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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2014 in all areas

  1. I stayed out of the thread because I didn't want to fan the fire. It is pretty much done now because he is gone.   He is probably one of those who is aching for a revolution or civil war and if he is it is obvious he has never been to an area of conflict. He has probably never wondered if today is his last or had a close friend give his final breath for our country. Had he been he would be using every single tool available to prevent the very thing he longs for. There is nothing romantic or heroic about dragging our country into a war amongst itself. There are some, like him, that long for a time when they can kill a fellow American under the guise of patriotism but there is nothing less patriotic than killing your fellow countrymen when all other avenues of change have not been exhausted.   The thing is people like him are lazy, like fat slob sitting on the couch watching Honey Boo Boo reruns all day while eating potato chips lazy. They rarely want to even send an email or make a phone call even though it is a whole lot easier than fighting and definitely a lot safer.    Now don't get me wrong, I have ZERO problems with fighting for our country. But unless every other option has been exhausted I will not pick up arms and kill my fellow Americans.
    9 points
  2. TnIIIer, if you recognize my avatar, you know where I stand on this issue. That being said, please take my advice and dial it back a smidge. There are a lot of really squared away folks. Folks that I would argue are way more solid than you and I. Folks that you would find it valuable to know and make friends with if you could only back it down a bit. Right now you are making no friends and doing yourself no favors. It doesn't have to be that way. Be nice. Join in the conversations. Show folks that you are a solid cat and then take the real conversations to meatspace. Don't get yourself banned from what can be a very valuable resource for networking and learning from folks who can teach you from experience and not theory. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    5 points
  3. 511 has run a sale for dealers and a long time friend picked up a nice plate carrier. He was showing it to me when I stopped by last week and I really liked it. Next thing I know I get a text telling me that he wouldn't be home but there was something waiting for me outside his back door so I swung by this afternoon and this is what I found. [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/13FDA694-013D-4C58-8E46-FA67578054C9.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/069D1A48-41A7-4248-8F7B-1E33BBECAC8B.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/E66361E6-0E40-4C04-B10D-D2F6057BA473.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s303.photobucket.com/user/lukeduke_03/media/Mobile%20Uploads/44FC6870-568D-4405-A6FE-0D148C993EC1.jpg.html][/URL]
    4 points
  4. That guy is a loser like his father and his father's father. I started my military career on hill 881 and ended it after serving proudly in Desert Storm. People like me don't need some FB smart ass questioning our patriotism. I've always done what needed to be done under less than perfect circumstances. I'm sure as long as I'm able I'll do the same if required. There's no joy in killing no matter what the circumstances. People that have only done it playing video games have no fucking idea.
    4 points
  5. I think a lot of this is being blown out of proportion. The OP is painting the III% to be a club or group, when it isn't. It's not about a page on facebook, and it's certainly not a club based on an Internet page as the OP is suggesting (loosely). I am a part of the 3%. I don't need to follow them on Facebook or read a blog to know I am one of those 3% of Americans that will fight if and when need be. I'd wager there are numerous true members of the 3% on TGO, that could care less about advertising it or following a page on Facebook
    4 points
  6. this thread is full of win.    I go to work then come home to total entertainment.   I am not Kreskin but I think someone is done.
    3 points
  7. "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!" Barry Goldwater, 1964   "A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate." Thomas Jefferson   Let's face it, anyone telling you that you can't have any kind of weapon you want is not interested in what's best for YOU!
    3 points
  8.   This. We can argue 'til the cows come home about open this, rifle that, safe handling, he's a douche, no he's exercising his rights, whatever. In the end, politicians make the laws and they do what the voters and businesses in their districts tell them to do. Stuff like what these guys are doing serves no meaningful purpose to advance our cause in the law books. It can do one thing and one thing only, stir the pot enough to make those voters and businesses complain to their representatives to pass laws restricting it.   Doing something legal but unwanted around people who can influence the law is a good way to get that behavior made illegal.
    3 points
  9. The Supreme Court has only ruled ONCE about what is covered by the 2nd amendment as 'arms'.  That was as part of US v Miller in 1939.  The ruling of the court was that 'arms' included ALL weapons currently useful for military service.  Nobody bothered to show the Supreme Court how a short-barreled shotgun was used by military forces, so it was ruled to be subject to a $200 transfer tax.  Lower courts had three times ruled the National Firearms Act unconstitutional, but the Justice Department kept sending it back up to SCOTUS until the final time when the defense didn't show up.   Since then, especially after the travesty of the Commerce Clause in Wickard v Filburn, the Supreme Court has consistently ruled that the Feds can regulate firearms pretty much however they want.   Lately, they have tried very hard to avoid having to rule on what type of 'arms' are covered by the 2nd.   It is still legal for private citizens in this country to own almost any variety of weapon you can imagine.  Theoretically, you could own a nuclear bomb, IF you could find someone to legally transfer the plutonium and you had a safe facility to assemble it.   There is a reason why the government is so hot to totally trash any modern aircraft, armored vehicles, and other stuff that is taken out of service.  They do not want you to have it.  If they destroy it, you have to make it yourself.  And it will be very difficult to make a 120mm tank gun, much less the rest of an M1A2 Abrams!  The same is true of ammunition for such weapons.  Current suppliers sign contracts NOT to sell it to civilians, and you can't import the stuff, either.  Before 1968, you could buy anti-tank cannons and ammunition via mail-order.  Amazing how there weren't any problems caused by that.  The only folks I can think of in the US that have been assaulted by tanks and cannon are American citizens being assaulted by the government!
    3 points
  10.   If you think you have to ask who will stand and who will not then you truely have no clue... As to FB it is the work of the devil where idle minds run off at the mouth...
    3 points
  11. [quote name="TNIIIer" post="1153892" timestamp="1401544750"]I don't see where you ppl get that we're trying to guilt anyone into joining the III%. [/quote] Because of this post: As to this... You said this: I don't need to beat my chest to prove I'm a patriot and sure don't need to be a member of anything to prove I'm willing to pick up a rifle and fight if a time came for that. Lotta folks here who have picked up a rifle to fight the enemy, fired their weapon in anger and brought back scars and metal in their bodies. Forgive us for not showing your Facebook page the respect it deserves. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  12. They Are The Guys Who Chuck Norris Calls When He Gets In A Jam.
    2 points
  13. You are likely belling and or crimping the case mouths too much. I've been loading for about 30 years, and I've only seen a handful of ancient handgun brass with neck splits. I do not, nor will I own a Glock.   Also, I don't see how a split neck could harm a firearm.
    2 points
  14. Glad to see there is something happening, however, with all of the violations of law and the lack of ethics of those in charge I will be surprised if anything other than lip service happens. Boil the frog slow…….
    2 points
  15. Y'all are welcome to argue about caliber choice all you like, but keep in mind there are various hunting styles when it comes to hog hunting. If the hunter is hunting over bait, which is legal in many states where hog populations are high, then it take far less gun to result in a clean kill. If the hunter is on the ground, spot and stalk type hunting, then carry a big bore thumper. I have hunted both ways. Hunting over a corn pile is more akin to grocery shopping for me. Not that I am opposed to it, but it isn't that difficult of an undertaking. You can sit in a blind, 40 yards off the pile, steady rest and ensure clean kills with smaller caliber guns. Walking through palmettos and kicking up a big angry sow is a different story. If you haven't hunted in palmettos in a pine forest, then you may not fully understand the limited sight distance involved. I've had hogs pop up at less than 10 yards on many occasions. I want a big bore pistol for those hunts. 
    2 points
  16. Exactly why I WILL NOT be carrying an auto knife in my front pocket, lol
    2 points
  17. [quote name="TNIIIer" post="1154126" timestamp="1401589994"]Oh no, you gonna ban me for calling your girlfriend out??[/quote] I don't ban anyone, I'm not the authorities. But I will say this....you're a douche
    2 points
  18. [quote name="tnguy" post="1154079" timestamp="1401583337"]Maybe he just figures the constitution is the law of the land.[/quote] Hahaha! He must be new around here. :lol: Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
    2 points
  19.   Amen, Brother.  Served in Desert Storm......earned a Bronze Star........Kinda thought I'd performed my duty and no one would question it.
    2 points
  20. [quote name="Lumber_Jack" post="1154049" timestamp="1401579551"]You ....and me[/quote] Oh darn. And here I thought all my years in combat meant I wasn't a coward scared of fighting. If only I had the balls to be a three percenter. Those guys must be wrapped in flag badasses. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  21. Hey, they make a big enough stink out there, Texas might simply ban public carry of long guns. I mean they already ban open carry of handguns, permit or not. They have other restrictive laws similar to TN's also. Neither T is nearly the bastion of gun freedom that many folks assume.   - OS
    2 points
  22.   These ignorant douchebags are doing the anti's job for them.  They are getting places posted or causing a national scene which in turn brings heat on businesses to take a stand.  Anti's just have to sit back and watch supposedly pro-2A folks dig a deeper hole  for everyone who wants to enjoy what little rights we actually have.   Why is that so hard to understand?
    2 points
  23. Not a good way to influence people on this site, my friend.  Many of us have been to a real shootin' war, and don't care for another, unless it's forced upon us. So don't come in here throwing around that 3% BS and thumping your chest and looking down on us "fairweather ppl".  As long as we still have free elections to elected our own "dumbass" politicians, we still got a free country.  We aren't close to the point of a rebellion yet.
    2 points
  24. Face book aint my thing, never has or will be.
    2 points
  25.   A little advice from your Uncle Mike... This is a pretty patriotic bunch. Comments like this will get you a good demonstration of that. 
    2 points
  26.   I carry a handgun, it is safely holstered.  If I carry an AK what do I do with it while I eat?      Pro gun people are talking smack about them because they are giving us a black eye. My parents taught me when I was very young that just because I can do something it doesn't make it the right thing to do.
    2 points
  27. I find it hard to understand how people just can't keep their mouths closed about breaking the law; even if it is a silly one... Concealed to me means that no one knows before, during or after the fact...
    2 points
  28. I guess if I have to go to facebook to read about it, it must not be for me.  Does this organization not have a real web page?
    2 points
  29. Hey guys, I searched around for a while and did not see many pics out there of a cerakoted PM9 so I thought I would throw up a pic of my "New" Kahr. I have carried this puppy for several years and the stainless was starting to show some wear and decided to change colors a bit. I found Jack over at Old Hickory Gunsmithing and asked him to cerakote my Kahr. He did an awesome job and this looks just as good as any factory finish I have seen. I REALLY like the new look and it definitely toned down the shine of the stainless slide.
    1 point
  30.   Not here. 39-17-1302 bans explosive weapons.   - OS
    1 point
  31. Don't know if I would want to turn that knob or not................ :hiding: :hiding:
    1 point
  32. Being a Conscientious Objector and an Anarchist.......I'm just here to see how this thread develops further.... :) Sent from somewhere in the cosmos using magic...and bacon.
    1 point
  33. He's like an inverted liberal. Instead of starting with emotions and then used lies to back it up, he started off with lies then reverted to emotion. At least it was entertaining while it lasted, however sometimes i wish you could punch people over the internet lol
    1 point
  34. I wonder if anyone was to ever give thought to all the laws that have been written and enacted upon us as Americans since 1776 up until Last night at midnight just how many laws there is? I have often also wondered how many people are able to obey every law on the books everyday without fail. I often wonder what is the one most ultimate stupid law ever written and by whom that is still on the books? I have become a fan of watching  the history channel that has actual police shows taking place live and I listen to what the bad guys are arrested for and what the laws are that they have broken to be arrested for. So far I have learned that there are about 167 different type of laws a person can be charged with for murder. And the really funny part is the little charges they toss in for good measures. The guy has murdered 3 people and  when you hear the lineup of charges they might begin with 3 counts of Simple Assault. Then they will add 3 counts of  aggravated assault to be followed up by 3 counts of extra aggravated assault. 3 counts of illegal possession of a fire arm by a felon. Evading arrest, resisting arrest and then they finally get around to 3 counts Especially Aggravated 1st Degree Murder. When did murder of when has murder not been aggravated. I mean when your killing someone I would guess your aggravated of you might not be killing them. You can't even get a simple speeding ticket any more. Now they have a check list of charges the officer has a choice to go through from A-Z.  It's not just 65 in a 55 Mph zone anymore. It is 65 in 55 zone, excessive speed, reckless driving and if you don't pull over in the first 25 feet of the pursuit you might be charged with attempted to evade arrest police. I have heard laws and charges used that I promise you no one could find in any law book any where if a person began looking at age 10 and died at 90 would never find those laws on paper in a law book. I have often wondered how may laws I break from the time I wake up till I make my first trip to the coffee pot in my kitchen and pour my first cup and take first sip?..................jmho
    1 point
  35. Can't imagine why their only about 3% of the population when TNIIIer's recruiting efforts are so awesome... :rolleyes:
    1 point
  36. Wow, after a crappy twelve hours at work this got really good. :)
    1 point
  37. Please explain? Maybe I am being to analytic about it? But it just did not sit well with me when it failed right out of the box. I did a lot of research on it before making the purchase. So maybe that's where the rub came in? For me I need to know it will be reliable. I remember when circumstances dictated a switch from 45 acp to 9mm I was hesitant but when the 92G performed flawlessly right out of the box I was lessaprehensive. That's not to say I stopped carrying my 1911 in the off hrs. I guess it all boils down to confidence.
    1 point
  38.   Yep. Y'all are some sissy bitches  :rofl:
    1 point
  39.   Lot of variables here: (1) Your good at putting together reloads (2) Your good at casting (3) Your gun is well broken in with a smooth feed ramp
    1 point
  40. This was really the point of my tongue-in-cheek post of "Someone call me when it's time to fight". I don't really have interest in having group meetings and reading 'Nuclear War Survival Tips'. I'm here watching diligently, being calm, enjoying life to the fullest. Life is too short.
    1 point
  41. FB?  Really?  LOL.       LJ I think they update their statuses or something.  Of course that makes them great patriots.
    1 point
  42. The only way to know if it is fixed is go put some rounds down range with it. I have about 3 friends that have that exact gun and they shoot regularly with zero issues and love them................jmho
    1 point
  43.   Word has it, during the American Revolution, only 3% of the population actually took up arms against the British. Those folks. Today, would be defined as extremists by libtards. 
    1 point
  44. Hard to beat a Smith & Wesson revolver for power and reliability.   Glock if I want a "platform".
    1 point
  45. A Smith & Wesson (or Ruger, for that matter) revolver.  Snubbie, 3 inch, 4 inch, doesn't matter.  My reason:  comfort level, reliability, and just sheer beauty.  
    1 point
  46. Didn't realize Texas has no Open Carry for pistols , only long guns , but this is still STUPID AGAIN. So the pistol holsters were empty , what was the stock-less firearm hanging around the guys neck on the way in , almost looked like a Calico .22 ? It amazes me what people will do to get on the internet , why not just streak naked , it should be much less embarrassing , unless you don't have a long gun .....
    1 point
  47. 1 point
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