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Bring on the butter


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Local dairy for this house. Whole,full fat, cream top gallon a week 馃挭

Highest butter fat content butter available 馃挭

Highest grade cheese 馃挭

Brown eggs from the neighbor 馃挭

Only bread is what I bake myself 馃挭

All in moderation of course 馃榿

I'm still gonna die but hopefully a little slower than the drive thru crowd 馃榿

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We stopped eating margarine years ago when a friend did an experiment to prove to his wife that margarine wasn't good for you. He left a big gob of margarine on a piece of cardboard in his barn and after a couple of weeks it was still there and no signs anything touched it, not even bugs. Even mice knew it was poison. That doesn't prove butter is good for you just margarine isn't.

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11 hours ago, Jeb48 said:

We stopped eating margarine years ago when a friend did an experiment to prove to his wife that margarine wasn't good for you. He left a big gob of margarine on a piece of cardboard in his barn and after a couple of weeks it was still there and no signs anything touched it, not even bugs. Even mice knew it was poison. That doesn't prove butter is good for you just margarine isn't.

I鈥檝e read that margarine was invented as an economical way to fatten turkeys on a commercial farm. It was killing the turkeys, so they abandoned the project. Now we eat it. No idea if there is any truth in the story.

Edited by gregintenn
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On 9/25/2021 at 11:46 AM, 10-Ring said:

I'll take butter over margarine and sugar over artificial sweeteners.聽 Key is moderation, which I struggle with.聽

This is truth. I struggle with the moderation as well. Stuff just tastes so good!聽

Edited by Wingshooter
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On 9/26/2021 at 8:36 AM, gregintenn said:

I鈥檝e read that margarine was invented as an economical way to fatten turkeys on a commercial farm. It was killing the turkeys, so they abandoned the project. Now we eat it. No idea if there is any truth in the story.


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Just stop buying into the "Low Fat Diet" scheme and the traditional food pyramid nonsense.聽
Fat is not the enemy. Refined and processed crap is.

All those low fat products generally have a ton of sugars and salts added to them in an attempt to get them to taste like something in the neighborhood of what they are attempting to replace.聽

Vegetable and seed oils (extracted and processed stuff again) are far worse for you than the naturally existing fats (animal fats).聽

Sugars are the same. Corn Syrups and other high glycemic index processed/artificial sugars are horrid for your body. Much more so than natural fruit sugars, honey or even raw cane sugar.聽

Flours and grains are better but still not great. Limit your intake of sugars and grains and you will be much better off, especially processed flour. We do not need nearly as much grain as the old school food pyramid would have you believe. Get your fiber from fruits and vegetables instead.

And for the love of all that is good stop eating soy, especially soybean oils!

If you can't grow it or raise it in your back yard you probably shouldn't be eating it.聽

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17 hours ago, OldIronFan said:

Just stop buying into the "Low Fat Diet" scheme and the traditional food pyramid nonsense.聽
Fat is not the enemy. Refined and processed crap is.

All those low fat products generally have a ton of sugars and salts added to them in an attempt to get them to taste like something in the neighborhood of what they are attempting to replace.聽

Vegetable and seed oils (extracted and processed stuff again) are far worse for you than the naturally existing fats (animal fats).聽

Sugars are the same. Corn Syrups and other high glycemic index processed/artificial sugars are horrid for your body. Much more so than natural fruit sugars, honey or even raw cane sugar.聽

Flours and grains are better but still not great. Limit your intake of sugars and grains and you will be much better off, especially processed flour. We do not need nearly as much grain as the old school food pyramid would have you believe. Get your fiber from fruits and vegetables instead.

And for the love of all that is good stop eating soy, especially soybean oils!

If you can't grow it or raise it in your back yard you probably shouldn't be eating it.聽

I'd starve under that guidance. My yard doesn't seem to be able to grow 馃挬 .

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5 hours ago, E4 No More said:

I'd starve under that guidance. My yard doesn't seem to be able to grow 馃挬 .

My comment about growing/raising in your back yard is a bit more a conceptual than literal.聽

I am speaking to items that are possible to grow in a yard/field, harvest it,聽 and bring it to your table with your own hands. I could raise livestock and process it with traditional methods if I was so inclined. I am not going to grow kiwi in my back yard but if my climate was suitable I could without conducting a science experiment.聽
What I can't do is extract and refine palm oil in my shed. I can't produce High Fructose Corn Syrup in my kitchen easily.聽

And as for your own personal yard... You just have to figure out what it needs. I no longer have a garden since I would have to build rabbit and deer proof barriers at the new house but when I did I did not plant in the ground I built raised beds with carefully cultured soil that mixed from numerous compost sources and other organic material. You can do raised beds or simply amend what you have if you determine what is lacking.聽

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