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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2013 in all areas

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgibx_lHLXQ
    5 points
  2. Don't say it!!!   How could you actually think some of these so-called "reality shows" might not be on the up and up???   Why...next you'll be saying that all these singers never lip-sync.
    3 points
  3. I just dropped another nice Doe on the ground. Will be going after her in a few. Will post pictures ASAP. Neck shot, 40 yards. Stop, Drop and no Flop!   Dave
    3 points
  4. You're a "southern white radical" who's an active member of a fringe hate group that whose members regularly traffic weapons. I mean have you seen how those people talk about gays? You may truly have nothing to hide, but you have plenty to fear when decisions about your freedom and in some cases your very existence can be targeted by an algorithm or bureaucrat with a particular worldview.
    3 points
  5. There was always a waiting line everytime that I've been there. Maybe I'll be able to get my pancakes faster if people are serious about their boycott.
    2 points
  6. Thank you Sir! I've killed many a big buck in my days, but this Doe is A LIFE TIME TROPHY!!!   Dave
    2 points
  7. [quote name="TripleDigitRide" post="1082672" timestamp="1387737407"]Looks like Cracker Barrel has had a change of heart. [size=4]Oops! Someone beat me to it.[/size] [size=4] [/size][/quote] Thus proving the point that companies should stick to their knitting and leave the p c crap off to the side. It also shows that companies are not founts of morals, but strictly profit seeking enterprises - as they are intended to be.
    2 points
  8. His argument makes about as much sense any of the ones coming from the left.
    2 points
  9. [URL=http://s196.photobucket.com/user/kahrman/media/966FD513-7B05-44D5-A9A1-318F4A64B2C2_zpspafu6dgd.jpg.html][/URL] Anybody else have any hunting themed ornaments?
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. Took my first shot at a bacon weave tonight and it came out great! Took some pics and thought that I would share.
    1 point
  12. Well, after a couple weeks absence from deer hunting due to leg and back issues, I finally made it back out yesterday. I was in my ladder stand and at about 7:30 a Mature Doe came running down the hill in front of me being chased by a very nice Buck. I raised the rifle up to get a shot at the Buck and big mamma slammed on the brakes and started blowing at me. The buck spun around and disapered and a third deer headed for the next county. The doe stood looking at me and blowing. I swung the crosshairs on her neck and fired. She dropped straight to the ground. NICE! So I sat in my stand for about 10 minutes and was tying my rifle to my pull cord, when this other Doe came bee bopping down the side of the hill. It stopped and was staring at the first doe laying on the ground. NITE NITE! Neck shot and DRT!! Both deer required an uphill drag and I was really not up to it. I went up to a neighbors house and got Jason (teen ager who lives there) to help me get them out of the woods. I threw the kid 10 bucks for his troubles (all I had on me). He was grateful and so was I. I wish I would have gotten a picture as he was wearing a pair of Firefighter boots, tee shirt and Sponge Bob jammy pants....kids..... Those were the first deer to come off my property this year. I wished I had a good hunting partner, but I don't. Life is what it is! This mature Doe dressed at 103. Lots of meat there boys! Here is a pic of me with both deer. Smaller deer dressed at 62 pounds. Neck shot DRT Both were taken with 7mm/08 120 grain Fusion soft nose. PS...Santa beard comes off day after Christmas thank goodness!!! Merry Christmas to all! Dave
    1 point
  13. I have two 100lb pit bulls snoring at the foot of my bed snoring as I type this. It would take gunfire to get past them and by then I would be fully awake. I will never forget the day my wife woke me by shooting squirrel from the back deck with a 12ga right outside our window. Needless to say I was hot. JTM We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union......
    1 point
  14. You may know that Phil Robertson used to be the #1 quarterback at Louisiana Tech when Terry Bradshaw was second banana. Here's Bradshaw's take on Phil as the real deal.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGUBNq9MMTE
    1 point
  15. [quote name="LINKS2K" post="1082817" timestamp="1387759230"]There was always a waiting line everytime that I've been there. Maybe I'll be able to get my pancakes faster if people are serious about their boycott.[/quote] They do make one damn fine pancake.
    1 point
  16. Yeah, some of these shows have just gone overboard in the insanity department. What won't we watch? Saw an ad for Swamp Pawn last night. SWAMP PAWN??   How many pawn shows is that? And do we need another storage locker selling show?   Or another Steven Segal: The Lost Season?   And Naked and Alone?   I'm almost afraid to see what's coming next.   Sorry...went from mild sarcasm to rant there.
    1 point
  17. This is what my wife said this evening.
    1 point
  18. That gun deserves leather IMO.
    1 point
  19. [quote name="DaveS" post="1082809" timestamp="1387757764"]TGO Friends, out of all my 45 years of deer hunting, this has got to be the biggest Doe I have ever taken. Forty yard neck shot...."Stop, Drop and no Flop"..straight to the ground DRT! Dead center Here ya go...124 lbs. The Bow guys in the club that use these scales on their bows say they are light by 4 pounds. That makes 128 lbs. I'll go with 124lb HOT DAMN!!!! That B**** is going on the wall!!! Dave[/quote] Awesome doe. Congratulations!
    1 point
  20. TGO Friends, out of all my 45 years of deer hunting, this has got to be the biggest Doe I have ever taken. Forty yard neck shot...."Stop, Drop and no Flop"..straight to the ground DRT! Dead center Here ya go...124 lbs. The Bow guys in the club that use these scales on their bows say they are light by 4 pounds. That makes 128 lbs. I'll go with 124lb HOT DAMN!!!! That B**** is going on the wall!!! Dave
    1 point
  21. Comcast is a racket. Those people are criminals and imho should be facing jail time for all of the tax fraud, throttling of bandwidth to P2P services, superfluous charges and unnotified changes to your bill they've done of the years. I hate that company with every fiber of my being. As you can tell, I'm a customer. If I could get TDS in my neighborhood, I would instantly.
    1 point
  22.   That's what guns folks were saying when CB was verbally telling people to cover their handguns or leave (I think that's still their policy?). I noticed CB has stayed in biz, though.   - OS
    1 point
  23. So you have the front sight pushed all the way to the right, and it still shoots left.
    1 point
  24. I have not seen it either. I avoid reality TV in general as I can feel my brain start moldering any time it's on. THat's why I was avoiding commenting in this thread. Oh well, I'm here now.
    1 point
  25. I hand slice my jerky as well Dave. I usually only make jerky once a year. After that, I try to fill the freezer. My wife told me last week that we need more roast. I'm going to be filling the freezer next weekend.
    1 point
  26. I just purchased a Masterbuilt 30 electric from TSC since it was on clearance for $129. I like the idea of not having to stoke a fire and not worrying about trying to keep the temp exactly right. I was going to go with the bigger one, but for the price I figured I would give this a try. It is more than enough for me. After a lot of research on smoking meat forums, I also got a AMNPS which is a tray that you put pellets in and just put it in the bottom of the smoker. Using that you don't use chips in the smoker itself and worry about feeding it every 30 minutes. I just did four 6 pound shoulders yesterday for pulled pork and they were fantastic. 12 hours total cook time. A full load if pellets in the AMNPS lasts 11 hrs so no need to worry about the smoke. Almost set it and forget it. I wrapped the shoulders in foil at 165 and then let them go to 195. Took them out of the smoker and wrapped them in a towel (still in foil) and let them rest in a cooler for an hour. They were unbelievably tender. If you haven't checked out smoking meat forum, I highly recommend it.
    1 point
  27. I believe that there are two schools on this topic. Those who are wood guys and those who are gas/electric. I'm a wood/ charcoal guy and a snob about it. That said I received the Brinkman electric smoker as a gift and it is easy to deal with. I smoke small batches and rather infrequently I admit. But I use my Webber kettle grill weekly. Merry Christmas
    1 point
  28. Exactly.   And I'm trying to figure out what the Chinese will be contaminating their exported lead with. Everything else we get from them they contaminate with lead, but you just can't contaminate lead with lead it ain't right.
    1 point
  29. Space provided, I would buy a bigger one than you think you need. You will be glad in the long run.
    1 point
  30. Maybe I should have said (add music here) "A doe, a deer, a female deer"...lol   Or titled the thread "Hoe's", "Doe's" maybe something else. Heck it even confuses me and I wrote it!   Thank You   Dave
    1 point
  31. You mean like this? That doesn't work really, your better off getting a real adjustable red dot if you want that level of magnification. The flip up magnifier works fairly well but if I had to do it all over again I'd spend the money on a Bushnell like this. and IMO be out ahead. http://bushnell.com/tactical/rifle-scopes/ar-optics/1-4x-24mm-throw-down-pcl
    1 point
  32. I'm cooking a ham for Christmas dinner and Kasey( My dog) is going to get the bone and probably some of the ham for Christmas. Does that count?.......... :blink: :blink:
    1 point
  33. Wow.  From USA Today, no less -   http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2013/12/19/duck-dynasty-bible-religion-palin-robertson-column/4124181/
    1 point
  34. I'm flummoxed at the outrage from either side of this debate. The folks who are now up in arms over the response from the gay community, A&E, Cracker barrel , etc., are the very same folks who were all gung-ho about piling on the Dixie Chicks for voicing their opinions about George Bush being a less than stellar Vice President. I think people aren't happy unless they're pissed at someone. 
    1 point
  35. I've been boycotting Cracker Barrel for years.  Simply, their food sucks.  The candy in their "old-timey store" sucks as well.   It's just one big corporate scam to separate yankee tourists from their money.  There's a reason you only find their locations at interstate exits. 
    1 point
  36. Rather than 10 different types I'd rather have just three or four types and lots of spares. My essentials would be 22 rifle, 9 mil handgun, and AR or AK variant. Anything else is just nice to have. But I'm not sure what a permanent gun collection is, as opposed to a temporary one.
    1 point
  37. Exactly. The 11th commandment should read: "Thou shalt be excellent to each other".
    1 point
  38. Big words from an alcoholic crackhead man whore. Somehow I don't see Phil taking to heart the words of a hedonistic drug addict.
    1 point
  39. Sorry, cool ads but I never was much of a fan of Chuck Norris, especially after finding out that when Chuck Norris and Superman have sleep overs, they argue over who has the cooler Jack Bauer Pajamas...  :D   Ordinary people have panic attacks. Chuck Norris has Jack Bauer's attacks!   If Jack Bauer were gay, he would be Chuck Norris   Kryptonite is not really from Krypton. It is made from Jack Bauer's crap, that is why it can kill Superman.   Jack Bauer named his cat 'Chuck Norris.' Why? Because he's a pussy.   Chuck Norris told Jack Bauer that he only killed 15 people cause he ran out of bullets. Jack told him he only killed 93 people cause he ran out of people.     Chuck Norris's beard can deflect bullets... Jack Bauer only needs a 5 o'clock shadow.   When Jack Bauer is bored, he goes next door and kick's his neighbor's ass. His neighbor is Chuck Norris.   Chuck Norris can drink an entire gallon of milk in thirty-seven seconds. Jack bauer doesn't drink milk. Milk is for pussies.   Chuck Norris uses the 'Total Gym' to exercise. Jack Bauer uses the 'Total Gym' to torture terrorists.   Chuck Norris is a Texas ranger only because Jack Bauer wont allow him to be a federal agent.     :wave:
    1 point
  40. I would prefer a under $100 lower that just "breaks wind".  Hell Breaking is not a necessary expense for me.
    1 point
  41. What good and what point would there be to following any religion if its foundational texts are fluid and/or just a matter of opinion? It doesn't matter if "Christians" are "right" or not...they have an absolute right to believe what they believe. Maybe the Constitution is "wrong" too and needs to be ignored when is says something that one particular person or group doesn't like!   Phil was not "screaming anything...he wasn't out on a street corner telling "gays" they are all going to go to hell". He was asked a direct question and gave a direct answer. What was Phil supposed to do; ignore a lifetime of following Christ and lie about what he actually believed? I guess he could have but had he done so people would be right to question whether his Christian faith really meant anything to him or not.
    1 point
  42.   Actually, my favorite character is probably the youngest daughter.  Tim is funny of course as well, but they write some great lines for her character.
    1 point
  43. I believe Phil is a man of principle and thus he would rather give up his high profile job. Not everyone is willing to bow a knee to baal. Plus, I'm guessing that the Robertsons have all the money they need with or without the show.
    1 point
  44. Load em and if you have any questions about wear, speak to a mechanical engineer, they will give you a no BS assessment on spring wear. It only wears when it IS compressing or decompressing but not at either point of rest.
    1 point
  45. ^ This.  The LE6920 is a better rifle than the S&W, and leaps and bounds above the Bushy.  Very good price to boot!  Buy with confidence from CDNN.
    1 point
  46. The S&W revolver at about 5.02 does it for me.
    1 point
  47. Pro shooter with an open run........I bet Dale Jr can make a beer run faster than the rest of us too!                                                                                                                :rofl:
    1 point
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