that one or both are terrible human beings, themselves, and maybe the cause of some of the kid's pain. Or, at best, apathetic to it because they are just adult-sized children too, living selfish self-centered, hedonistic lives and lacking any natural compassion for their child. That kid typically hasn't been brought up to understand that there is a real and loving God who cares for him and to whom all of his hurts and pains and anger can be brought to have them sorted out and healed. So that kid just festers with confusion, anger and rage, like an infection below the skin, just waiting to burst and release all of what has been trapped inside of him. And then he makes the news, with a weapon of any sort, and a victim or list of victims upon whom he released his wrath. We are reaping what our society has sown over the past five or more decades. We asked for this. And if we want to change it, we've got to get involved. We have to save our kids by investing in our kids. Not just our biological children, but our society's children. There are a lot of kids out there who don't have mom or dad, or for whom mom and dad are a part of the problem. This isn't a situation where we can write checks and make donations and other people do the work. If you're reading this and you care about where our society is headed, you can personally get involved and you NEED to. Kids from Pre-K up to early adulthood need your mentorship, your guidance and your heart. Like I said, a lot of people won't like this post. So be it.
    24 points
  18. I have been a TGO member since 2008; more active some years than others, but I am committed to checking in daily. Last autumn I realized how much I missed being on TGO on a regular basis. In the time I have been on TGO, 99.9% of the folks I have met have been kind, generous, funny, helpful (even when I ask dumb questions or make inane comments), and supportive when I have shared personal issues. As we start 2020 I want to offer a genuine and sincere THANK YOU to all who have interacted with me. It is my goal to be a friend, support, and advocate for everyone I meet on TGO. Let's not take Tennessee Gun Owners for granted. I am 64 years old and as I grow older, it is easy to realize that there are some things in life that we fail to truly appreciate. Blessings upon all who gather here.
    24 points
  19. Access to firearms has never been more restricted that at the present time. AR15 has been on the civilian market for over 50 years and is one of the most popular firearms in history, probably millions to 10's of millions of them in the US. Obviously, something changed other than access to firearms; if there was a correlation then these incidents would be less likely now, not more. The AR came on the market in 1963, at a time when there were virtually no gun laws other than restrictions on machineguns, 5 years before the 1968 GCA. What has happened in the time period since then, lets reason together: We as a nation have practically destroyed the nuclear family, eviscerated and emasculated the role of the Church in society and replaced chivalry and self-sacrifice with victimhood and narcissism. We abort viable pregnancies due to inconvenience, and promote offing the elderly and ill if we deem their quality of life substandard. We allow our children to play video games that utilize the exact same psychological conditioning used to make our Vietnam Vets more efficient killers (and caused an explosion of PTSD casualties, you all know that more vets have killed themselves since the war than died in it). Instead of mothers and fathers raising their sons and daughters to be ladies and gentlemen, we tell the kids they might be homosexuals or misgendered, and instead of disciplining and training them we put them on Prozac and Ritalin and give them Facebook to experience the insecurities of puberty on a macro scale, all alone on powerful mind altering medications with no morals and no father to smack them and no mother to hug them. Short of a revival (and I do mean the Christian sort), I don't know what can turn this around, we've wasted a generation, maybe two now, and I'm staying armed and vigilant because the last thing that's gonna make anyone safer is taking away the ability to meet these threats head on. I'm sorry to say I don't see this getting better anytime soon, but will continue to pray about it, and do what I can to influence my children and other young people that I can in appositive way...
    24 points
  20. Since it was a nice day out yesterday I decided to get them out for a little sunshine.
    23 points
  21. A buddy from my Army days runs a gunsmithing shop in Central Texas and did his magic on my late Grandfather's ole Colt he use to slip in his pocket coon hunting. I think it turned out great.
    23 points
  22. Look, I am really sick of this crap. Everything we have done lately has been designed to keep TGO available for all of us. Read this story: https://rantingly.com/godaddy-cancels-ar15-com/ This could easily happen to us. I am working NOW to set up a contingency plan. If you can't work with us on this, then get the hell off of TGO and go somewhere else. I can't fight THEM and fight you guys here.
    23 points
  23. I have to brag on my beautiful bride for getting me a Hold Up Displays 12 gun rack for my birthday. She is my best friend and puts up with all my craziness. Got it put up today and decided to show a few of my lever guns. When I open the door to the man cave this view smacks me in the face. I am truly Blessed!
    23 points
  24. The cool thing about being prepared is that you can sit back and enjoy the show. We've seen this before, and we'll see it again.
    23 points
  25. This is Ginger. She's a rescue so not sure of her breed but in her mind she is a Doberman. Lol. She's had surgery on both knees, one eye removed and surgery on her other eye. But she's worth every dime as she is the best dog I've ever had. Great thread.
    22 points
  26. This is Lilly, my sons dog.Somebody dropped her in front of my mothers house when she was a pup along with. 3 more.He kept her, and the others got homes.She visits my daughters dogs where she lives across the field and they have the run of the farm.She is VERY SPOILED .
    22 points
  27. I honestly cannot remember anything earlier than this and have photographic evidence of me carrying not one but two of these, circa 1974. Some photos you can just... smell. And if you know what I mean, you know what I mean. Sweet, sweet Sulphur.
    22 points
  28. Merry Christmas everyone! Just a quick update to let you know that I am still here and doing pretty well. I’m currently working full-time for a real estate title company here in Ohio and I recently accepted an adjunct professor of finance position with a local four-your college teaching corporate finance. i’ve also restarted my own Masters program working on the master of arts degree in biblical apologetics. God is good; and I will never forget the overwhelming generosity of those here at TGO! And, yes, I still have my G20!
    22 points
  29. In fairness I left out one category that deserves some sympathy. Newbies. Lousy time to be starting the path to gun ownership.
    22 points
  30. We have done this a couple of times in the past. Since the increase in traffic at TGO since Covid-19 I thought it was a good time to bring it back. I am donating Qty 10 6 month benefactor memberships. The rules are as follows: 1) you mush have been a member at least 1 month prior to this post 2) you need to have at least 10 posts. 3) you can't currently be a benefactor. Thats it. If you meet these requirements then post in this thread that you want to be included in the drawing. I will keep this open through the weekend. Sunday evening or Monday morning I will take all the names and put them into a randomizer and select 10 users for the membership. The hope is that after your membership is up that you will renew and continue to support this site financially.
    22 points
  31. Friends from day one, inseparable. Coal and Sadie.
    21 points
  32. This is Gypsy the Wonder Dog, dressed up for Christmas. She turned 8 this July. People frequently ask what breed she is, and I tell them with confidence she's a purebred brown dog. There's surely a good bit of Doberman heritage there, but it's mixed with some other stuff. Cheers, Whisper
    21 points
  33. Last weekend, doing it again today, 4p -6p at the Northshore Kroger. Swing by for free pets
    21 points
  34. This is Ellie. A bit neurotic at times but a good dog.
    21 points
  35. I wanted to build a Shughart M-14 because if you’re gonna have one, it might as well be one modeled off the one used by one of the baddest men to wield it. I started with this M-14 clone from Bula Defense. Mounted an ARMS-18 optics rail and an Aimpoint CompM. I then acquired a surplus M-14 fiberglass stock. The army boys sure do love their duct tape. Once I got it stripped down, it was time to paint! As it sits now, it’s in what I refer to as the “movie configuration” ad it’s similar to what was used in the Black Hawk Down film. The CompM will end up coming off and being used on a retro AR build using the original hi-rise optic mount (carry handle gang gang). As of now there are a couple of bits that are either on the way, or requiring a little detailed work to mount. (Waiting on rings for my Aimpoint 5000 and the AIM-1/D needs a tape switch fabricated for it.) Updates to follow as the build is adjusted/completed.
    21 points
  36. Over the course of my career, my work has taken me to a lot of unpopular places in the world. I've seen the effects of unmitigated hatred as people kill one another in places like Bosnia Herzegovina and Croatia. I've spent plenty of time in the Middle East, and even though I'm only in my mid-40's, I can remember what a awesome city Damascus was before the war. I've slept in the shadow of Khobar Towers. For a bunch of years, my job often took me to these unpopular places. Talking to a counselor several years ago, she argued that there shouldn't be a D on PTSD. That nothing is wrong with you - that everything you're experiencing is a normal reaction to extreme stress. I've thought about that a lot over the years. I found myself thinking about it yesterday as I watched the events of yesterday unfold. I found myself getting irritated. My heart rate was up above where it normally is, and I couldn't seem to relax - nor could I really focus on anything particularly well either. I know these signs, and knew that I was going to have nightmares last night. I've got a lot of support in my life. I have a hard time with the word blessing - but this is an area where I'm truly blessed. But I've spoken to a lot of folks today that I know don't have that support in their life. That haven't gotten the support they've needed. Vets. Foreign Service. Agency friends. A lot of us watched yesterday and found ourselves in a weird place. We've seen what happened yesterday a bunch of times other places - but maybe don't have a place to put it when it has happened here. Anyway, that's a long way of saying - if yesterday has opened old wounds - or maybe opened one some you didn't realize you had - there are folks here in a similar place. I'm happy to talk anytime if you need something. Feel free to reach out.
    21 points
  37. Capitalism. You really wouldn't want it any other way. Anyone not prepared at this point in time is either impoverished, ignorant, or lazy.
    21 points
  38. Been looking for good . 357 carry revolver and was curious about the K6S or a King Cobra. Willis68 had both and I got to handle them both and both are fantastic. The K6S was just so light, thin, slim, and modern feeling. At the same time, it felt solid and tight. I really liked the looks of the 2" barrel but really liked the increased ballistics of the 3". I got to say this is the most carriable 3" revolver I've ever held. Excited to get it to the range.
    20 points
  39. This is Koira. We kinda inherited her from my youngest daughter who, during a rough spot, was unable to care for her. Now she's a part of the family for sure and thinks she's Queen. VERY loyal and loving dog, probably the most so I've ever seen. She's very attached (almost neurotically) to my wife, but likes me ok too. I think she's around 5 years old.
    20 points
  40. This is Boo our 5 y/o GSD. Rescue from a wonderful foster family. She definitely understands "guard Mom"
    20 points
  41. My Catahoula Leopard dog (Wrangler, brown - right in both), German Shorthair Pointer (Parker, black/white top middle and bottom left), Olde English Bulldogge (Barkley, brown/white - top left), and Beabull (Gus, beagle/bulldog mix - bottom middle).
    20 points
  42. Been working on this for a while, finally got it to my liking. These are all AR500 steel and self healing(ish) rubber that I made from some stall mats.
    20 points
  43. To be honest, I don’t give three f*cks about her gender or any of that. People I knew personally are dead today. Children my wife cared for are dead today. Please pray for the victims, their families and the other students, families and staff. That is all we can do at this point.
    20 points
  44. I now officially have a kid smarter than me! He graduated this afternoon with a BA in engineering from TTU.
    20 points
  45. If you didn't feel you were in enough danger to shoot them in the chest then you were not in enough danger to shoot them PERIOD. Lethal force is LETHAL force and shooting someone a LITTLE is just like shooting them a lot. Once the gun comes out and goes BANG everything changes. Its not just for funsies anymore.....And what happens when you try to play Lone Ranger and shoot dude in the gun hand and the bullet ricochets off his gun and into his carotid artery? Or you shoot dude in the leg because you "don't want to hurt him" and you hit him square in the femoral artery and he bleeds out in 60 seconds? Now what? Oooops? "Sorry, my bad"...? There is a reason that virtually all police departments including the FBI dropped "shooting to wound" as a strategy a half century ago. And the only people that argue for it is people who have ZERO experience with, or education in violence. So they should probably hop on their unicorn and ride it over the rainbow and stop making ignorant suggestions about things they have no idea about.
    20 points
  46. We finally got good news today. The missus tested negative for CV. She still has has that pesky mid range fever that comes and goes though. The doctor prescribed a ZPAK and something else that I picked up this morning. She already says she is feeling better.
    20 points
  47. Looking at the Colt website it was made in 1918. The brown spots on the front of the gun appear to be something like shellac and not rust.
    20 points
  48. Natural. Just saying. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    20 points
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