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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2023 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. Guys if you’re interested, watch the movie. If not, please move on! Please don’t start crapping in my thread.
    4 points
  3. My thoughts and Prayers go out to all affected by this disaster. I've lived through several hurricanes and tornadoes in my life and one must actually see the devastation to truly comprehend it. That said it always saddens me when someone has to. Those troubles last way beyond initial contact for certain.,. @tercel89 I hope your friend and family are OK (lame word) but you get my meaning. God Bless all.
    4 points
  4. Is it just me or is anyone else completely fed the freak up with Taylor Freakin' Swift plastered all over every media avenue there is?
    3 points
  5. We are not her target demographic. It's estimated that her last tour brought in over $1B in revenue. I can understand why she's on the news a lot.
    3 points
  6. Almost all of Hollywood is liberal. There would be nothing left to watch if we boycotted based on that.
    3 points
  7. Our neighborhood was spared. But west right behind my house that area is still without power. I can hear the generators running. Immediately east of us on tiny town was hit pretty bad and south of us as well. I am not going out on the roads unless absolutely needed. Work crews and first responders are working hard to help people and restore power, they don’t need any unnecessary traffic or looky loos.
    3 points
  8. I usually ignore most of the crap in the news.
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. Don't know about the best product of the century, but this is a pretty handy one.
    3 points
  11. There was a time <maybe not so long ago, I don't remember> when I wouldn't know why that's so darn funny.
    3 points
  12. Up for trade is my Nighthawk Custom GRP Recon chambered in 45 acp. Fit, finish, and function as to be expected from NHC. This pistol has very minimal holster wear towards the muzzle and on the front rail from having a surefire x300 on it. Looking to trade for other high end 1911s in either 9mm or 45 acp such as Wilson combat , alchemy custom weaponry, NHC, Springfield custom shop, Ted Yost builds ect. Can add cash if your trade is worth more than the nighthawk. Thanks
    2 points
  13. While not a "Swifty" I admire what she's done for herself I do know a song or two thanks to my granddaughters. Honestly I pay no attention to her or any of today's singers/actors as I'm trying to live a stress free life.
    2 points
  14. Wheeler has one similar to what's posted, and is a gods send IMO. Gets you on paper very quickly unless those action screw holes were NOT drilled in a straight line. LOL
    2 points
  15. I hear similar things about her. She's undeniably a giver and I applaud her for that. You can't take all that money with you. Dolly does a lot of good, especially locally, but my favorite thing about Dolly is that she WON'T mix her entertainment career with her political beliefs:
    2 points
  16. She was tolerable as a country artist, but it turned into teeny-pop fast. Not my cup of tea. Now that she's decided she wants her political ideals to be fused with her music, I find her even less tolerable.
    2 points
  17. Looks like it does. Enhance!
    2 points
  18. Honestly, I wouldn't know one of her songs if you hit me over the head with it. Just not my thing. But she is talented, pretty and from what I hear a very good business woman. I also hear that she truly appreciates her fans and goes out of her way to show it. I say good for her.
    2 points
  19. As Time's Person of the Year, I assumed she found the cure to cancer, negotiated lasting peace in the Middle East, ended world hunger and resolved the National Debt in between her busy tour schedule. Or simply being famous with a zillion fans is the new benchmark for Time
    2 points
  20. I'm lucky to have no damage, besides my car tire picking up a screw. If any fellow members in Clarksville need anything, let me know.
    2 points
  21. Prayers for all those folks in the area. My area was under a watch until 3am Sunday but the Knoxville news stations were only talking about the Middle TN storms, so nothing bad up this way. Again, prayers for all the folks in Middle TN.
    2 points
  22. Selling my Steyr Scout in 308. Like new condition. with factory hard case, sling swivels, stock spacers, and manual. Will meet near Chattanooga.
    1 point
  23. Not exactly training, more of a test. Beech is good people and makes the FBI qualification look pretty easy. I'm having surgery soon and will be off the range for a while, but I'd like to give it a shot in the next couple weeks if I can swing it.
    1 point
  24. I’ve never shot it. got it from my stepdad after I helped him take some trees down. I’m actually gonna shoot it in my backyard in the next couple days and report to everybody . Hopefully I’ll have better insight to answer most of the questions I’m getting about it.
    1 point
  25. Thank you @Links2k! I just finished the movie and thought it was extremely well done.
    1 point
  26. These tornados in winter seem worse than the ones in the spring to me. These up and down temperatures make life miserable. We can under a tornado warning and went into the shelter but thankfully nothing came of it around here. Prayers to all those affected by this recent storm. My heart truly does got out to you all.
    1 point
  27. I think jayhawker getting himself a pony fer Christmas !!!
    1 point
  28. Thank you dirtshooter. I totally understand turning the team over to a younger Officer. I was glad to let the younger take over our previous team, but in our new church they drafted me. My skills are decreasing by the day however I have been practicing lots more recently. "Most probably" we will be called on to handle light disturbances, door locking, and directing traffic in our church, and prayerfully a very long shot on the more serious stuff. These small instances can be very unnerving to our brothers and sisters. Yes, I meant to say brothers, because some/many have not gotten the big message yet. I, for one, am verry thankful we do have some that are willing to put themselves out there for "the all". In the West Freeway church it only took one skilled senior citizen to save the many. IMO, he is and was a true "Warrior". So was the neighbor at the Southerland Springs church who stopped the shooter after he did the carnage there. Be strong and safe Dirtshooter. Thank you for your service to your church sir. Edited to add content; Dirtshooter google West Freeway Church of Christ shooting." You will learn of that Warrior there. Watch the 3 minute Video in "real time". Shame on the people who only want to criticize humble efforts to protect others!
    1 point
  29. Agreed, but her popularity and success don't invalidate my opinions. It just goes to show I'm special and unique.
    1 point
  30. Pftt, try having a 12 year old daughter who is obsessed with her. She was very disappointed that I didn't get her concert tickets (assuming you can even get them) at $1200 per seat for nosebleed.
    1 point
  31. Prayers for all that have been effected by the storms all across Tennessee. I watched the weather while they tracked the storms and Channel 5 had all their weather people working on weather screens trying to keep up with it. I watched the weather Friday night and the weather man talked about that front that was going too drop the temps over the weekend and he said several times that they were not fore casting anything severe at all with this front! I have always been concerned with Fronts in December as way to many times they have produced what we had Saturday and I was kind of looking for something more than wind and temps.
    1 point
  32. I always figured that these were for children or elderly that were unable to man a defensive position to be in a safer/central part of the house reloading for those of us holding off the horde.
    1 point
  33. Almost four years after getting this solid recommendation, I'm sad to say the wonderful lady who runs this shop is retiring at the end of the month. Found out when picking up a jacket today she worked on for me. I think I had three jackets and as many shirts perfectly adjusted to make me look better than I should.
    1 point
  34. Watched, thanks for the heads up, I did enjoy it. Love and Monsters Not hoards of zombies, just mutated bugs and such. https://www.netflix.com/title/81277430
    1 point
  35. Watching 17 local, prays to all, be safe.
    1 point
  36. Apologies to all the CA expats
    1 point
  37. Here's my daughter, Maggie, with our purebred yellow labs Daisy and Shelby, and our pitbull / cattle dog mix, Barrett. We have always had a dog since we first got our own house. The kids grew up with a big 90lbs pitbull / black lab mix, Sebastian, who was so gentle that he'd let them bounce on his head, and so intimidating that the Jehova's Witnesses stopped knocking. Sebastian was a rescue, just like every dog we've had since. He was a 7 month old that was too much puppy for his original family to handle. Being black and a pit mix, he was not likely to be adopted. We found him at the pound on his last chance month, and he was the best-behaved dog anyone could ask for. When we moved to a house with property, Sebastian gained a little brother, Scout. He was a cattle dog / shepherd mix that looked just like a half-sized German shepherd. A lifelong puppy-sized short-haired shepherd that leapt up cliff faces like a mountain goat. He was a street rescue from Calexico. Injured in his first weeks of life, a dog charity imported him to the US. Whatever happened to him down there left a permanent impression on him, because he was extremely, inconsolably aggressive to only one kind of person: Hispanic males. He was a mixed mutt from the streets of Mexico; he was our Racist Street Taco. Barrett was a rescue from the pound; friends picked him up in Texas as he was about to be put down. He'd had a hard first year; he grew up in the shelter and overcame Parvo. My friends tried keeping him but he had a submissive peeing habit that they couldn't beat. They drove him 1000 miles to us in Chattanooga just to give him another shot. It's been six months and there's no more peeing. I like dog training. His purebred sisters are rescues, too. They were $1000 AKC puppies who were adopted by a single lady who works 10+ hours in an ER and lives in a condo. Apparently, she decided that might not be the best recipe for success with two 60lbs dogs after the puppies destroyed the condo a few times over and earned her some HOA violations. We agreed to take them in, and now they're right at home on acres upon acres of private ranch. We never go out to buy a dog. There are so many in need already, and somehow they seem to find us at just the right time. We love our dogs, and we're glad to have a place for them.
    1 point
  38. Benelli MR1 with M4 Pistol grip stock (non collapsible), very low round count (~300rds), modified magazine release (extended) Will trade for Springfield Hellion with cash on my side. Cash price is $1200 uploading photos this weekend, stock image for now, gun is in great condition.
    1 point
  39. I don't think it's just about a church shooting though. I'm on our church's safety team and recently a handgun was discovered in a diaper bag. My experience with firearms let me handle it carefully and make it safe until the parent could get a talking to. I get your feelings about carrying at church though 100%. I struggled with it. This is the house of the Lord right? The decision was made pretty easy for me though. I'm a wall flower and after about 7 years of attending my church, i knew about 3-4 people. One day i got introduced to one of the safety team folks. After talking for a few minutes, he asked if I would be interested in serving. After saying yes, suddenly i started being drawn into being a recognized face. I talk to more people, they talk to me. I've started attending mens groups, bible studies and i'm even an usher now. The handgun is just there. Lord willing, i'll never need it.
    1 point
  40. First off let me say thanks to all of you that offered up a prayer for my daughter. She completed all her chemo a couple weeks ago and had her double mastectomy yesterday. She's home resting and her mother is there to watch over things for about a month. She is deemed "cancer free" in that all her lymph node biopsies came back negative and of course her lump is gone as well. She still has some localized radiation treatments after she heals from surgery but for now everything is lookin' good.
    1 point
  41. If I was walking around downtown Memphis, I'd want to carry a rifle too.
    1 point
  42. It’s dead, but it’s not so dead that it cannot return again it just cannot return in its current format. It wasn’t ruled illegal on constitutional grounds, but because it did not follow the law with regards to the manner in which rules must be promulgated by statute. Because the final rule was so much different than the proposed rule they were supposed to start over from the beginning.
    1 point
  43. I built my reloading bench from 2x4 and 2x6 material; top and all. Screw it to the wall.
    1 point
  44. 1 point
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