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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2016 in all areas

  1. That is all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  2. Sorry for another I tried my hand at a corner rifle rack these things like these sell for 200 plus dollars online. I have about $30 in it. Sorry for my bad photography abilities.
    3 points
  3. 5.56 AK and 7.62 AR? So, either of those can use whichever bathroom they want I guess? - OS
    3 points
  4. I can't imagine any good reason not to be in the NRA right now. If nothing else isn't it worth $35 every year to see so many liberals piss themselves over the NRA? If you're a gun owner, and you aren't in the NRA you seriously need to ask yourself what you are doing to ensure our 2A rights for the future.
    2 points
  5. http://www.rokslide.com/forums/showthread.php?46044-Atlas-cooler-25-discount-group-buy-now-open-june-1-june-30 Details at the above link. Basically it's a group-buy discount code, open to anyone. It takes an extra 25% off the sale price of any Alas product EXCEPT the cheapest tumblers. It's very specific as to how it works & it MUST be followed to the letter, but for the savings, it's absolutely worth it! I'm in for 2 80qt coolers & possibly a 30 & I have a good friends joining my order with a 2 65qt + a 115. There had been huge interest on the Rokslide forum & the guy who has arranged this has put in a TON of work. If anyone is considering buying a better quality cooler but is on the fence regarding price....this might just tip you over the edge! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  6. I had some free time tonight so I decided to do a drawing of my recent AK build. Started out to do a more technical drawing but got part way through and said screw it, so I ended up with this. It's hard to tell from the photo but it's actual size of an ak.
    1 point
  7. My point was, can't you change it there yourself, where I said? Allows one change every 90 days it says. But maybe you have to wait the 90 days after first registering to do it, dunno. - OS
    1 point
  8. I can see how that would be easy to miss. If the moderators can't change your name, maybe they can delete your existing account and you can open it again.
    1 point
  9. Correct, they're confused for sure! Am I weird for imagining if my AR could talk it would have a terrible Russian accent? Thanks bud! Muzzle device is in the mail, I took forever to decide what I wanted. I've fired around 120 rounds through it and all is well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  10. Apparently not bad enough to compromise function I guess. But anyway, if it's that noticeable, it's probably the gas block itself and I assume it's a low profile one under the handguard. Also assuming it's on there with either bolts or setscrews. So unless you can get to those through the railed handguard, you're gonna have to remove it to tighten anyway. - OS
    1 point
  11. You didn't look? Account settings: display name - OS
    1 point
  12. Nfa items bring joy to everyone. We like to share ours with everyone! If you ever wanted to fire a "supressed" Barrett 50bmg we have one to try! Quite the experience
    1 point
  13. Well ain't that something. Sounds like a sausage fest me.
    1 point
  14. Anyone not prohibited from possession period can have any firearm loaded and hidden in private vehicle with no permit required in TN. - OS
    1 point
  15. Article is wrong on some points however: "It is illegal to purchase a gun across state lines unless the transaction is processed through an FFL in the buyer’s home state": False. You may buy long guns in another state from FFL with background check. Further, in private transactions: - an out of state buyer does not commit a crime until/unless he brings the firearm back into his state of residence. - the seller commits the immediate offense, but only if he knows or has reasonable cause to believe the buyer is an out of state resident, or otherwise prohibited Under federal law, all gun purchases from an FFL must be accompanied by a federal background check. It doesn’t matter if the FFL sells a gun at a retail location, at a gun show, or out of the back of a car in a Wendy’s parking lot. False. An FFL may sell a firearm from his private collection under same conditions as any other person. Further, if sold under the auspices of the FFL license, he may only sell if from his licensed place of business or a gun show in the same state as his license. - OS
    1 point
  16. Yesterday I asked Monkey if he wanted one when they came up. He said "oh no, I got my Wesco mug, I'm ok." It was a mug my aunt gave him when we last visited Michigan. He's weird like that. So I ordered 2 of the 30 oz thanks to Sidecarist last night. I told him I ordered myself one. Instantly he says, you got me one, right? I denied it and he was instantly remorseful of his answer earlier that day. So I came clean. I had to before he jumped on and ordered himself one. BTW, he ordered a tee shirt and didn't get me one. Can't wait to get these!
    1 point
  17. To the best of my knowledge I don't have any Liberal friends to remind...............jmho
    1 point
  18. The press lying or misleading the public is done every day. Just listen to the sound bites for the evening news. It is done on this forum every day; it’s what we do. We all put our own spin on the story based on our beliefs. Many issues are discussed where we are totally clueless to what truly happened; but we fill in the blanks based on how we want the story to end. When you start editing video and audio; it is no longer credible. Yet we see it done here routinely. It is up to the individual to find the facts… if they really care. If they don’t care, then they do the same thing the press does; put their spin on it and call it a day. Lying being illegal? However; it is covered by civil laws if it damages someone. There are some criminal charges, lying to the cops (That wasn’t against the law when I was a cop, but I guess it is now?) and stolen valor is a couple of examples.
    1 point
  19. Shouldn't be an issue, I just spoke to my bud this morning & between us & a couple of others we've got well over a grand's worth! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. Thank you. I ordered the 115. Hopefully the threshold is met.
    1 point
  21. I just hopped on here to catch up and up and it's disheartening to find this out. I met him at the East TN gathering the bigbabysweets hosted along with Spots and he was a fantastic and very personable gent. This was shortly after he had surgery on his ankle. RIP ol boy.
    1 point
  22. http://www.homedepot.com/p/Rust-Oleum-EpoxyShield-2-gal-Gray-2-Part-High-Gloss-Epoxy-Garage-Floor-Coating-Kit-251870/100671422;jsessionid=939C6CDFDFE48BE0D3AE52E91599D4D0 Pretty much any good available epoxy floor finish you can buy will work ant the above link shows how the price can significantly jump. I'd ask the contractor about having the concrete sealed then place a good garage floor matting down. http://www.bigfloors.com/shop/garagetrac/?utm_source=Bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=%7BKeyWord%7D&utm_campaign=bigfloors As with epoxy finishes there are a lot of different floor matts available to include the simple fix of laying some heavy duty tile and keeping a box of spare tiles.
    1 point
  23. Just put down some duckets for one of each. Thanks.
    1 point
  24. Check with Academy, they usually have a pretty good supply under their "Monarch" brand.
    1 point
  25. Some say to clean the factory grease off first just in case it were to cause a malfunction. Sounds like you have gotten past that point though so I'd say clean it up and go on. Some say a Glock doesn't need to be cleaned as much, and maybe it doesn't, but I was raised/taught if you take care of your gun, it will take care of you.
    1 point
  26. I have own many glocks and have been issued glocks on the job. Never did a break in per say on any of them. That is what i like about them. No break in required. Take out of box, shoot some, clean and carry on. I have even clean a new issued one before shooting and it did not hurt anything. So clean it and carry on.
    1 point
  27. Whatever you feel like doing. Glocks dont really have a break in period. Just don't over oil a glock. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. Tumblers are available for ordering! http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/store/category/4-tgo-logo-swag/ This is a pre-order. The ordering window for this product will be open through Friday, June 17th. Once the ordering window closes, we will be sending a bulk order for production which could take 1-2 weeks. We will ship these out to you as soon as they arrive back in our hands. Approximate estimated delivery is the last week of June.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. Yeah, I'll risk my AR pistola as a "truck gun", but never my Marlin 1894 in .357. - OS
    1 point
  31. There is absolutely no telling where gun laws would be right now without the new and more intractable NRA that has evolved since the AWB. Indeed, if membership falls, that simply means less voter power to hold over the heads of pols nationwide that will support more and more restrictive gun rights. It's amazing what the NRA has been able to influence with only its 5 million or so members currently. Think if there were 25 million. I'm thinking that with the continuing wimpification of America, that 5 mil won't be nearly enough to sway the anti-gun sentiment translating to law (especially federal) ere long. - OS
    1 point
  32. Knock the NRA but who else does what they do? No other organization is as large or politically powerful.
    1 point
  33. Wait until Midway has this on sale. You can usually get it for about $40. These are great bags. I would pay the $70 if I absolutely needed one right now, but these always seem to be on sale except of course right now. http://www.midwayusa.com/product/259680/midwayusa-competition-range-bag-system
    1 point
  34. I know some of the Barrett family and I doubt they are much concerned about the loss of revenue in range fees. They are passionate about gun rights and the NRA. I would be surprised if they change their stance.
    1 point
  35. I know you can hunt / camp on ANY undeveloped TVA land. Not sure how they feel about setting up targets. I'm sure they would not like you leaving any trash, so I would pick up everything. I recently discovered that there is a tract of land just up the road from me that is great for camping. I see folks parked at the gate all the time during hunting season. I assumed you had to get permission. I called and they said the undeveloped land is available for use to the public without any additional permission for recreation including hunting and camping. Here are the rules. You determine if they apply to target shooting. I think at the very least, I would call them: https://tva.gov/Environment/Environmental-Stewardship/Land-Management/Rules-for-Use-of-TVA-Public-Lands You can find the maps of the land here: https://tva.gov/Environment/Recreation/Undeveloped-Recreation-Areas
    1 point
  36. We had a gun conversation at work. It went something like this: When I arrived the supervisors and the owners were standing around. They ask if I had a gun. I said yes, it’s in the car. They ask if I would please put it on. A co-worker had carried a shot gun into the facility, walked out back, cranked off a couple of rounds and left. He then called and threatened to kill a couple of people. When the cops went to his house to arrest him there was an armed standoff before he was taken into custody. Situations like that will educate people that have never been around real violence or violent people. Luckily no one was killed.
    1 point
  37. I'm a firm believer in NOT advertising for gun companies and the NRA on my truck etc. I also limit shirts etc to when I'm going to the range etc.
    1 point
  38. “If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull####.” ― W.C. Fields
    1 point
  39. British SMLE normal fodder is 174gr FMJBT. PRVI ammo is the best bang for the buck these days.
    1 point
  40. I hate to say it but I would much rather get shot than get run through with this bad boy. It was attached to the Ballard Carbine shown below. The Ballard rifles were among the most popular with sportsman and hunters in the 1800s. You've probably seen Westerns where the gun has two triggers and is accurate for quite a distance. That is a Ballard. Different model that this one. This gun has a reversible firing pin so it can be either rim fire or center fire. I may actually shoot this gun. The metal is solid and the wood is in really good shape. In looking at my old guns, most of them have good metal, but the stocks and handrails could break if I shoot them.
    1 point
  41. Keltec Sub2000 with matching mags to your edc handgun might fit the bill. For some reason after reading through this thread I am picturing Oh Shoot wearing a Russian mafia tracksuit to go with his tennis racket case.
    1 point
  42. This is exactly why I view the media as nothing but propaganda for their political wings (and the views of their corporate owners) anymore. It would be nice to get real news with all the facts and no bias. You know, real investigative reporting and letting the facts speak for them selves so viewers could make informed decisions. But that isn't happening now and I do not see it happening anytime in the near future.
    1 point
  43. This is my first NFA item so I went all out. This is my .458 SOCOM SBR I call "Red Death."
    1 point
  44. I would think so, seeing as you would of paid good money for a ticket and had to suffer the embarrassment of being denied entry.  Might even give you PTSD and a phobia against public entertainment venues.
    1 point
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