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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2014 in all areas

  1. They have all been shipped except for those of you who are picking yours up
    5 points
  2. What is selfish  and  cowardly about a person wanting to spare her family and loved ones the plight of having to care for her while she lingers on in pain ?  
    4 points
  3. My understanding is that this is simply a return to pre-insanity sales patterns.
    4 points
  4. Unless I need a quick box, I just order ammo over the internet. Much less chance of having to deal with idiots.
    3 points
  5. One of each. Two of many. Three of some.
    3 points
  6. I'm just glad he's been released. He did not deserve what happened to him.
    3 points
  7. Really?  I have been tempted to buy a bag and leave on the break room table at work.
    3 points
  8. I am in no hurry for the White Death to come calling,
    3 points
  9. Got the kid out of bed early this morning and went out in search of snow. None at our house but a half hour drive into the mountains netted us plenty. This was in Blount County. I've heard reports that Mt. LeConte got a record 16 inches last night.
    3 points
  10. We took in this four year old greyhound and he instantly became family. With the exception of the sexy loaner jacket he is the least amount of trouble of any dog I've ever owned.
    2 points
  11. Freedom ammunitions is running their $5.00 shipping special again this weekend. I just bought another 1000 rounds of new brass 9mm 115 gr. for around $208.00 shipped and the remanufactured stuff is even cheaper. Why shoot 22lr with prices like this.
    2 points
  12. SNOW!!!!! Woke up this morning to this in my front yard......I like it :up: http://
    2 points
  13. And this is how it gets perpetuated. Even if there were 1,000's of boxes of ammo and there was no shortage this idiot would still be telling people the 3 box limit is federal law. I would have gotten his name and contacted his district manager then follow that up with an email about your store experience through the Walmart website.   If an employee looks at me wrong that is what I do now, contact every boss between the employee and the district manager. I know every store manager by name as well as their boss and have all their numbers. I will not put up with minimum wage workers acting like I am some idiot. I have even had a worker call me an idiot when THEY could not find the item they told me was in stock over the phone. The same employee told me they were going to hang on to the game I was buying for my son to "keep me from stealing it". Both times I contacted store managers and followed it up on the website.   I have overheard the sporting goods supervisor recommend the best pellet rifle to a customer to kill the neighbors dog. He also said 1911s are designed to maim kids and he would never order hollow points because they are designed to "kill kids". He also said he would never sell military ammo and I have caught them hiding 5.56 under the counter several times per his orders. He HATES ARs and tries everything, including lying to customers, to try not to sell them. He told me all a person needs is a bolt action rifle. And yes I contacted his boss over all those comments.   I am spending my hard earned money there and I do not have to tolerate idiots.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. The poor guy should have been home in 3 days if we had anyone in Washington the knew what the hell they were doing. Idiots....every damn one of them.
    2 points
  16. This knife is Awesome!!   Thanks Willis for making it happen.
    2 points
  17. If you have a receiver hitch it opens up lots more good options.
    2 points
  18. I feel like I'm in CSI. Now I just need to bang on my keyboard and yell "Enhance"
    2 points
  19. They just showed up and let me say, you all are going to absolutely love them!
    2 points
  20. That's exactly what I was thinking when I read the title.
    2 points
  21. Picked this up today and wow! Is it twice as much as the most expensive knife I've ever bought? Yep. Is it awesome? Yep. Would I do it again? Absolutely! Everything it was promised to be plus some. Thanks Willis68!
    1 point
  22. This is an absolutely tragic story. I cannot even begin to imagine the emotions and heartbreak that she and her family us going through right now. I also believe that this should be a personal choice. Given a life of nothing but pain and suffering with no hope of recovery versus a peaceful self-euthinazation, it's not hard to see why she made the choice.
    1 point
  23. STG 44 FG 42 MG 42 Lazer blaster
    1 point
  24.   PSA has AR10 kits for $629 right now - that one is about as cheap as you will ever find them.
    1 point
  25.   It's not a question of hate...more like a little much overdue payback. Some of my old workmates need a little reminder that payback is a bee-awch.
    1 point
  26. I would have sworn I made a post in this thread this morning about my Pizza but evidently not so will now. I have had better pizzas and this is my first from them Ordered a medium loaded and it had everything I wanted on it and they really believe in Cheese. I had to use my Pizza cutter 3 times to cut it and still ended up eating the slices I could get out with knife and fork. Taste better after I added some Pizza hut garlic sauce to it. Was much better cold from  fridge this morning with coffee. Was able to cut it and in would actually slice up. Won't be going out of my way to order from them again but not sorry I ordered this time. Was more for reason than Pizza..............JMHO
    1 point
  27. You didn't read my post in context.   Life is hard and taking the easy way out is not always what is best for those around us. Often times it is in the struggles we go through that not only shape us but those around us. This argument is not a new one. By your logic the Germans and the eugenist were right and many of the people of the world should have been eradicated for their own benefit. The struggles of the poor could be cured by encouraging them to end their suffering.   :down:     The struggle this women and whatever she encounters, is so far less that what many children in third world countries live with every day. Do we encourage them to take their lives because it's just too hard? What about all the teenagers struggling to deal with life as all teenagers do. Do we lift this banner up and say suffering is too much. It is better to not live with suffering than to see what the future holds? Now, her situation is a bit different in details but it is the same principle and what I addressed in my first post.   Again, I have no problem with her decision. I have a problem with the celebration of a cowardly selfish choice and then publicising it to find acceptance for what she knows to be such. If it were not selfish then she would have asked her family what they wanted and let them make a decision without her input. She made a decision for herself and there is little that can change that reality. Just because both choices are difficult doesn't make them courageous. The decision for a soldier to flee in battle is a difficult one, but I won't celebrate him just because it was a hard decision to abandon his fellow soldiers.  
    1 point
  28. I did the same thing! Of course I was going to have to leave around 4:15 so when I got up it was still really nasty. I tried to get the dog to come out from under her blanket but she wasn't having it so I took it as a sign that I should just go back to bed.
    1 point
  29. That guy has issues. I became a fan of the gummy bears when I lived in Germany, but I wouldn't even eat a small package at one sitting. There is some sort of unique greasy substance oozing out of em, I'm sure the sugarless have of sort of nasty substance that causes oily discharge. To eat 5 lbs in one sitting will probably cause you to activate your ebolacare!
    1 point
  30.    My computer had some sort of adware/malware crap on it and it's made it impossible to use certain websites and Photobucket is one of them. My laziness forces me to just snap a pic with my phone and post from there!
    1 point
  31. Just received my notification. Can't wait to hold it. Thank you again, Willis!
    1 point
  32. My horse got chased out of her pasture by my house one year.Ran into the 4 lane in my town and ended up with 3 broken legs inside a sedan. The lady who hit  the horse was OK.. Horse had to be put down by the officer who responded.The lady who hit my horse apologized  profusely and felt so bad for hitting  my horse.Would`nt even take money from us for a rental. We managed to finally give them a 500 dollar check for the deductible or rental( cant remember which one) Had Farm Bureau come out and looked at fencing, said wasnt my fault she got out as the fencing was adequate.I was just glad  the horse did not hurt the lady. People cant be replaced.... horses can. Police said they would never had guessed that someone would come forward and claim ownership of the horse. I couldnt have lived with myself if she would have gotten hurt and my animal caused that.    Some people just do not  have any integrity and do the right thing 
    1 point
  33.   This is not unique to Ruger, all the manufacturers are having the same problems, thus the price cuts.  Black Friday could get really interesting this year ...     While the gist of this post is true, not all forms of ammo are in short supply, or highly priced.  Look at what's happening with many rifle calibers, and even some pistol, prices are in free fall lately due to overproduction and reduced demand ...   And what makes you think that 22lr makers aren't already profiting greatly?  I want a business where my entire production run is pre-sold for years in advance, without any expenditures in additional equipment; if I were making the stuff I would be raising prices, without spending a dime to increase production.  This is the essence of true capitalism ...     Also true, it was hard mot to oversell in the market of the last few years ...     Ruger's hallmark, and why their company can survive these peaks and valley's in the market, with plenty of cash on hand and zero debt to service, they can ride out the storm better than most manufacturers ...
    1 point
  34. I am sure I speak for all of us when I say thanks!   I am really looking forward to it.   I am sure I will sit here and open and close it a hundred times, admiring it every time.   And to put the cart in front of the donkey has anyone suggested doing a fixed blade?
    1 point
  35. I have done my part to keep Ruger in business.  Heck I was even supplied with a 25 round magazine.  Bill Ruger probably spun in his grave with that promotion.   and can you imagine how those that paid 2k+ for an AR a few years ago feel?
    1 point
  36. Any and all chokes are allowed so come on out. Loaner guns are available as well. Free hot coffee and hot chocolate!
    1 point
  37. I have no issue with it at all. Her life, her choice. The church perpetuates this anti-suicide rhetoric to the point of stupidity. They cannot substantiate it with anything other than thou shalt not kill. Bah! The Hebrew bible reads more along the lines of "shall not commit murder" . Big difference in ending life and murder. Personally I think the church was always so solid on the matter as a means of control, and the fact that dead people don't fill offering plates. I have nothing but respect with a person who chooses NOT to be a burden on their family or society. The decision should NEVER be taken lightly though. Its pretty morbid to force a person to live when the future only holds pain and torment.
    1 point
  38. Though I will fight with all my strength to beat any condition set upon me I feel its a personal choice that should be respected if you wish to end it.  I could understand wanting to counsel those who are depressed, or even mad at the world, from wanting to commit suicide, but a terminally ill patient that has already put their affairs in order and has nothing but pain to look forward to has the absolute right to choose to not to go through that.  To me, its not a selfish act; its a selfish act to want to make someone go through all that because of your beliefs or to delay the inevitable so as not to want to go through the loss.
    1 point
  39. This dumb bimbo is a retard from the inner city of STL. Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots up there who keep feeding her votes. We are lucky enough here in Missouri that the votes in the smaller cities still drown out the libturds. They just had an open carry demonstration up in STL the other day. The new Missouri law just passed overrides all city ordinances against open carry. STL's anti-gun mayor is NOT happy, lol. She said the peaceful law abiding demonstrators were trying to turn her city into the "wild west".
    1 point
  40. A libitard lying I can't believe it. :shake:
    1 point
  41. Don't buy an Aimpoint, get a Primary Arms red dot and take the money saved and file for something else.
    1 point
  42. teslausa on Amazon seez. Yep...quite a few on there my friend.   http://www.amazon.com/Surefire-Pack-Boxed-Lithium-Batteries/dp/B0035HB694/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1413811118&sr=8-1&keywords=surefire+12+pack+boxed+123a+lithium+batteries
    1 point
  43. I live alone. My coffee table has holes in it to let me drive out pins from guns...
    1 point
  44. take your trip and use other tools as weapons.  Do not go to NJ with a freaking gun!    You are equipped with common sense, or this thread would not be here.  Use that.  Situational awareness,  use that.  Head on a swivel, use that.   Don't take a gun.  Life is not always about having a gun.
    1 point
  45. I find it a bit unsettling when some dude says, "Show me yours and I'll show you mine."
    1 point
  46. Yeah. One time at Home Depot, I got made by a teenage girl, who went through a series of pantomimes to tell me she could see my gun. After ignoring her for about 5 rounds, I walked off, with my zipper still down. True story.
    1 point
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