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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2016 in all areas
16 points
Well, it's finally here. Took almost a year and a half but I have my new double rifle in my hot little hands. She's a bespoke double built specifically for me by L'Atelier Verney Carron. Azur model in .450-400 Nitro Express. She handles like a dream. I can close my eyes and shoulder the rifle... when I open them the sights are perfectly aligned. The balance on this thing is unbelievable and makes this 9.6lb rifle feel much lighter than it is. Of course all this quality comes at a steep price... this is by far the most expensive weapon I've ever purchased and the only way I pulled it off is with the help of TGO. I joke that in order to afford her I had to sell every gun I own that doesn't have a name and while that's an exaggeration it's only because I don't name my handguns. So, if you've bought a gun from me in the last year and a half... thank you... you helped pay for this bad girl. Oleg Volk did a photo shoot with her and you'll find some of the photos below. These are unretouched studio shots so there are a few studio artifacts that will be removed before they are published, but I just couldn't wait to show her off. Enjoy and thanks again to everyone who helped me make this happen.11 points
Today I took a few minutes to try a few tasks with the bushcraft knife I commissioned from GT a few weeks ago. I didn't put it through brutal tasks, but did try some basic ones that I expect a knife to do if I'm going to carry it. First, the knife is made from 1095 steel that my calipers measure as 0.155 inches thick. Blade length is approximately 5 inches and OAL is about 10.5 inches. The scales are mesquite (I'm sure GT will correct me if I am wrong) and I asked him to include jimping on the top of the blade as well as the extension beyond the handle. The knife came with a nice sharp edge, but me being me, I worked on it a bit and got it where I wanted it. I started the test by cutting some paper to show the edge quality. First thing I did was take some red oak firewood I have and split a couple of pieces off using another piece of oak as a baton. The knife easily made fast work of the splitting thanks to the thickness of the blade and the flat grind. The blade took the force of the baton strikes just fine and the tip and handle were not damaged. Next, I took one of the pieces I split and did some shavings as you would do on a feather stick. The knife edge was still very sharp and I had no difficulty. I also used the edge of the spine to scrape some wood from the piece as one would do to make tinder. Next, to test the tip, I used the blade to drill a divot in the oak. This was an easy task and the tip held up without any damage. I have tested the blade spine on a ferro rod previously and it is excellent for this task. After these tasks, I wanted to see how the edge had held up and I used the same sheet of paper to test the cut. I also tried a cut on a piece of soft bread, which my dog appreciated since she got to eat the results. Needless to say, the edge was still extremely sharp and it only took a couple of swipes on my leather strop to get it back to razor sharp. If I had some natural fiber rope I would have tried that, but I'm confident the results would have been positive. I am still thrilled with this knife and look forward to many years of enjoying it in the woods on my outdoor adventures. If you've ever considered one of GT's knives, just do it already! You won't regret it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk8 points
I'm glad you gave it a workout and thanks for posting it up. :up: It's the main reason I send these out to be professionally heat treated...for durability.4 points
The pros are still performing the autopsy, but someone on TGO already knows the cause of death. Stop the presses! ELvis was a fat druggie, but I still appreciate the music and the talent. It's easy to separate the two. Great artist. R.I.P. Prince!3 points
During the hot months an ice cream truck comes down our street three or four times a week on a special run for an autistic child. Knowing the mission, it's sweet music to all the neighbors' ears.3 points
There are men left, you are just looking in the wrong place. I served side by side with many of them in the Marines Corps. They exist in all branches of the military, and still exist in the blue collar world of manual labor, both skilled and unskilled. Though the numbers dwindle, the men are still out there. As for the hero above, I had heard his story before and all I can say is that some men just refuse to die. Sent from behind the anvil3 points
I turned my phone up and played that video, within 10 seconds my 10 year old son was in my room looking for the ice cream truck!! I wish I could call turkeys that well.3 points
Just to brighten up your Friday afternoon, it's really encouraging to see a judge with some empathy. I appreciated his comments about how "sometimes they lose their way", but still recognizes their humanity: http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/concerned_about_veteran_with_ptsd_judge_orders_him_to_jail_and_serves_the_t2 points
2 points
The quantity of my admiration is only surpassed by the rigidity of my tumescence. That's one of THE most beautiful doubles I've ever seen!2 points
J frame (or LCP) + belly band = :up: As crazy as it may sound, a belly band has become my favorite method 90% of the time. I can easily conceal anything from a small 380 to a G19 in as little as gym shorts and a T-shirt. Even with jeans, my gun is independant from my pants/belt, so there is no sagging or printing. It took a little while to get used to, but I like it now. I have some really nice holsters, but they don't get as much use. I carry at about 4:00 position and low on the hips. A j frame or something like an LCP would be completly invisible in a belly band with a tux, and it would be just as accessable as if it were in an IWB holster. Plus it keeps your undershirt tucked in :) That's how I'd roll.2 points
I'll test her out on a Cape Buffalo in June. Caprivi strip in Namibia... hunting the flood plains of the Chobe River. Some really big herds there... looking for an old dagga boy. Can't wait!2 points
so i got a text message from his phone number today - said its his wife, and that brad is in the hospital, she said give her my last name and she would check if it was shipped or in pending work. i don't know if hes playing some kinda game, but i sent a certified letter demanding my property back with a box with prepaid postage, and i am calling around for an attorney around knoxville to handle a small claims case for me. I also went through my phone archive and retrieved the recording of the phone call - where he told me the what it would cost, i agreed, he told me where to send it, and gave me specific instructions. and i said okay great thanks, ill ship it out tomorrow. i am sure this recording will constitute proof of a contract. - along with a print out of my call history from at&t to legitimize it. i don't care what i have to spend a thousands, i'm gonna pin him down so he cant do this to someone else that doesn't have the resources to fight back.2 points
Great singer, song writer, overall musician, but the man was one hell of a guitar player. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SFNW5F8K9Y2 points
I know some people hate 'em...but in my experience they don't understand them and therefore wear them wrong. I'm talking about a bellyband holster. They suck as far as reholstering as they require 2 hands to do so safely. And they should be worn at, or below, the beltline...not way above it as so many interweb photos demonstrate. I am on my 3rd or 4th bellyband and wear one in nonpermissive environments daily, have for years. Just a suggestion for your consideration. Congratulations and Best wishes to your son! Here's a vid with Lenny Magill...he's quite the salesman, but at about 3:00 you can see a decent demo of correct placement. I carry appendix as well, but they work fine of strong side carry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf-59UbMOC82 points
Chelsea Clinton: Now that Scalia’s Gone We Can Enact Gun Control https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tN1BzLBmxI It's clear Clinton and Sanders will stack the Supreme Court with Anti-Constitutionalist Judicial Activists. Vote accordingly or your constitutional rights will suffer greatly.1 point
I'm more worried about the driver, driving around hours a day listening to non-stop "Pop Goes The Weasel" , you wonder when he's going to snap.1 point
GT makes truly awesome knives. If my funds ever match up with availability, I'ma gonna snatch one up!!!1 point
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I now have 3 knives from GT and will agree. They are beautifully handcrafted pieces of art that can withstand being put to use.1 point
Totally agree! I have one GT knife that is superb and another in order.1 point
I have one on order right now! Thanks for the review!1 point
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My dream caliber and rifle. There is something about a double rifle. Anytime I shoot mine at the range always have people asking about it.1 point
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Don't worry everyone, soon paper currency will be a thing of the past. Electronic currency will be the way of the future, makes it easier to track and that way you'll be able to only use your allotment. Easier for them to get ahold of it to. Heck, look at Japan and some countries in Europe, already setting limits on withdrawals. Mr. DJT has even suggest scalping a percentage of everyone's accounts to help with the country's debt. No sir, I don't like it. Reminds of the old saying, going to something or other in a hand basket..... And yes, Lincoln was a Republican, the first one in fact.1 point
That's not a rifle, that's a supreme piece of fine art! The amount of labor, dedication and excellence of craftsmanship in that rifle is priceless.1 point
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Here's a really cool video showing how they make them... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wj1k2jMYhuc1 point
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I did that 20 plus years ago. I have enough land that I don't see another home from mine and the occasional gun fire is normal. The bad news is that low bass thump travels well through the hollows and it's becoming way too frequent these days. Usually 2 Cmag dumps on full auto will shut it up for a while. :eek:1 point
I think this means your are normal. Some of us are approaching the cranky old curmudgeon stage. Would you prefer this updated Ice Cream Music? https://youtu.be/jgh10of6DKA http://<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/jgh10of6DKA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>1 point
See. I don't think it is a good thing to avoid green beans, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus just because they have some carbs. As stated, I'm focusing on quality, healthy food and keeping my calorie count under a certain amount. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
If it had to be a woman, I'm fine with Harriet Tubman. Her role in history being minor or major is a personal opinion, nothing can discount the deeds she did, and the lives she saved. I'd even argue that for a black woman in her time, her accomplishments are even more impressive considering what she had to overcome. Would you rather wait 20 years and have Hillary's face on the $20?1 point
I think they do stuff on purpose just to piss traditional conservatives off. I'm rather sick of it too.1 point
Since they want a bill with a woman on it, which would be an oddity, maybe they should create an odd numbered bill for her...........$75?? :cool:1 point
1 point
How is Hamilton not a "Founding Father", since he helped draft and signed the original Constitution? - OS1 point
Don't know anything about the weapon but the way your thread title showed up on the main page made me laugh...Need help dating and gettin..... :D1 point
I don't see why you couldn't carry. Are the tour bus folks running your carry on bags and you through metal detectors and X Ray machines? If they are not doing that, I don't see how they would know just like any other place.1 point
The term itself aside, ATF considers any purchase from FFL where a person gives you the money up front to buy it for him illegal, whether that person can legally own firearms or not. See 4473 for specific example between legal "gift" and illegal purchase for someone else. Note that this recently went all the way to SCOTUS at least regarding lying on the 4473 (the cop who bought a firearm for his brother in another state, even though it was transferred in that other state through a FFL). - OS1 point
If you could edit the dudes out it'd be a lot cooler, otherwise, I approve this video.1 point
I'm running a PSA build and I came in under $600 less sights and including two mags. This was a straight pistol build which could have been sbr'd for the same price. I have had no issue with it. I have upgraded it since the initial build with some accessories. It was a Colt pattern build.1 point
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