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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/2014 in Posts

  1. This is it Folks, if I do not have your Payments by 10:00 AM tomorrow, you will not be in on this Pro Tech will receive the money and start the build tomorrow when I give them the final count I am very excited and can not wait until these come in!
    6 points
  2. I mean a lot.... A whole lot....    Sorry, i've been away so long. Just the Girlfriend and the issues of selling a house have taken my mind away from being on this site as much as I would have liked.   I finally sold my house back in the second week of March. Was sad to see it go but it had to happen. Didn't get what i was asking, but i didn't break even either or go in the hole on the sale, so I'm ok.   And it will be 2 weeks this coming saturday that i'm officially engaged to the love of my life.( going to be a while to get used to going from calling her the "girlfriend" to the "fiancee".  Great thing is, she already has her HCP and i took her out to shoot my AR last weekend( she loves it). I don't know if it is a good thing or a bad thing though.   So a lot has happened, wedding date isn't set yet, but it will be sometime summer of 2015.
    3 points
  3. My condolences to the family, but they need to get their heads out of their asses. This is above and beyond "out of character behavior". It would be "out of character" for me to show up at work tomorrow hungover. When you engage in life threatening behavior you can't cry foul when your life is threatened in response. Trying to make someone pay financially for justifiably defending themselves is just nothing more than opportunistic greed. If they really wanted to make a positive difference in the community they should focus on why "a good 'respectful' kid" would resort to armed robbery and not on disarming the people said kid is terrorizing.
    3 points
  4. [quote name="LagerHead" post="1147121" timestamp="1399572952"]I don't trust people who don't like dogs. [/quote] I don't trust people my dog doesn't like.
    3 points
  5. I don't trust people who don't like dogs. 
    3 points
  6. I don't think these "can I shoot scenarios" are productive. It is quite simple: are you in reasonable fear of death or great bodily harm or that of others? I have no moral objection to shooting someone for breaking in, however, I don't want to deal with the legal issues resulting from a shoot if I can avoid it. I don't believe the question people should ask themselves is "can I shoot"; it should be "should I shoot." If you have to wonder if you "can" shoot, then the answer is you shouldn't. If you are in fear for your life or the life of a loved one, whether you can or can't is moot, is it not? When the alternative is death, what person would waste time considering what a jury will say? Not me. So these "can I shoot" scenarios are, in my opinion, a display of a trigger happy mentality. Not that the death of a criminal would bother me, I just think folks need to understand what they're actually asking when these threads come up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  7. I'll wear earbuds sometimes when I don't want to socialize with anyone. I don't even plug them in though, their really just to keep people from trying to talk with me at Walmart. :rolleyes: I also like letting the scammers looking for "gas money" think they've inconvenienced me by making me take them out while they give me their pitch. Most of the time I just start putting them back in and turn away mid way through the story without saying anything. Shuts them up and lets them know that I'm not buying it. Yeah its kind if a dick move, but so is trying to scam me out of my hard EARNED dough. Plus I would never be that rude to someone who wasn't obviously a meth/crack head.
    3 points
  8. You just gave me the perfect reason why to get one - why going trough all the crap and wait of registering an SBR when u can get this now and don't have to do anything to it thank u sir
    2 points
  9.   I'm pretty much the same way, I've only done something for someone when they told me the truth and that was once. Was on 2nd Ave with some friends when a homeless dude asked us for a dollar, didn't give us a sob story, just said, "Man I just wanna beer." I said, "You sir were honest with me so I'll be honest with you, I have $3..." Pulled out my wallet with a GI Joe Kung Fu death grip and got the money from my wallet, " So I'll buy you a beer." I saluted his honesty with a forty that I bought for him. May seem like I was enabling an alcoholic, which let's be honest I was, but he was honest with me and didn't give me a story that would've made for a great hollywood film, felt like that in itself deserved some kind of reward as 99% of the other 'down and outs' I could have ran into would've fed me some stupid asshattery that only a geeked out meth-head could've come up with.
    2 points
  10. The next model will definitely be a Godfather, I am thinking around September I should have the second forum knives situated and possibly have them delivered before Christmas if all goes well!
    2 points
  11. It's a little hard to get used to doing but it's always best to leave your doors unlocked, unless you have a car alarm AND are within earshot of it. Thieves will get into you car whether the doors are locked or not. At least leaving them unlocked will save the cost and clean-up time of broken windows.   Here's to hoping they will pawn that GPS and get caught!!
    2 points
  12. I'm less concerned with wondering if I CAN shoot in a given situation, and more with being prepared to if I MUST... If I use deadly force, you can bet it wasn't a choice. In the real events described, I only know 2 things... I wouldn't have gone upstairs, and there would have been some buckshot discharged when they came down.
    2 points
  13. I just read a story that CCI is adding capital equipment. In this economy manufacturers are leery of making capital equipment expenditures for a demand that will not stay high. Unless there is some political intervention; supplies will return. Now whether or not prices will return is anybody’s guess, if folks are willing to pay the price they won’t, unless stock is sitting on the shelves. The gun haters didn’t create this pricing and hording; gun owners did. The firearms market will have to straighten it out.
    2 points
  14.     Tip for your next GPS, don't put your address in it, but rather program the home address to a near by place like the police station and or hospital.  I forget which one is on my wife's but I told her it will get her close and she better now how to get home from there.
    2 points
  15. When I am by myself, I am as polite as the situation allows. If my family is with me, there is no politeness involved in my response to anyone getting inside what I consider the "zone". These fake story tellers are a level of disgust I've yet to come up with a name for.  I haven't had less than two trucks in so many years I can't remember. But 2 or 3 years ago, I stopped in the gas station across from Matco Tools on Murfreesboro Road in LaVergne while taking a break from hunting. A guy approached me in the middle of my lunch and gave me a story, so I gave him one back and continued eating. He stomped off in a hissy. A few days later I was in my other truck and again, came out of the woods for lunch and bathroom break. I guess he didn't recognize me since the vehicle was different and began his story. So I let him start the story and abruptly stopped him and finished his story. Wish y'all could have seen his face. I said "Don't ever come up to me again with that bullsh!t!" and he was gone, this time a little faster. Glad yours turned out to be non threatening but like you said, it would make me more mad at myself for letting him get that close.
    2 points
  16. Exactly. I've never understood how people run or cycle with earbuds. They're oblivious to the world around them. I see that and it just screams "sneak up on me."
    2 points
  17. I personally hate gas stations. I think you learned something valuable, that's for sure. I always try to stay aware, even more so here lately. One of my "favorite" gas stations to go to here in Columbia was robbed at gunpoint last week. It's well lit, and only a few feet off the main highway. I'm in there at least a couple times a week since it's only minutes from our home. Just shows you never know, that's why we carry
    2 points
  18.   That's a hell of a lot of .22LR-- where'd ya get it? Smuggled across the Canadian border? :hyper: :rofl:
    2 points
  19. Got a call from my FFL bud: your can is in, get in here to pick it up..... 10 mos including a 3 week spin due to a typo on the complex paperwork!! i swear its psychological warfare......    
    1 point
  20. So, wound up with a couple of new WASRs in last couple months. As most probably know they come with unfinished stocks, quite light in color. However, current series, at least my two (through Bud's and PSA, a month apart) did not have the plywood laminate butt stock, but solid wood ones, no pins through them or anything. Birch probably, but just guessing -- pretty nice looking though. I know, they're "just cheap AKs", but thought I should at least do something to the wood to seal it against moisture a bit at the least, so took all the furniture off, didn't do anything to existing wood 'cept rub all over with 0000 steel wool and rub down with alcohol. At any rate, left the first one in it's natural light color, thought tung oil would be nifty, but after reading up on it, actually takes months to do a true tung oil finish correctly, so cheated and used Formby's Tung Oil finish, 5 or 6 coats over 4 days.Perhaps made it just a touch more "golden" in tint, not sure. Put it on all surfaces, inside and out, even the hole through hand guard for the cleaning rod. Finished off with a couple of rounds of Kiwi Neutral paste shoe polish. Yeah, I guess the butt pad will leave a different ring on it as it ages, oh well. So the second one, thought maybe I'd actually make it a reddish tint, even picked up a used hand grip at gunshow with that in mind. So, after reading a bit, and being the slacker I am, opted to try mighty Kiwi Cordovan paste shoe polish. Just soused it on liberally, let sit for 20 min, buff with old sock, and do it again, about six coats. Turned out pretty nice, nice enough for me anyway. For whatever reason, the second one is significantly smoother to the touch, dunno exactly why, but guess it was that the stock itself must have been better sanded when I got it, as both got handled same way, and even the first one was finished with the shoe polish, so dunno. The slight lighting glare exaggerates it some, but it's true the upper and lower hand guards didn't fully take to it quite as well as the butt stock for whatever reason, but again oh well. Time will tell how it'll hold up. I note that folks who do this say it's really the carnauba wax that's the best, and Kiwi no longer uses that, but again again, oh well. :) - OS
    1 point
  21. The rest of the Williams family is obviously just as stupid as Dante.
    1 point
  22. It is taking a while, A while before i'm going to be back where i was 2 years ago. I look at it like this. Everything happens for a reason, we do not know why at the time, but it will work out in the end. God has a plan for all of us( for those who don't believe in god, then believe in fate or destiny).   Just had an initial interview with Nissan for the decherd plant. Wish me luck....
    1 point
  23. I guess the best defense to anyone sneaking up on you( or trying to) is to be very aware of your surroundings. I've fallen for the " need to get my kids something for christmas but i have no $, no job", scam before. but that was well before getting my HCP and becomming more self aware. It hasn't happened again. Sure there are the ever present "person in need" at the walmart parking lot entrance, but it seems there is never a shortage of those folks. I can see someone needing help from time to time, but there are various charities and groups out there that gladly offer assistance to those in need. Unless "those in need" are looking for $ to fund their drug habit or just want the public to feel sorry for them and give.   I've been laid off, lost my job, yet i still found a way to make ends meet and move on without asking for assistance( aside from unemployment benefits). But Begging, that I won't do.
    1 point
  24. My most recent renewal came via the TN Dept of Safety... I'm wondering what DHS has to do with any of this? Unless I now have a carry permit good in any state, Federally granted, DHS can kiss my ass.
    1 point
  25. Renewing early doesn't affect the new expiration date.
    1 point
  26.     I try to spend as much practice recognizing and avoiding hazards, as I spend practicing to survive them.
    1 point
  27. I'm waiting for these to be completed, so we start on the next model.
    1 point
  28. Mine would stay with me through anything as long as I had a ham sandwich.
    1 point
  29. Good story.  It's amazing what our dogs will do for us. Can't imagine not ever having a dog.
    1 point
  30. While the Benchmades are good knives I would have a Pro Tech over them any day, I hope you find your knife it sucks losing one
    1 point
  31. My condolences friend. When's the wake?   And now you have no excuse not to get in on the TGO Knife Buy.
    1 point
  32.   Depends on the ammo, and the exact velocity (which is also tied to barrel length).   Drop is just gravity vs velocity.  The faster it moves, the less time gravity has to apply its acceleration.  Basically you reverse compute how long it took to travel from muzzle to target, and then do free-fall physics on it to see how far it dropped in that time frame.   Its simple, but we can't give you the exacts without access to the missing numbers.
    1 point
  33. If you have any reason to believe someone is already in your house (in which case you failed to have adequate security measures in place), you immediately get yourself and any loved ones to the safest place possible (such as a barricaded locked room behind proper cover), and then arm any adults that are properly trained / equipped, and then call 911. Inform them of your address, describe the situation (including location / description of all family members, and who is armed), and you wait on the phone while guarding your safe room entrance(s). You don't go searching the house looking for trouble, and you don't leave family members unprotected. You also don't go outside or move through the house unless you can establish it is safe to do so, as additional or unknown threats may be waiting. If a threat emerges or advances near your safe room, you call out loudly that you are armed and will shoot to defend yourself if needed, ordering them to leave immediately, and that police are on the way. If the threat persists or escalates then you do only what is necessary to defend your lives, not to protect property or chase them out or advance on them or capture them.
    1 point
  34.   I just tell people no. If they do not understand the word after two responses, I offer to call the police and see if they have an interpreter available.
    1 point
  35. I need a copy of that. I would also recommend "Fast and fancy revolver shooting" by Ed McGivern. Some good info in there and if nothing else some neat photos and stories. @Leroy, some folks still do shoot handguns that far! ;) for awhile I was getting pretty ok with a Police Positive at 100 yards. Could ring the gong usually at least once with a full cylinder. Not bad for an < 2' target. Sadly I doubt I could do it today. I bet my old shooting buddy still can though, he took to it like a duck to water.
    1 point
  36. Many parents must already have one.  They just take a walk when it comes time to actually be a parent.
    1 point
  37. This came across my Facebook feed a while back and may have already been shared here, but it's relevant to this thread...   http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/04/26/former-navy-seal-on-the-one-piece-of-advice-you-need-to-protect-yourself/
    1 point
  38. My 16 yo son was driving the car with me in it one night about 2-3 weeks ago and we pulled into a well lit gas station. I saw a guy with baggy pants walking toward the building like he was going in to pay or grab cigarettes as we pull up to the pump. As soon as we stopped, my son turned slightly to start opening the door and the guy was close enough to the car on his side that he could have grabbed the door handle.   Now, my son and I do go to IDPA matches occasionally so he is familiar with having a gun on his hip and drawing. So his first instinct upon seeing the guy was to reach around to his hip like he was going to draw a pistol. The guy immediately put his hands up, said sorry and backed off. He went about his business with no other suspicious moves, but he did hang out at the pump with a women in the passenger seat for longer than is normal. I was in the passenger seat with my shirt tail up JIC.   Obviously I was proud of my son for reacting so quickly. He obviously wasn't armed, but the guy didn't know that, and that movement was all it took to get him to abort whatever he was going to do. Could have been just ask for gas money, but he definitely got the idea.
    1 point
  39. Earbuds really do cut down on situational awareness. I get uncomfortable seeing as many people wearing them in public and in stores as I do. Most of those folks seem a lot more tunnel vision than the average sheep.
    1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. As I sit here trying to come up with reasons to keep this thread open, I'm coming up blank.   I'm just going to shut this one down.
    1 point
  42. Welcome. Remember that we don't care how you did things up north, and that this is one of the last mostly free places left in the USA. Let's all try to keep it that way.
    1 point
  43. "...with Smith saying, "You're dying." It's followed soon after by another shot, which investigators said Smith described as "a good, clean finishing shot."   That right there alone would do it in TN too.  As we've discussed here many times, our "castle doctrine" does not license you to execute a perp. If it can be demonstrated that you were no longer in reasonable fear of death or serious injury, the default supposition of that evaporates for your actions past that point.   - OS
    1 point
  44. Thanks for posting this... I think the state of georgia has hit a home run shot with this one...I saw the knoxville local TV news this mornin; and they were whining about it too...   I think the "take away" from all this is that georgia has a pretty good share of single welfare mothers and the usual chorus of the "anti-violence" black movement (...which i find laughable; they need guns more than anybody to protect themselves from their own children and imagined "night riders"... Reference the florida study on self defense shootings...), along with the other children of the forest that are scared of guns and gun owners who are howling to high heaven... They have lost the battle in the legislature and now they are resorting to making the usual claims of "dodge city" and "blood in the streets" to console each other in their loss on this issue...   The fact is that lots of people everywhere are edgy and they are being proactive in protecting themselves and their loved ones from thugs, perverts, dope heads, and "stone cold killas"... I say that's a good thing....Way to go Georgia citizens, legislature, and governor.... Keep up the good work.... Maybe the Tennessee political class will take a lesson from this....   leroy
    1 point
  45. I would suggest you make the short drive up to Union City and visit Dixie Gun Works. You'll likely be overwhelmed with their selection, but they should be able to provide all the information and then some you'll need to make an informed purchase. They'll have everything you need or want to go with it as well.
    1 point
  46. I bought one thinking it would be a cheap carrier to use and abuse then throw away. Turns out the Condor stuff is really good quality, especially for the money. The one I bought works really well and seems to hold up well too.
    1 point
  47. Awesomeeeeeeee. Apparently it was giving people completed forms to fast. You know how the batfe is. Unless it's screwed up and super slow, they can't allow any different. :)
    1 point
  48. I can also help you with setting up a trust. Just PM me if you have specific questions.
    1 point
  49. This can not be for real.  If it is they are just plain crazy IMO
    1 point
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