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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2013 in all areas

  1. Nothing personal against anyone, but why would you add your "Boss" to your FB friend list?   DaveS
    4 points
  2. Perhaps this video will explain why.........not.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TseM5QkijJA
    3 points
  3. I have no problem with those guys being charged. They weren't exercising rights. They were out to intimidate sheeple and bait cops. They got called on it. They're being charged with disorderly conduct, which really is illegal.
    3 points
  4. Then my mom took a turn. And I finished out by myself And of course we had to do riding poses lol And to me this pictures made the day. Ill remeber my dad like this forever. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    3 points
  5. It happens. I've come to think of threads as conversation starters.
    3 points
  6. Well we plowed out the taters today. I thought Id post some pictures from todays plowing. We used a bull tounge and double shovel plows, leather draft harness and our 2200 lb belgian Big John. Me and my dad started the morning. Working the kinks out since John hasnt been hooked in a while, so dad drove while I plowed the first few rounds. My niece and nephews each took a turn My 6 yr old nephew actually ran the plow by himself with dad driving Tapatalk ate my spelling.
    2 points
  7. Ever think its cheaper to manufacture this stuff elsewhere because US business has been regulated into the ground? Why make it here and go out of business instead of making it else where and turning a profit? Seems like a no brainier. That isn't the manufacture selling out; that is the result of an over regulating government.
    2 points
  8. I'm signing it for my liberal friends ;)
    2 points
  9. You may want to check out this site:http://www.tn.gov/safety/dlhandbook/DL_Manual2011.pdf It's the Tennessee Drivers License Handbook, the one you read to learn the answers to the written part of the drivers test. On page 85 there is a list of offences that deal with "Losing your PRIVILEGE to drive." It was call a privilege back in Illinois in 1963 when I received my first drivers license and it's still called a privilege today in Tennessee. But I'm sure you were much smarter then your anxious parents were when they told you that. As most of us were at that age. When I was 19 I couldn't believe how dumb my folks were. After coming home from Vietnam at 21, I couldn't believe how smart they got in 2 years. :rofl:
    2 points
  10.         I take it you are not familiar with the life & works of Warren Zevon ?    Crap.  How did I miss that?   Oh Well, I'll wash it out with some Amy Grant.  100 rounds of "Tender Tennessee Christmas" in penance.   ooh!  only 22 posts until 1600.  Hang on a minute.....
    2 points
  11. The whole problem I have with these kinds of roadblocks is that presumption of guilt is present.   Why should I have to prove that I am not guilty of committing a crime by submitting to a field sobriety test if there is no reasonable suspicion?
    2 points
  12.   Comes with the territory, like a doctor treating a wounded criminal. Pat doesn't decide who is guilty any more than a doctor decides who deserves to live. It's why they have to take an oath.
    2 points
  13. One crisis away from a complete meltdown. Never forget that.
    2 points
  14. I'm a big fan of Stefano's.
    2 points
  15. Law abiding, background checked, tax paying citizen = bad guy.
    2 points
  16. My son and I have been doing long distance .22 for a few years and today he took it to a new level and raised the bar on me. Some facts and background info. * He shoots A LOT and has shot a few 1,000 yard F class matches w/ .308 at 14 years old. He is pretty comfortable w/ windage, holdover etc. for a 14 year old and generally is a pretty (very) good shooter. * He has 20/10 vision is his right eye. I can't practice enough to overcome his advantage with this. * He was using a Savage TRR-SR which is an extremely accurate .22 rifle, by far the most accurate .22 we own. I installed a 20 MOA base and the rifle zeroed at 300 yards. Who zero's a .22 at 300? :) * A 6-24X power scope was used and set at 18X. * A Huntertown Arms suppressor was used (it tightens the groups). * For comparison, best 5 round group to date was .680" at 100 yards w/ Lapua Center X ammo. * Since we were shooting 300 yards, subsonic had too much drop. I used CCI Blazer w/ approx 1235 FPS muzzle. * Since I can't handload .22, every round is weighed to within .1g on my scale and then the bullet waxed. I did a test on that once and it cut groups in half. We shot at some paper targets 1st to get the windage dialed in. Once he figured out where the POI was, he made some corrections and was doing pretty darn good on paper at 300. Before we left, we were discussing the rifle w/ some others and got it out to shoot some steel again. He promptly put 4 rounds in approx a 4" group at 300 yards, with a .22! I attached pics of two different targets (I shot the larger one after him, reason for the extra splatter). Would be glad to answer answer any questions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGg2K0EQrkU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wG6te8-REA
    1 point
  17. I went again today! I got a good bit of research done. But best of all, I was able to take a new friend who had never been in a cave before! Cave salamander Beginning formations And this guy tried to eat my face!! sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    1 point
  18. Cool looking even if they aren't worth anything
    1 point
  19. Cool. Did a little caving myself today. We're in bowling green visiting family and we went to mammoth cave. Neat place. Would like to go back and go on one of their more intensive tours.
    1 point
  20. Bandit is adapting well.   She ignores Moeko and Moeko accepts the fact that there is something else living in the house. I think she has decided not to kill and eat her.    She is doing well with potty training up to this point, we have had an accident or two, but she clearly understands what the trips outside are for.   One thing is for certain, she is a chewer. Her kennel is littered with pig ears and rawhide chews, but she still prefers clothes and toes.         I think she is going to be a fine dog.
    1 point
  21. Not bad at all. :up:
    1 point
  22. Maybe we'll get luck and Joe Carr will be THIS kind of guy.
    1 point
  23. After spending almost 90 bucks to fill my fat ass us made personal urban assault SUV, I've come to the following conclusion: Syria can Kiss my ass,we pissed off everyone else once before.fight your own battle, hire the taliban and their team of experts to fix your fng gas and chemical issues I want cheap gas, I don't care about Ramadan,trash bag covered women or if U behead people for listening to Liberace. I want to fill my tank for 40 bucks instead of 90 again. We want the Aramco guys to be happy and lower barrel prices. If you need help watch some videos on fng you tube...we're out of money people and patience. PS don't let Obama bs you,he gets his money from china cause he pissed ours away 3 years ago Good day
    1 point
  24. My rule of thumb:   I won't say anything via computer, email, or letter I won't back up face-to-face.
    1 point
  25.   Same reason I would loan him one of my pistols. I like the guy.
    1 point
  26. I'm a french model...bonjour! sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee
    1 point
  27. Common sense isn't as common as it was in the past.
    1 point
  28.   In the gun world that can't be more true.  From an ammunition standpoint I don't think very many appreciate just how few domestic manufacturers there are (and who owns them).  What would happen if a fire or some other disaster struck the Federal plant?  What if the importation of ammunition was banned?  What about future taxation?   Our "hobby" is built on a house of cards.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Sir, you have totally blown out of proportion what I said. Take the cars from the drunks, because taking their license isn't working. That's a great idea though. Run a background check before you sell them a car. See if they can legally drive/buy one.   DaveS Crack'a American
    1 point
  31.   I sent you a PM with a lengthier explanation than this, but there's really no translation between the Vendor and Benefactor accounts here and I'd prefer to keep it that way. The primary reason I don't do monthly Vendor accounts is because commercial advertising is one of those immediate, tangible benefits that provides instant exposure to our members that a business is here to serve them.  We don't do monthly billed Vendor accounts for the primary reason that I expect a business to seriously make a go of advertising on TGO before deciding it does or doesn't work for them.  If we offered month-to-month billing on advertising, there would be nothing to stop a business from making a big splash as a Tier 3 Vendor for a fraction of the price, do it for two months, and then bail on us and their customers.   I'm not saying you didn't make a go of things with your own endeavor, but the instant exposure of being a Vendor on TGO has already happened.  Sorry, I just can't do what you're asking.
    1 point
  32. Mind if I move this to benefactor section? Just don't want those who would buy it all up for resale to see this.
    1 point
  33. I have the p228, p226 and p220. I'll add that the p226 and p228 shoots a hair better than the p220. My p228 and p226 are both the older W. German make and it seems tighter all around. The p220 is a more recent make (not in Germany) and while it's accurate enough - I believe it when they say the older Sigs are nicer. There is (my experience) a difference with the trigger (smoother on the German ones, it could be just broken in?) AND even the way the decocker works... I can't describe it but I like the older German ones better. When you work decocker - the action is very pronounced and it holds the hammer firmly until you drop the decocker all the way. The non W. German p220's decocker seems a little less crisp. To answer your question - the grips all feel the same. oh - it's great that all 3 of the Sigs fit well in the same holster.
    1 point
  34. Just because a person doesn't support checkpoints means they automatically support drunk driving. Every argument you use to support checkpoints can be used to support anti gun legislation. I hate drunk drivers just as much as I hate a person who recklessly shoots a firearm or kills someone with a firearm, but the libs will say that I support dead kids because I believe in the 2nd Amendment. That argument is invalid and dismissive, just like the argument that those who don't agree that checkpoints are constitutional somehow support drunk driving. I have no problem answering a few questions. I also have no problem with someone choosing not to answer any. It is, supposedly, a free country. Before you are obligated to hand over your "papers", be detained, required to be questioned a crime must have been committed or suspected of being committed. Saying that I can be stopped randomly any time I'm in public and subjected to search, detainment and questioning when no crime has been committed or suspected of being committed is the exact thing that are fore fathers DIDN'T want. When you say it is okay because there might be drunk drivers out there is to invite a slippery slope. It never ends there. If it did, cops wouldn't readily admit that checkpoints have nothing to do with DUIs... they have to do with catching folks on other charges unrelated to DUI.
    1 point
  35. That's awesome. Nice to see some horse drawn equipment used for something other than yard art.  :up:
    1 point
  36. "You're system is kicking back...broth? You're a manly man aren't you?" --Ron White
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. If you go to the Middle East they have chocolate moon pie thingys labeled Sambo. I wish I took a picture of the packaging. The cartoon graphic about made me piss myself.
    1 point
  39. Big Ed's, Billy's Time out Deli.
    1 point
  40. I am having trouble keeping up. Can we merge this thread with the one on filming traffic stops ? 
    1 point
  41. Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest. They should have started that video with “Hey Bubba, hold my beer”. If you use a gun to make a statement; the cops are going to respond. They had a chance to walk away, but then they had a brain fart that caused them to think it would be a good idea to turn into Perry Mason.
    1 point
  42. I like to cut the cheese.
    1 point
  43. Not advocate anything, but it wouldn't have been a felony
    1 point
  44. I originally thought i would be bugging out from my house in Fayetteville. But living at my BOL so there is no need to bug out. If it happens i have to Bug out from my BOL to a new BOL, It will be in my 1998 dodge durango 4x4, or if it really comes down to a fast and maneuverable 4x4, My 2008 Can-am 650 outlander 4x4( atv).   I'm thinking the roads are gonna be crowded and everyone will try to leave all at once. So I'd wait a few days if possible and then go. Only if i needed to.
    1 point
  45. The victims were obviously racists. They beat the black guy worse than the other. :)
    1 point
  46. My wife hated guns when we met... I remedied that before I put a ring on it! Started her on a Walther P22. Now "her" gun is a nickel Smith 19-5 .357 and she LOVES it! This past weekend, however, she has taken it upon herself to get better with a semi-auto. (After I gave up trying to get her to do that very same thing!) I've got an M&P 40 and for now, she just can't get used to the snappy recoil. However, the weekend before I bought a 9mm M&P barrel from w0lfattack. I swapped barrels, loaded 9s in the mags, and she went to town! We worked on a better stance and grip (she had been doing that awful leaning back and shooting with her weight on her heels garbage) as well as the "breathe & squeeze" trigger pull. She always shot her 19 in SA, so the M&P trigger was a whole new ball o' wax. We'll get a lot more practice in this weekend, but it's exciting now that she WANTS to get better at shooting! Can you believe, she actually ASKED for advice!!! Every husband's dream come true! ;-)
    1 point
  47. Cops are supposed to be public servants. If I haven't done anything wrong and there aren't extenuating circumstances (like I match the description of someone who has done something wrong), I should not be forced into interaction with the police *at all* and I find it offensive to my sense of liberty when I am. (Triply so for paramilitary outfits like border patrol)
    1 point
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