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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2014 in all areas

  1. I was headed thru Mt Juliet today and was stopped by one of their officers. I had hands on the the wheel and window down when he approached. First thing I noticed was he was smiling. He asked how I was doing and if I knew why he pulled me over. I was stopped at a light, so had no idea. He explained that I had a brake light out. Once he asked for my id, I did as I always do. I let him know I was armed and asked how he'd like to proceed. He smiled more and said no worries, just grab your DL for me. Once he came back to me (I'm assuming after a standard warrant check ect) he said armed, good citizens like you are what this country needs. We then had a brief chat about guns and the like. He even offered to check the blinkers just in case so I could grab any other bulbs I may need after I told him I'd stop at the parts house on the way home. I also asked him if his job was different after the July 1 law change. His outlook was simple: he said (as other LEO's here have) that he has to assume everyone is armed. His concern was that he foresees more car break ins with bad guys looking for guns. Kinda makes me reconsider a lock box/safe for my truck gun now. Nothing other than a good experience all around. Not sure if it was not getting the ticket, or having a very positive interaction, but it made my day. It was clear he liked his job and is here to serve the community.
    6 points
  2. As an officer I actually feel relieved when someone informs me of a HCP and them handing it over. I just assume there is a firearm in every vehicle and those that have a HCP are a lot less of a worry to me. I can not think of a single traffic stop where I have given a citation to someone who has voluntarily handed over a HCP.
    6 points
  3. This is a case of getting all the justice you can afford. The Judge that denied her pre-trial diversion is the same Judge that approved it for Ray Rice after he knocked his wife unconscious and dragged her into an elevator; he was charged with aggravated assault. Let’s review… no intent, no violence= no pretrial diversion; Intent, violence= pretrial diversion. So what’s the difference? Money. I’m sure the Baltimore Ravens could afford a better attorney. The entire black community is up in arms and protesting because a cop shot a criminal that had just robbed a store and assaulted the owner, while this poor woman is being railroaded by the system. Our society is truly is bad shape.
    4 points
  4.   Law is neutral on the matter, but clearly states that Glocks suck carried with either method. :hiding:   - OS
    4 points
  5. I actually don't have a problem with all felony convictions resulting in forfeiture of your 2A rights. Felons are criminals, and criminals should have to pay a steep price for their crimes, thus normally honest folks that are occasionally tempted to cross the line for seemingly innocent reasons might think twice before doing so. Teens and drug use are a great example. I have mentored several teens that were busted on possession charges which they (and unfortunately some parents and our president) felt were no big deal, but when I explained how one felony conviction after age 18 would disqualify them from ever owning guns, they were quickly motivated to dump the drugs and they have been clean ever since. They are now accomplished shooters, honor students, and always test clean. What I do have a problem with is a few truly minor crimes being classified as felonies, which needs to be fixed. And if you are forced to forfeit your guns due to a conviction, the law should not be allowed to confiscate or keep your property, you should be allowed to sell, gift, transfer, or donate it within a reasonable time so that your financial investment is not stolen or squandered. Only time you should lose the property is if you acquired it via illegal methods such as theft or use of drug money to buy it.
    4 points
  6. Hunkering down in my store with a bunch of rifles and ammo, armor, and night vision.   They may get the booze, but by God they're gonna earn it.  :devil:
    3 points
  7. Pretty sure I'd rather put my wiener in a blender full of rock salt than force my family to move there! But I've been known to exaggerate lol.
    3 points
  8. http://www.amazon.com/Zombie-Cajun-Sauce-Gourmet-Basket/dp/B00G6I14Y6/ref=sr_1_1?s=grocery&ie=UTF8&qid=1408384953&sr=1-1&keywords=hot+wing+sauce   During checkout use "DOLLAR12" as the discount code and it knocks the price down from $24.95 to $1.00 + shipping (unless you have prime then I think shipping is free)   No clue if it's any good or not, but for a buck + shipping, its worth a shot if you like hot sauce.
    2 points
  9. In case you don't have a current copy, here's your Wally Walk map.
    2 points
  10. If you read the law closely, you'll find that it is now your duty to strap on a pistol and immediatly proceed to the nearest Wal Mart for your inaugural "WallyWorld Walk". :up:
    2 points
  11.   Damn the wind. My 800 yard rifles are AR's. Just keep mashing the switch until you see the pink mist in the scope. :)
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. Pleaae note that the guns are prohibited due to the INDICTMENT, not a conviction. Certainly ripe for potential abuse since its not too hard to get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich
    2 points
  14. I cannot say it seems it has made much difference to me receiving tickets.
    2 points
  15. Name one gun law that is actually constitutional. I don't mean its upheld by the liberal courts, but actually adheres to the wording of the second amendment. "shall not be infringed".
    2 points
  16. Trijicon HDs on my recent Glock 19 :up:
    1 point
  17. Picked up 8-11-14 from Tennessee Gun Country. Picked up some Federal white box ammo, 230gr ball. Shot it right after purchase, liked it, got dies, brass, primers and some Hornady 230gr XTPs and Magnus 215gr LSWCs. Been reloading and shooting some more Federal white box to get more brass for reloading.  The Magnus bullets make me really happy, they make such neat "big" round holes in the target. I have found another caliber to reload, I am having so much fun with this Glock! Tennessee Gun Country gives LEO, Military/retired a good deal plus the Glock discount. Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!  
    1 point
  18. After taking the first level handgun training in Jan '13 and the "RELOAD" class to refresh those skills again this past July, I took the level 2 training today to help increase the tools that I have to be a responsible and competent gun owner. The class started with the usual introductions and pleasantries. We briefly worked the basic draw and fire skills that we learned in the level 1 class to help get us "warmed up" for today's training. We also worked the basic tap/rack drills using dummy rounds to simulate fail to fires. We then transitioned into the new skills we would be introduced to in the class. We started off with a drill to utilize shooting with our normal strong side supported grip. We then moved to shooting with just our strong hand/unsupported. We were then taught to safely shift our grip from strong side to weak and continue the drill shooting weak side supported/unsupported. We practiced this skill at the distance of 4 yards on 3 inch circle targets. The instructor advised that as we became more proficient with our marksmanship at this distance to gradually increase distance to provide a further challenge. The next drill we performed was shooting from multiple unconventional positions such as kneeling behind cover, sitting, on our backs and on each side. We also performed these drills using various grips with our strong/weak sides and supported/unsupported. These provided a little insight into how you would implement a firearm for defense if you were unable to use a normal, standing stance. We moved on from there to a drill that required us to shoot and move in tandem. The instructor stood behind us during our string of fire and provided a little stress to confuse and get our adrenaline working (yelling in our ears, shaking and pulling on us as a distraction) as we moved forward/backward and from side to side. This was one of the more challenging drills as it forced me to make better shot choices to stay on target. Our class size was rather small so the drills went quickly. We voted as a class to repeat the first drill to practice our marksmanship utilizing strong/weak sides both supported and unsupported since we were moving ahead of schedule. The last drill was the most eye opening for me personally. We were asked to leave the range and the instructor and the range safety officer taped the window to obscure our view for the final drill as we each had to individually perform the drill sans audience. When my turn came I was taken inside and had my firearm holstered by the instructor. Part of the setup for this drill was that we were told our firearm would be pre loaded by the instructor based on their evaluation of our performance during class and we were also told that only one mag would be needed. I was then told to stand in a taped square facing 2 targets about 3 yards away. The instructor told me that I could not step outside of the square and had 10 seconds to put 2 rounds into each target. This seemed a little "easy", but ok I thought to myself. I was then asked who the most important people in my life were and I said my wife and 2 boys. The instructor told me to imagine those 2 targets were about to rape my wife and kill my kids. I have this all setup in my mind and am waiting for the word to draw and fire. When that word came I pulled my gun and pulled the trigger....(edited to remove the spoiler that I was too dopey to not include initially....take the class and you will find out the ending) The point of this post is that if you aren't getting training, you need it. No matter how much you've grown up around guns or gone to the range to shoot. It doesn't even matter if you have thousands of hours of training, you are always able to learn more and tweak the skills that you might one day need to stay alive or keep someone else alive.
    1 point
  19. All i know is that i've seen this all before in Do the Right Thing And it pisses me off just the same
    1 point
  20. No, I was referring to the streets belonging to hard working, armed Americans. I assume these thugs must know which streets those are, because there'd be a lot of dead thugs otherwise. Having close family friends who endured a devastating hurricane and the looting that followed, the looters learned quickly which areas to stay away from. They killed looters there frequently in the beginning.
    1 point
  21. You should probably buy some extra G 21 mags I have listed :)
    1 point
  22. I'll have mine in by the end of next week. I really want this to happen! If I could, I'd get two, but after my last gun purchases that ain't gunna happen so quick.   Maybe for the next one we can do a more simple, more inexpensive knife like the Runt to allow more folks to jump on board?
    1 point
  23. I always cleaned my triggers with lighter fluid and I'm very touchy about using any oils that can accumulate dirt in the assembly.   My 6.5-06 is a 700 but I checked the Rem Website and my number is not in the recall. I plan on changing my trigger assay out as I like a  6-8 oz trigger for target shooting.  Since I have a tendency to run with 700's I can swap out the Jewell I get with the original if I decide to  sell this long action rifle for a smaller one.   I didn't see the links for them so here they are.   http://www.remington.com/pages/news-and-resources/safety-center/safety-warning-recall-notice-Remington-model700-modelseven.aspx http://www.remington.com/pages/news-and-resources/press-releases/2014/firearms/remington%20arms%20announces%20voluntary%20product%20recall.aspx   This one is the actually page where you just type in your serial number and it immediately tells you if your rifle is in the recall. http://xmprecall.remington.com   Hope this helps.  Lp
    1 point
  24. Congrats on your HCP! Everyone seems to be nervous at first but get use to it after a little while. Stay calm and carry on!
    1 point
  25.   Actually, I would like to carry the M1 Garand that I did in the Army. If I wanted to knock someone through a plate glass window I could just put on the grenade launcher.   :usa:
    1 point
  26. Quick update on the LCP and Glock 19.  Took them both to the range for a follow-up session this past Friday, making sure to pay special attention to my grip, etc.  Long story short, the problem with the LCP apparently was limited to one particular magazine.  Had my friend at the range look at it, and he thinks the tension was too weak.  Took the mag apart and stretched the spring.  We'll see if that takes care of the problem.  I'm just glad it's not the gun - a mag I can live with.   The problem with the G19 appears to be mostly connected to the 115 grain ammo.  I also shot some 147 grain reloads my father-in-law gave me, as well as some 147 grain Hornady Critical Defense, and they all did fine.  The 115 grain PMC?  Most of it still ejected straight back in my direction.  I can live with that, I suppose, because if I ever need it in a self-defense situation, it'll be loaded with the HCD.  Still kinda miffed, though, that a gun as "hyped" as the G19 can't adequately deal with whatever ammo I feed it, regardless of weight.  Oh well, it is what it is.  At least it has been 100% reliable -- no FTF's or FTE's.   Thanks again for all the advice!
    1 point
  27. I lived in New Jersey. 13 LONG months. :squint: Couldn't wait to get out.
    1 point
  28. I like #4 the best personally. As someone else stated, less bilboardy. Not an option for now, and maybe never, but I'd really like the state logo without the wording underneath. My only reason is I like the total logo, but I don't want to advertise my online hangouts .com to anyone I show the knife to (employees, supervisors, customers, etc.)
    1 point
  29.     Don't have no Glock.  I have a .380acp brand that everyone makes fun of, even the instructor at the start of the required HCP class.  But after I shot 100 rounds with no problems at all and scored a 95% on target, the instructor just rolled his eyes and bit his tongue.   :pleased:
    1 point
  30. Although not for sale I think making one should be pretty easy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdUYNW4pSf0 Being able to bump fire a AK pistol would be really cool.
    1 point
  31. As the guy admits, here is a crude easy DIY method. I'd be concerned this would screw up grip nut threads in receiver with use though. That would be a bummer on models like the M92 where it's welded into receiver, not a separate loose replaceable part like on some AKs.   Might give you some more ideas though, Dolo:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tN9Wz_3KoJ4   - OS
    1 point
  32.   Looks like the guy is going to market them himself, one of his comments is:   "...  to avoid patten infringment I cannot sell any of these until August of 2014"   - OS
    1 point
  33. When they called for no riot gear, the idiots still acted up. Yesterday Mr. Peacekeeper Johnson sang his song of protection. Well, last night around 2am during his briefing, he sounded a whole lot different. This crap is affecting a whole lot more than those people rioting and the ones simply protesting. It's setting a tone as well as the police-state attitude. But the night they called for no riot gear, the business and home-owners were needing help and couldn't get it. The police can't win with the media because they're against people with no rules....kinda reminds me of our men and women overseas!
    1 point
  34. Duck Feather's are fine. However they look much better on the duck! A 3/4 in flint is fine for your rifle (also known as a Large) Bass Pro had some fine cut flints. Being a "purist" I only use hand knapped flints from Dixie Gunworks. Bass Pro may have some. 2 F is considered "rifle powder", but, I use 3F for the main charge because it ignites mili-seconds ahead of 2F. 4 F is faster in the pan but when I deer hunt, I only carry one horn (3F) and use it for both purposes. When using 3F in the pan you may notice a little longer burn time. So to be direct...I prefer 3F.   Happy Flint Shooting!   Dave
    1 point
  35. The use of tape initially is a training device.  He is having difficulty initially with keeping both eyes open, this trains the dominate eye to be more effective.  In fact, not everyone CAN shoot with both eyes open.  Some recommend a slight squint of the off eye to help.  Point shooting is not the answer.  The front sight is still very important, even in gunfighting situations.
    1 point
  36. 11b only covers you buying firearms, not you keeping firearms you already own.    
    1 point
  37.   If you want to spend a lil' extra time on it I would suggest stripping the paint/coating from the bolt and polishing it to a mirror finish with jewelers rouge. the absolute slickest 10/22 actions I've ever felt have been done this way.  As for lube, I have resisted the Frog Lube "hype" for a long time now but finally bought a jar of the Frog Lube in paste form last weekend. I cleaned the parts real good then hosed them down with non-chlorinated brake cleaner and wiped them down. I repeated the brake cleaner part 3-4 times and used a fresh clean rag (sock riddled with holes) to wipe them down the last time which left everything super dried out. Next I took my wife's hair dryer and, one part at a time, heated them up (doesn't have to be crazy hot, uncomfortable to touch to the inside of your bicep is more than enough). Then I stole one of my wife's makeup brushes, cleaned it up with brake cleaner and used it to brush on the Frog Lube paste. I looked like solidified bacon grease in the tub but when it hits the hot/really warm gun part it liquefies immediately and is drawn into every little crease and crevice. I probably over did it but I really caked it on there by applying, allowing it to sit for a moment and then applying more. By the time you get through with the last part, the first ones have completely cooled and the lube on the surface has turned back to a semi paste form which I then wiped off with a rag. It leaves no extra lube built up anywhere but out of the numerous different lubes I've tried, it is hands down the slickest. Supposedly by completely degreasing the parts and then heating them up before applying the lube, it draws the lube into any pores in the metal.  I'm not sure how much AR shooting you do but if you do much at all you know how caked on the carbon gets on the tail of the bolt. I've got a buddy that's been using this stuff and can let it really build and then just wipe it of with a rag and it's cleaner than I could ever get mine using any other method. You only have to go through the brake cleaner and heating up process the first time and after that just wipe it down with the rag that you wiped the excess off with during the initial application.  I just lubed 1 AR and 1 pistol with it last week and shot this weekend but I will wait for at least 1 more range trip before cleaning because I really want to see how well the stuff does for myself. My initial impression is that it truly is great stuff.      One more thing that I will add is that the stuff has some cleaning properties as well. Even though the last 2 times I wiped the part down with a white rag after spraying with a harsh brake cleaner and the rags coming out perfectly white, as I applied the white/really light green paste it started drawing out left over grime and old lube because when I wiped the excess off, the rag came up semi dirty and black.
    1 point
  38. Now I'm picturing the final scene from "Logan's Run" ;) Did the seafood department carry "Fish, and plankton, and sea greens and protein from the sea."?
    1 point
  39. I would not worry about it. I am sure the PAP's are test fired before leaving the factory and any SKS that had headspace issues would probably have been scrapped when they were $59.
    1 point
  40. It sounds like you are off to a good start. On a .50 cal I started with 50 grains of 3F Pure Black Powder (don't know nothing about Triple 7). Don't worry about where she hits until you find your "sweat load". A sweat load is when the rifle (long rifles) changes from a "boom" to a "crack" when fired. That's what you want to achieve. My sweat load is 80 grains. It will put a .490 patched ball through a deer faster than you can think about it. There is a product available by TC (I think) called bore butter. That is an amazing patch lube! I use a homemade mixture of 1/3 Bees Wax and 2/3rds Tallow, because I'm a purist! Nice video's by the way! Once you get your barrel seasoned, swabbing between shots becomes a thing of the past! Good luck, and have fun! If I can be of help, let me know!   Dave
    1 point
  41. :up: http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/aug/17/police-guns-detroit-crime-race-cost-issues    
    1 point
  42. Glad everyone is OK. I have a somewhat similar story that happened this past week also. I was coming home from work just after 10pm and I had just started my hour long commute home when my wife calls panicking. She says she heard someone knock not loud but quietly almost as to see if anyone was home so she locks herself in the bedroom and calls me. She is upset so I calm her enough to start asking questions. Are the outside doors locked? Yes. OK good the only way for them to get to you is through 2 locked doors. So now can you hear anything like someone on the porch? No, but I swear I heard someone knock. So I say, Ok, the shotgun is in the closet its loaded all you have to do is disengage the safety and pull the trigger. You remember the button right beside the trigger is the safety. I get home and no signs of anything thankfully but now my wife is more aware and prepared if this happens again.
    1 point
  43. The media is doing an excellent job of "Race Baiting".  Don't let them get to you.
    1 point
  44. Guess they don't have jobs that they have to worry about showing up for.  I mean to have the time to put into protesting all week.  Heck, I have trouble leaving an hour early for doctor appointments.
    1 point
  45. Do it yourself for cheaper. Napa gold filter and mobile 1. Costs me $25 in the civic to do it myself, and my last pickup was $30. Stick with synthetic if that's what you have always been using.
    1 point
  46. Dropped my 34 off a couple weeks ago to get hydrodipped and got it back today. Really like how it turned out.
    1 point
  47. Contractor-grade garbage bag and dry ice.   Oh, and a video camera.
    1 point
  48. Thanks everyone! Glad to hear good things about the 930. I'll definitely give a report once I wring these suckers out! Yea Nicky, I generally don't give a crap about rugs, etc, but I needed something to tame the noise due to the hardwood floors and my propensity to rock out way too loud. I saw that at Home Depot and said "That's it!" As for the LP knockoff, it's just a junk project body/neck a friend had. He was moving and said "you wanna shoot this like you did those other ones?" I think we all know what my answer was. Just for fun, though, here's a pic of my REAL LPs with two SGs thrown in for fun.
    1 point
  49. LCP - Make sure the mags were inserted properly.  Make sure your hand isn't rubbing on the slide and slowing it down during operation.  Make sure you've got a firm hold on the pistol, little guns are more sensitive to limp-wristing than larger ones.    G19 - brass to the face isn't unusual.  I don't own one but a friend's did that.  Some say it's worn mags, some say worn extractors, some say dirty gun, some say limp wristing, ... 
    1 point
  50. Being a permit holder for over 15 years, I've observed concealed carriers from time to time.  With the increasing number of permit holders in our state, (Weakley County is well over 2,200!) spotting those is becoming more frequent.   I'm not going to take a stand to OC or not OC, both have merits and disadvantages.  Won't go there, I think that dead horse has already been beaten.   But would like to point out; over the last few weeks, I've seen more and more people using OC.    Several weeks ago at a Mexican place in Dresden, a man was OC'ing while in the place, I took nothing, and observed no one else noticed.   Last week, leaving Rural King in Martin, I'm going out, someone with a crossdraw holster is walking in.    This past weekend, I take the family to a local restuarant in Dresden, Kountry Korner.  We were grabbing a bite after a political "Meet the candidates" at an Elem. School, I wasn't carrying, since I knew I would be in school grounds.  While eating, another motorcycle club pulls up, they gather around our tables.  One of the bikers was OC'ing a very nice Glock and holster.  Person at the table beside me is in a suit, but is a Weakley County Sherriff's Deputy (man is running for Sherriff) a few tables away, in a suit is the Sherriff of Weakley County.  Both notice the Open Carrier.  Either have the right to ID themselves and ask the man for his permit but neither said anything.  After lunch, the man running for Sheriff spoke to us outside and asked our vote.  I asked him if he saw the man with the gun on his belt, he said, that's common now and don't think anything about it.   Now, to my little story.  Saturday morning, I get out before sunrise for a little breakfast and fill out my truck prior to my wild turkey hunt.  I am all camo (hadn't painted my face yet) but am OC'ing a Glock 17.  Someone did take notice and just looked.  After filling up, I went into the store for a bite/drink....on the way out, the guy who was staring at my gun, went out of his way to open the door for me.  
    1 point
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