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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2021 in all areas

  1. I was lucky enough to receive from the CMP a service grade, all matching 1945 Colt 1911A1. The slide and frame finish matches correctly and all the internals are correct for the year. I wanted to give the CMP a big shout out from one who collects U.S. military. For those of you who want a piece of our military history, check out the CMP website. The minute this .45 touched my hands the price doubled or tripled. You cant beat that anywhere I know of. After I pass I’d love to be a fly on the wall watching the fight from my nephews as to get this weapon.
    10 points
  2. It was headspace problem. I read an article "Dealing with Headspace" by Todd Spotti. I followed his directions on setting up sizing die for my rifle. Back of sizing die 1/2 turn and size a case, try it in rifle. If doesn't chamber screw sizing die down 1/8 turn and try chambering. Keep turning sizing die down until casing chambers. I then reloading 12 LC brass with new sizer die setting and all 12 finished rounds chambered. when I get new front sight I will sight in using these rounds. Thanks for everyones input.
    5 points
  3. Alec Baldwin is the biggest tool in Hollywood. Change my mind.
    3 points
  4. 3 points
  5. 3 points
  6. Brandon Lee(son of Bruce Lee) was killed on the set of 1994’s ‘The Crow’ while filming his character’s death scene. They had been using live rounds with the powder dumped out for a close-up shot, in which the actor pulls the trigger several times. The primers pushed two slugs into the barrel, after which a blank round was fired, which drove out the bullets and struck Brandon Lee in the chest.
    3 points
  7. It was probably one of those assault cowboy guns. I need to check my SAAs and make sure they are behaving.
    3 points
  8. We deal with “Hollywood” on a daily basis just watching or even reading the “news” these days. Baldwin Is not to blame and liberals have #### to do with it, but someone is going to pay. The truth will come out.
    2 points
  9. If he was messing around between scenes pointing it at people and playing around he is guilty for sure. If he was handed the gun by a prop guy and director called ACTION and he hit bystanders with a live round while filming the scene, well that's another thing. Hope Fake News gets the whole story out correctly but that's doubtful. He's one of their favs. The spin begins.
    2 points
  10. Not enough information out there yet. I despise anti-gun Baldwin, but don't want to jump to conclusions. The stories I've read make it sound like two people were hit from one discharge. I think most of us are assuming the discharge was from a handgun, but if it were a shotgun then two victims seems more likely. I'll be interested in learning more. Edit an hour later: A news article says that Baldwin was handed the prop gun, and a single round passed through a woman who was killed and struck a man who was not killed. This begs the question of why there was any live ammunition on a movie set. I suppose a long investigation will follow.
    2 points
  11. I can sympathize with them though. Although I know what Hi-Powers are, most of the time I'm totally lost when folks on here are discussing the latest whiz-bang, plastic fantastic Glock 62-whatever they're drooling over ...
    2 points
  12. https://www.indiewire.com/2021/10/alec-baldwin-fires-gun-kills-cinematographer-wounds-director-on-rust-set-1234673555/ So old west set, some how supposedly gun misfires twice, kills one and wound’s another. I don’t think they know what a misfire is! I know blanks can kill at contact close range. This doesn’t sound like blanks or “misfires”! https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/rust-crewmember-dies-after-prop-gun-misfires-on-set-of-alec-baldwin-film
    1 point
  13. Here’s a short video from last weekend. Me and a few guys went out to call for the morning. @Luke E. brought his camera and tripod. This coyote came out directly down wind of Luke and I. Luckily he had the decoy activated on the call and we acted quickly. I don’t believe that coyote would have stood there but a second or two more being downwind but we made it work. At the end of the video when he said “Hey” I thought he saw another one and I was getting ready to pop another one if it came out. Had no idea he was gonna pick on my visor
    1 point
  14. Two of my buddies and I drove down to Texas on Saturday, hunted from 8:00 pm till 3:00 am, slept 4 hours, and drove back. Ended up with 25 pigs in hand
    1 point
  15. On HBO Max....... Sorry, totes '80s geeking out! It misses the the thought disfigured, but aside from that. My God. It's a masterpiece. Ridley Scott had totally outdone himself. I've watched the original probably 80 times & I didn't think it could be remade but damn.... this really is spectacular.
    1 point
  16. I was referring to real guns. I don't do plastic. Not even Springfield's plastic.
    1 point
  17. Congratulations on getting a fine piece of history! I haven't heard much about the CMP guns in quite a while. I guess they still have some then? I got one during the first round. Mine is a 1942 Colt frame with an Ithica slide.
    1 point
  18. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-10-22/alec-baldwin-rust-camera-crew-walked-off-set The story keeps getting worse.
    1 point
  19. It might have been a frontal shot (camera). That would explain it.
    1 point
  20. Actually he went further than that. LAPD sent him a rifle for repair/refurbishment. He had it in his possession. Once the new gun laws passed, he not only refused to repair it, he refused to SHIP it back to them. He MADE them come & get the thing themselves. So one (or two) deputies flew in from CA, retrieved the rifle & then flew back to CA with it, unrepaired. Cheers for Mr. Barrett, IMO.
    1 point
  21. Don't be at all surprised when Baldwin claims to be a completely innocent victim and never accepts any blame what-so-ever. In fact, don't be surprised when he doubles down on his gun control efforts because now he "knows" what its like to take a life. Btw: this azzhole anti-gunner has now killed and injured more people than I have in my 67 years as a gun owner.
    1 point
  22. Actually, he was the star of his own TV show. A spy series called "Cover Up". That's where it happened. It didn't last long.
    1 point
  23. Another anti-gun actor making big money using guns in a movie. I feel badly for the victims. No sympathy for Baldwin at all. A real gun person, even an actor on set, would have checked the gun himself before using it. Back in the 80s a hot, up and coming young actor, Jon-Erik Hexum, accidentally killed himself on set playing Russian Roulette with a .44 magnum loaded with blanks. The blank drove a piece of his skull through his brain. There is no excuse for bad gun handling. Even an anti-gunner should know that if you plan to make your living with one.
    1 point
  24. I read the first book but never took it any further. I never watched the old movie but am excited to see this movie. The previews made it look spectacular.
    1 point
  25. I thought blank guns weren't capable of firing live rounds. Apparently this one was. My memory is trying to tell me this has happened before some time ago. Be interesting to see how this turns out. Somebody is in deep do do.
    1 point
  26. It just doesn’t make sense. The gun had to be deliberately fired. I wonder how live ammo got loaded, if that’s what happened?
    1 point
  27. Have a hard time convincing me of that excuse.
    1 point
  28. I wish more companies were like Barrett. Ronnie refused to sell his rifles to LAPD because civilians could not own them.
    1 point
  29. I got that. It’s these guys on a gun forum that don’t seem to know what a High Power is that are blowing my mind.
    1 point
  30. Springfield don'rt sell no junk. Even if it is just a rebranded foreign made gun, you can bet it will meet Springfield's rigorous specs. I have high hopes for this one. But very likely it will be pretty expensive and take forever to get to the open market where guys like me can get one.
    1 point
  31. Also have defenders on two cars love them no problems
    1 point
  32. I rather like Defenders myself but was almost steered towards the Premier line.
    1 point
  33. With a little research, it appears to be a French (Gypsy) Jazz style of guitar. They had non-typical sound holes positioned forward of the center of the body, had the fret board extending over the sound hole, used a broad saddle, had no pick guard, and used metal tailpieces. https://www.premierguitar.com/lessons/acoustic-lessons/django-gypsy-jazz-chords It seems that they are similar to classic guitars.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. The first non-corrosive primers were made in the 20's, but didn't become very popular until the mid-50's when many of the world's military organizations began switching over ...
    1 point
  36. Screw your sizing die in another quarter turn and see what happens.
    1 point
  37. Never used those but they would seem to me to be difficult to use on something like a plate rack shoot. The rear wings would be hard to get lined up quickly for my tastes. *I* like the Truglo fiber optic sights. Some models are both fiber & night sights, a win-win for bad eyes like mine. Different colors front & rear allow for super quick indexing, at least in my case. Obviously everyone is different. An example of the style I prefer:
    1 point
  38. Welcome Welcome Welcome. Good to have yall here.
    1 point
  39. So excited and grateful to be on here. Can't wait to meet and work with some of you!
    1 point
  40. The NRA called me for a donation just a couple evenings ago and I told them that no more money from me so long as WLP was running the show. Apparently the caller (I wonder if they're members or paid?) had heard it a few times before, as she just thanked me and hung up. I've been an NRA life member for a LONG time, and made regular donations up until a few years ago. I can hardly believe that WLP was reelected and find it disgusting.
    1 point
  41. This one should be here this week. Started out as a 1962 S&W then ended up at Clark Customs in 1976 to be turned into a PPC competition gun. This one is in 38spl.
    1 point
  42. It is but it isn't. And it really isn't when you throw a threaded barrel in it and pop a Parker Mountain Machine Gen 5 Comp on the end of it. Basically a hair longer than a Glock 17 and a hair shorter than a Glock 34, and it shoots almost as flat as a .22LR If I had to pick one handgun to take to a legit gunfight, this is the one I'd take.
    1 point
  43. Rock Islands and Springfields are excellent pistols but for just a few dollars more you could get a Dan Wesson and not have to worry about it ever again.
    1 point
  44. I've got two Rock Islands and have been very happy with them. However, if you want a better gun at not much more money, I recommend Springfield Armory.
    1 point
  45. Rock Islands have years of positive reputation but those SDS Tisas have come on strong. They are generally very well regarded and start under $400 for a basic GI model. They are also stamped Knoxville, TN as SDS is based here, so that’s kinda cool.
    1 point
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