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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2024 in all areas

  1. A friend of mine offered a Bayard “1908” pistol to me at a nice price and I jumped on it. This one is in the less common 380 caliber. It was rusty and missing the safety toggle. I disassembled as far as I felt safe doing. There is not a good exploded view of how it is put together. At least none that I can find. Cleaned up the rust and got it cycling smoothly. For more on these interesting early autos see here.https://unblinkingeye.com/Guns/Bayard/bayard.html Will replace the safety at some point.
    4 points
  2. Call to action on HJR 0038! https://tennesseefirearms.com/make-the-tennessee-constitution-second-amendment-compliant/
    3 points
  3. Went to some old friends house as it was there last get together in the house they have lived in for 40 years. The game was on, I missed the start, O well. I stayed till just after half time, did not like the show. wandered around talking to others. I "did" see parts of the game but did not "watch" the game. I gave up on baseball after the 2nd strike for money, nascar after the flag thing, football when some players disrespected the country for not standing for the national anthem and the owners let them with out repercussions.
    3 points
  4. Upgraded Walnut M1A New last year. Only 20rds fired. Comes with scope mount installed, 5x 20rd mags, and factory 10rd mag. Also will come with rifle bag. OPTIC NOT INCLUDED $1400 No Trades Located in Franklin
    2 points
  5. Added another 24 cosponsors today, now over 50 in the House, will post all names tomorrow. That assures passage in the House, now need to bolster support in the Senate!
    2 points
  6. There are a couple on eBay now. $60-$70 seems kind high. Will watch for a cheaper one. No rush, it functions without it.
    2 points
  7. I have a few of the TN Arms Co polymer lowers from a few years ago built up. I haven't had a single issue with them. If you are going lightweight I think the KP-15 setups are tough to beat. Also a very slippery slope where you start losing your oz/$ pretty quick.
    2 points
  8. It's mounted, took me awhile to get it right but at least my math was right on the mount height.
    2 points
  9. As cheap as standard Al lowers are, I see no reason for a poly lower. I see no advantage and only disadvantages across the board.
    2 points
  10. 1. This is a Winchester 1873 Third Model built in 1893 (dated by serial number on Winchestercollector . Org). This has a 24 inch octagon barrel and is chambered in 44-40 WCF. This could use a good cleaning but has a beautiful plum patina to it. It has one new Winchester screw in the lower tang to secure the stock better, it is missing the dust cover and has a small crack in the buttstock. Everything is original to the rifle aside from the one screw. Plenty more pictures available upon request. $2000 OBO. May consider firearm trades of equal value. More pictures upon request.
    1 point
  11. Up for sale is a Glock 17 Gen 4 in 9mm. Comes with original barrel and aftermarket threaded barrel 1/2x28mm, was $65 bucks new and works great(not sure of the brand). Comes with Glock Night sights and original box, and papers. Typically slide wear from holster, and wear on slide release. Comes with 2 OEM Glock magazine 17 rounders. Shoots great! Price drop to $450! SOLD! Surefire X300 not included. Located in Nashville, TN.
    1 point
  12. Hard to find Ruger Bearcat for sale. Original box , paperwork.1997 model $575 cash or may trade for ??? Meet in McMinnville, Manchester,Murfreesboro
    1 point
  13. Got a Nightforce ATACR 5x25x5x25x56 and mount for my Wilson Combat Super Sniper. Hopefully I did my math right on the mount, we'll see.
    1 point
  14. Took this on trade, but I’m not in to the older military rifles. This is a very nice setup from the feedback I’ve gotten from a few others on it. French MAS 1949/56 7.5 Cal see 4th picture for the rest of the information from the guy I got it from. Asking $1300 maryville area meet
    1 point
  15. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
    1 point
  16. As discussed. I'll take it. Thanks again!
    1 point
  17. I wish i didn't just buy a Wilson Combat AR...that thing is sweet. Glws.
    1 point
  18. I finally got through on the phone. It was quick and easy. Only took about 10 minutes. Ordered a Service Grade gun. Pics when it gets here.
    1 point
  19. These NAA mini-revolvers are wonderful, I can keep a firearm even with my scrubs on thanks to their Holster grip which can also be installed on this model. I highly recommend them if wardrobe/non-permissive environments keep you from carrying a larger handgun as it does for me.
    1 point
  20. Greg has spoken a great truth here... I've believed for a long time that " the justice system" ain't about justice at all. It's a financial enterprise. The more trials n hearings, the more lawyer fees. This works just fine until ya get a genuine killer like this guy. Ray Charles could tell ya this guy was headed for this end. We need to stop plea bargains and judicial deference. The people running the " justice system " by and large are not honest nor wise enough for " bargains " and " deference "... leroy...
    1 point
  21. At some point our justice system should be held accountable.
    1 point
  22. I mostly own Glocks but since I got my Shield Plus, it has been my primary carry gun due concealability and ammo capacity with the extended mag. The trigger is pretty good too.
    1 point
  23. Polymer lower ~4oz Alloy lower ~10-12oz Shaving off nearly half a pound from one part is significant.
    1 point
  24. What about weight? I had a thought last week of building a real light AR for old farts. I have a couple of light barrels in the parts box.
    1 point
  25. I got to tell you other members , this is a good deal ! If you don't like the manual safety , then don't use it. If you still don't like it , it is easy to take out. I did this on my own M&P with a manual safety. This is a good deal plus the magazines ! This is a "Glock 19" made by S&W with a lifetime warranty .
    1 point
  26. and that is a damn shame!!!
    1 point
  27. I appreciate and understand the question as it isn't posted anywhere but I'm sure almost everyone here will agree, that just being a participant on this forum ranks you higher than the vast majority of people I run into everyday.
    1 point
  28. This might get me banned but we could solve a lot of issue in our "justice" system by turning Old Sparky back on! Capitol punishment does deter crime when it is applied publicly.
    1 point
  29. ####ty weak "justice" system, activist judges, and overpopulated prisons are the usual culprits.
    1 point
  30. I'd be fine with a text message alert that I an see in the morning when I get up, but linking in to the Amber Alert system is too much. First off, everyone knows what an Amber alert is. But you get woken up at 5:30 am to a "Blue Alert" and sleepy me says "WTF is a Blue Alert?" And what am I going to be able to do about it? 99.999% of the people that alert went to, rolled back over and went back to sleep. If it were something like "Take cover - Zombies attacking" then, YES wake me up. THAT I need to know ASAP and will do something about. And, don't get me wrong, I'm a supporter of Law enforcement, and this cop getting killed is a horrible thing, but I'm not getting alerts when my stand-up neighbor gets shot by the most dangerous bad guy in the state. Is the point of these alerts to let you know someone really dangerous is out there running around, or to just point out that a cop was shot? Sorry, I'm a little grumpy. Oak Ridge got a new alert system I signed up for and it went of at 5am this morning with a phone call to tell me a road was closed. I'm just annoyed with alerts this week.
    1 point
  31. I think you're failing to size the neck of your brass. The Lee dies have an instruction sheet with them. Without a case in the shell holder screw the die in until the die just contacts the shell holder. Then lift the handle and screw the die down another 1/8 to 1/4 turn. Lock the die in place with the locking ring. Then run a case through the die. You should feel the handle go over-center at the bottom of the stroke, something like a click or a thud. Try that and see if the bullet still drops through the sized case.
    1 point
  32. It appears we have a new resident thread excavator. This one was started 7 years ago. Probably why the pic no longer exists.
    1 point
  33. Going underground will not be bad, if you know Jesus Christ. Life after death, through Jesus only way. Bible says no one comes to the Father except through Me. Be glad to chat with anyone about it. By the way Kano, I do enjoy every day above ground. afterwards, looking forward to Paradice through Him. Come go to church with me. Northfield Blvd Church of Christ, 2091 Pitts Lane, Murfreesboro TN. 37130. They teach nothing but the Bible, God's Holy Word. All you need along with faith in it. Edited to add; Cost nothing, but your life of devotion, above ground!
    1 point
  34. My grandparents raised 3 kids during the Great Depression and had a very large garden until they were too old to take care of it anymore. Had what I guess would be consider a root cellar, that was about 15X10 that was floor to ceiling shelves that by Winter was full of canned vegetables, fruit and meat. My grandfather hunted and fished for much of the meat on the table again till he couldn't anymore. Never forgot the hard times. Grandma cooked on an old wood cook stove till the late 50s burning wood scrapts that grandpa got from the ladder factory he worked at. We tried to have a similar cellar when we were in our 30s and with less than a tenth of the shelving at a garden maybe a quarter of the size, gave up on the idea after a couple of years as to much work. They were hardier stock, We're prepared to last a month or so in a SHTF situation, after that at out age I guess we die. I have told a few friends if the SHTF, to load up all their food, ammo and guns and come on out we have a more defendable spot than any of them.
    1 point
  35. Those should have been mandated in all vehicles.
    1 point
  36. I didn't forget....just been busy. Mine's been waiting on me since last Tuesday but just managed to get it home today. Service Grade 1945 Remington Rand frame with a government replacement slide from Numax Electronics. Apparently those are well hardened slides, so I plan to shoot the snot out of it. Markings indicate rearsenaled at Fort Lewis - Mount Rainier Ordinance Depot. I'll send off a FOIA request and see what the Army can tell me about it. I haven't disassembled it yet so I don't know what markings I may find on the barrel or other bits. Anyway . . . here's the porn you all want.
    1 point
  37. LOL. I found a few LPKs while straightening gear yesterday. Haven't touched an AR in a couple of years. Nice to have the spares.
    1 point
  38. Am I reading this correct? This is going away That the citizens of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defense; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime. and substituting instead the following: and this is replacing the above? That the citizens of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their defense. If so I like it A LOT!!!
    1 point
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